Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2397 Got the manuscript

"But..." Yan Yunqiu paused and said excitedly, "Director, now we have got an absolutely good script."

"Oh?" Lin Hai seemed to understand why Yan Yunqiu was so excited and said, "How good is it?"

Yan Yunqiu said: "It will allow us to stand out in the upcoming golden wave of summer and win the ratings championship of similar programs."

"Seriously?" Lin Hai was startled and asked quickly, "Old Yan, are you sure?"

Yan Yunqiu nodded and said, "Absolutely."

Lin Hai laughed and said, "If that's true, that's really great news. Lao Yan, where is the script? Show it to me quickly."

Yan Yunqiu said: "Director, there is no script. I have not read the script."


What is this operation?

Lin Hai was stunned and couldn't understand it at all. Without even seeing the script, why did Yan Yunqiu swear so confidently that he would win the final ratings championship?

This is incomprehensible.

However, Lin Hai also knew that since Yan Yunqiu said this, it must make sense.

Asked: "Old Yan, what is going on? How did you make this conclusion without seeing the script?"

Yan Yunqiu smiled and said: "Director, the reason is very simple. Because the script I just mentioned was written by Mr. Li Fan. It is the latest script created by Mr. Li Fan himself."

"Seriously?" This was the second time Lin Hai asked.

But this time I was even more surprised, and asked anxiously: "Old Yan, is it really the work of Mr. Li Fan? Mr. Li Fan hasn't published this kind of work for a long time, why did he do it all of a sudden?"

Yan Yunqiu said: "It was Wang Shi, the director of Qimu Animation, who personally went to Sansheng Village to ask Mr. Li Fan to take action. Mr. Li Fan agreed."

"That's it." Lin Hai laughed and said, "Yes, if the script is written by Mr. Li Fan, then you can be sure that we have locked in the ratings championship in advance without reading it. This is really a huge achievement What a surprise!”

Yan Yunqiu said: "That's true. Therefore, I asked Qimu Animation to start production as soon as they got the script. There is no need to show it to us for confirmation."

Lin Hai nodded and said: "We really don't need to take another look. Lao Yan, it seems that we really made the right bet by offering such good conditions to cooperate with Qimu Animation this time!"

Yan Yunqiu said: "That's true."

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan has completed the creation of the comic version of "Calabash Brothers".

Because he had to take the manuscript directly to Wang Shi, he did not convert the manuscript into an electronic version.

After everything was sorted out, it was still early in the day outside.

What he told Wang Shi was that he could give him the manuscript tomorrow. But in fact, Li Fan can complete it without waiting until tomorrow.

It's just that Li Fan decided to give the manuscript to Wang Shi tomorrow.

This is a comic book after all. If it were given to Wang Shi today, the speed would be shocking.

the next day,


Li Fan asked Wang Shi to have dinner at Xianyuan Building.

By the time Li Fan arrived with the manuscript, Wang Shi had been there for a while.

At this time, he was excitedly waiting for Li Fan to arrive.

Li Fan said yesterday that he would get the manuscript today, and now he was invited to dinner at noon.

Doesn't that mean that Li Fan has probably completed the manuscript and plans to hand it to him during lunch today?

Wang Shi believes that this possibility is very high.

Therefore, he waited excitedly.

Finally, Li Fan came.

Wang Shi looked at Li Fan's hands and saw something in Li Fan's right hand, which seemed to be a manuscript or document.

Wang Shi was overjoyed and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Li, what you got is the manuscript?"

Li Fan smiled, handed the thing to Wang Shi, and said, "That's right. Since I said I would give it to Brother Wang today, I naturally keep my word."

Wang Shi laughed, quickly took it with both hands, and said excitedly, "Brother Li, can I open it now and take a look?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course, Brother Wang, please do it."

Wang Shi said: "I'm sorry."

After apologizing, Wang Shi couldn't wait to open the manuscript.

The manuscript has been sorted and bound by Li Fan, making it very convenient for Wang Shi to read.

The first thing I saw was the title of the work: "Calabash Brothers"!

Wang Shi nodded. He already knew that Li Fan's work was about a doll conceived in a gourd. For such a book title, I am not surprised at all.

Then start looking at the content of the first painting.

Among the vast mountains, there are peaks towering.

There is a peak among them, which looks like a gourd when viewed from a distance.

An old man collects medicine on this gourd mountain.

The grandfather was very kind-hearted. During the process of collecting medicine, he saw a snake trying to steal the chicks, so he drove the snake away regardless of his own danger.

Then suddenly, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and strange phenomena suddenly occurred. The old man hurriedly hid in a cave.

In the cave, the old man saw a pangolin pinned down by rocks.

The kind old man rescued the pangolin.

After the pangolin thanked him, he told the grandfather a very bad news.

It is said that in this Calabash Mountain, there were originally suppressed two monsters that harmed the world, a snake spirit and a scorpion spirit.

Before these two goblins were suppressed, they did many evil things and harmed the people. Finally, a god was angered, and the god took action and suppressed the two goblins under the Calabash Mountain.

However, just now, the pangolin accidentally drilled through Calabash Mountain, and the two goblins took the opportunity to escape.

The old man was shocked after hearing this, and the two goblins escaped. Wouldn't they be causing harm to the world again?

This is indeed very bad news. The kind old grandfather was very anxious.

The pangolin told the old man not to be so anxious, saying that it could subdue the two goblins again.

The old man was overjoyed after hearing this and asked what he could do?

The pangolin said that in this cave, there is a treasure that can suppress demons, the precious gourd seeds.

If you can take out the precious gourd seeds and plant the gourds, the gourd brothers born from the gourds can eliminate the goblins again.

The old man was overjoyed after hearing this. He and the pangolin found the precious gourd seeds in the cave.

And, he took the precious gourd seeds out of the cave.

Here, the first painting ends.

Wang Shi looked down bit by bit, and the more he looked, the more he felt emotional. It was indeed Li Fan's work, and the quality was quite high.

The story was so compelling that even he was attracted.

Now that he has finished reading the first painting, he really can't help but want to continue reading the second painting.

So, how attractive will it be for kids? You can imagine.

Wang Shi was emotional and excited!

He wanted to continue looking at the second painting, but he held back in the end.

Li Fan is here, it's impossible to wait for him to watch slowly, isn't it?

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