It’s true that there haven’t been any children’s works for a long time.

So, let’s take this opportunity to launch another one.

But, which one should be released?

This needs to be thought about.

Suddenly, Li Fan saw a tree in front of him covered with gourd vines, and the gourd vines were covered with gourds.


Li Fan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered a classic cartoon from his previous life.

Yes, why did you forget such a classic cartoon?

If he hadn't suddenly seen the gourd in front of him, Li Fan would never have remembered it.

There are actually a lot of gourds in the village. There are gourd vines in many places, and they are covered with gourds.

The gourds were not specially planted by Li Fan, but grew wild on his own.

Gourds are very popular because of their unique shape.

Therefore, Li Fan did not destroy these gourds that grew wild, and regarded them as a unique scenery in the village.

Tourists quite like to see it.

Of course, gourds can also be eaten when there are no elders, and they taste pretty good.

However, generally no one gets the gourds in the village to eat.

I decided to use that cartoon this time.

In fact, after being in this world for so long, I should have copied that cartoon a long time ago.

Wang Shi saw that Li Fan seemed to be thinking about something? I was thinking that I should be thinking about whether to help myself?

This made Wang Shi quite nervous. All his hopes now rested on Li Fan.

If Li Fan is not willing to help, this cooperation with Jinbei TV will definitely be ruined.

The scripts they had previously shown to Jinbei Satellite TV had been politely told that they would not work.

They can also understand that Jinbei Satellite TV has offered such good cooperation conditions this time and has high requirements for the quality of the works, which is what it should be.

Wang Shi was quite nervous waiting for Li Fan's answer.

And Li Fan finally spoke, "Brother Wang, I just suddenly conceived a work that should be popular. This time I will release the work I just conceived."

Wang Shi was overjoyed and a little excited after hearing this.

In this case, the cooperation with Jinbei Satellite TV is certain.

It turned out that Li Fan was silent just now and was thinking about the work in his heart.

In such a short period of time, a new work was completed.

Although Wang Shi knew that this was just a routine operation for Li Fan, he was still very emotional.

As for the new works that Li Fan came up with in such a short period of time, how is the quality?

Wang Shi didn't know, he only knew that it would definitely be another classic.

Of course, what is the work about? Wang Shi was very curious.

After expressing his gratitude repeatedly, he said: "Brother Li, what kind of work is it? What is it mainly about? Can you tell me about it? Of course.

I'm just curious, you must know that. "

Li Fan smiled, pointed to the gourd vine not far away, and said, "Brother Wang, what do you think that is?"

Wang Shi said: "Brother Li is talking about those gourds?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, those are the gourds."

Wang Shi was puzzled. He asked Li Fan what kind of work it was. Why did Li Fan ask him to read the gourd?

Is the new work related to gourds?

This... is unlikely.

Wang Shi asked: "Brother Li, you asked me to look at gourds. Is it because the work you just conceived is related to gourds?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, it is related to the gourd. Brother Wang, let me ask you, what do you think is in the gourd?"


Wang Shi was even more confused. He pointed to the gourd on the gourd vine in front of him and said, "Brother Li, is the gourd you asked about an ordinary gourd?"

Li Fan nodded.


Wang Shi was even more confused. Li Fan asked him what was in the gourd for no reason.

But he still replied, "Brother Li, the gourd should contain gourd pulp, gourd seeds, etc."

Li Fan smiled and said: "What Brother Wang said is certainly true. But in my opinion, there should be a baby in the gourd."

What? Is there a baby gestating inside the gourd?

A doll conceived by a gourd?

Calabash baby?

What...what do you mean?

Wang Shi didn't react.

But soon, he reacted. What Li Fan said must be related to the story he just conceived!

It is naturally very absurd to conceive a baby in a gourd. But if this was a fairy tale, not only would it not be ridiculous, but it would also be very interesting.

Wang Shi's eyes were bright and he was even more curious, and said, "Brother Li, what kind of story is this? Can you tell it in more detail?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "To put it simply, it is the story of a doll born from a few gourds and defeating the goblin."

Wang Shi's eyes brightened as he listened, and he seemed to be getting more and more interesting.

He wanted to ask more specifically, but held back. You must know when enough is enough.

However, another question can be asked, "Brother Li, in what form do you plan to release this work?"

Li Fandao: "Comic. This work is suitable for publishing in the form of comics. However, there is no rush to publish this. I can give you the manuscript first, and you can use it to make animations. After Jinbei Satellite TV broadcasts the animation, I will find it again The comic version will be released soon."

Wang Shi was even more delighted after hearing this and expressed his gratitude again and again.

Li Fan waved his hand, signaling to Wang Shi that you're welcome. Then let Wang Shi rest in the village today and get the work tomorrow.

Wang Shi thanked him again and looked forward to the work.

Afterwards, the two continued walking in the village.

At noon, Li Fan invited Wang Shi to have dinner in Xianyuan Building.

After dinner, Li Fan let Wang Shi do whatever he wanted in the afternoon, and then returned home to prepare to create the work.

Now that everything had been decided, he no longer hesitated.

The work he plans to launch this time is the very classic cartoon "Calabash Brothers" in his previous life.

This cartoon was launched in its previous life as early as 1986 and has a total of 13 episodes.

It's a long time ago, but it's classic enough. It is one of the representative works of the second animation boom period in the previous life.

This work first appeared in the form of a cartoon. Then there were comic version, comic version and other versions.

What Li Fan wants to launch is the comic version, and then leave it to Wang Shi's Qimu Animation to complete the animation production. It was finally broadcast by Jinbei Satellite TV.

Before that, he would not release a comic version.

It can be regarded as a kind of synchronization with the previous life.

The whole story is not long and relatively simple, but it is very interesting. Even if I watch it today, it is still a very interesting work and worth watching.

Now, it's time to come into the world.

Li Fan is looking forward to this!

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