Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2396 Locking in the ratings championship in advance?

Wang Shi was wandering alone in the village and was in a very good mood.

He decided to call Yan Yunqiu, the deputy director of Tianjin North TV.

Now, he has a lot of confidence.

Yan Yunqiu is the general person in charge of this cooperation.

Soon, Yan Yunqiu answered the phone.

"Director Wang, is there any new news about the script?"

"Hahaha! Sure enough, I can't hide it from Director Yan. Yes, there is indeed new news about the script."

"How is the script this time? Director Wang, it's not that we want to embarrass you. It's just that the few scripts you provided in the past are really a bit disappointing. This time, in order to seize the golden wave of summer cartoons, our station is indeed the next step. I have spent a lot of money. The requirements for the script are indeed relatively high. I hope Director Wang can understand."

"Don't worry, Director Yan, we can definitely understand. It's normal for you to have such high requirements this time. To be honest, we ourselves also feel that there are many unsatisfactory aspects in the previous script. Therefore, we have always been here Trying to find a better, more perfect script.”

"Thank you, Director Wang, for your understanding. What Director Wang means is that you found a better script?"

"To be more precise, I found a comic work that has not yet been released. Although I haven't seen this comic work yet, I can decide to guarantee that this time the work will be perfect. When I get the work , we will adapt it into a script as soon as possible. I will send it to Director Yan for confirmation at that time."

"Director Wang, you mean that you found a cartoonist and invited that cartoonist to create a work specifically for this time. Is that right?"

"Yes, that's true. We can get the work tomorrow."

"Okay. But Director Wang, I really want to ask, since you haven't gotten the work yet, how do you know that the work must be perfect?"

"Because...I am in Sansheng Village now."

"Three Saints Village? Could it be that...Director Wang, the cartoonist you invited is..."

On the phone, Yan Yunqiu's voice became obviously excited.

Wang Shi was in a better mood. The reason why he couldn't help but make such a call at this time was just to feel the other party's excitement through the phone.

He pretended to be understated and said: "Yes. It's just as Director Yan thought. The cartoonist we invited this time is none other than Mr. Li Fan."

"Really? Director Wang, is it really Mr. Li Fan?" Yan Yunqiu's voice was even more excited.

Wang Shi still pretended to be understated, "Of course it's true. Does Director Yan think we will fake Mr. Li Fan's name?"

"No, no, no! Director Wang has misunderstood. We absolutely believe in your company. I was just too excited just now! I couldn't help but want to confirm it again. Director Wang, please understand."

"Hahaha! Director Yan is serious. Of course I can understand. Director Yan, please don't worry. I will send you a confirmation as soon as possible after the script adaptation is completed."

"No! No need to send it to me for confirmation. Director Wang, after Mr. Li Fan's work comes out, you can just adapt the animation directly. There is no need to send us the script for confirmation. In the end, just give us the finished cartoon. .”

"Oh? Director Yan, what is this?"

"Just as Director Wang has not seen Mr. Li Fan's works,

You can directly confirm that the work must be perfect. We think so too. Mr. Li Fan's works must be perfect. We don't need confirmation at all. "

"In that case, let me tell Director Yan some good news."

"Oh? Is there any good news? Director Wang, please tell me quickly." Yan Yunqiu's voice was very urgent.

Wang Shi said: "Mr. Li Han said. His work this time will not be published immediately. Instead, he will wait until the animation is completed and broadcasted by your Jinbei Satellite TV, and then find a time to publish it."

"Seriously? Hahaha! Director Wang, don't get me wrong, I'm just too excited. This is indeed good news. Thank you Mr. Li Fan. Of course, I also want to thank Director Wang for inviting Mr. Li Fan to create works,"

"Director Yan, you're welcome. We have a cooperative relationship. Looking for good scripts is what we should do."

"Anyway, I still want to thank Director Wang. Mr. Li Fan's work is really much anticipated. By the way, Director Wang. Did Mr. Li Fan mention what kind of work he will make this time? Director Wang, I'm just curious."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan, I can completely understand. Mr. Li Fan's work this time is related to the gourd. To be precise, it is related to the doll conceived in the gourd. I don't know how specific it is."

"Gourd? Is it an ordinary gourd? The one tied to the gourd vine?"

"Yes, it's just an ordinary gourd."

"Not to mention anything else. The shape of the gourd is indeed attractive. Is there a baby gestating in the gourd? Mr. Li Fan is going to use his imagination again this time!"

"That's for sure. For Mr. Li Fan, this is a very common operation."

"That's true. I look forward to Mr. Li Fan's work."

"I'm looking forward to it too. Director Yan, it seems that we will have a happy cooperation this time. Hahaha!"

"This is for sure."


After the call with Yan Yunqiu ended, Wang Shi felt even more happy.

Yan Yunqiu, who was far away at Jinbei Satellite TV, was in the same happy mood.

The call Wang Shi just made was a huge surprise to him.

Now, everyone is still excited.

Li Fan’s work! It turned out to be Li Fan's work!

Moreover, it is also the latest work created by Li Fan.

How popular will the cartoon adapted from this work be?

Yan Yunqiu dare not make a conclusion yet. But one thing is absolutely certain.

That is, in the competition for the golden wave of summer children's animation, Jinbei Satellite TV has already locked in the ratings championship in advance at this time.

This is absolutely certain.

The more Yan Yunqiu thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He hurriedly knocked on the office door of the station director Lin Hai.

"Director, good news! Good news! Shocking good news!"

Director Lin Hai couldn't help but wonder, what could make Yan Yunqiu so excited?

Yan Yunqiu was usually very steady, but this was the first time Lin Hai saw Yan Yunqiu so excited.

He asked doubtfully: "Old Yan, what kind of good news can make you so excited."

Yan Yunqiu said: "Director, aren't we cooperating with Qimu Animation?"

Lin Hai nodded and said: "I know! I have read all the scripts they brought over. A good script must be a good script. But if you want to achieve good results in this golden wave of summer children's animation, you must It’s still a little bit worse.”

Yan Yunqiu nodded and said, "That's true!"

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