Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2404 Toy City

Walked out of the room and went downstairs again.

Li Fan asked a group of naughty children to wait a little longer, and the naughty children agreed repeatedly.

Then, Li Fan walked out of the yard again and arrived at his third uncle's yard.

Third uncle and third wife are already up. What are you doing in the yard?

After saying hello, Li Fan arrived outside the little girl's room. Knocking on the door made the little girl get up.

After waiting for a while, I heard the little girl's drowsy voice.

After waiting for a while, the little girl got dressed, opened the door for Li Fan, and then muttered: "Brother, why are you leaving so early? Can't you sleep a little longer?"

Li Fan said: "It's okay, it's not too early. After you clean up, you can come to my place. Do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand." The little girl muttered.

Li Fan smiled, walked out of his third uncle's house, and returned to his own home. Su Qing has already gotten up and is taking a shower.

After washing up, the little girl also came over. He looked sleepy just now, but now he is quite excited.

The little girl is also looking forward to today's trip to the provincial capital.

Then, we officially set off.

Of course, first go to Xianyuan Building at the entrance of the village to have breakfast. No one has eaten. It would be difficult to cook at home because there are too many people.

Therefore, Li Fan decided to have breakfast at Xianyuan Building.

After breakfast, we arrived at the parking lot again. Li Fan specially customized several vehicles for the farm for use in the farm, which can meet various needs.

Li Fan decided to drive a car to the provincial capital.

He actually doesn't like driving very much. If he and Su Qing were alone, he would choose to take a bus to the provincial capital.

But now with more than a dozen children, it is not convenient to take the bus. Then you can only drive yourself.

There is a master who is responsible for driving in the farm, but if Li Fan needs to drive, he drives it himself.

"Get in the car." Li Fan said to the naughty children.

The naughty children cheered and got on the bus one after another. It was a customized bus similar to a minibus, with a capacity of 20 people, which could meet the needs of this time.

After all the naughty kids got on the bus, we officially set off.

Along the way, the naughty children kept cheering and were looking forward to it.

Two hours later, we arrived at the provincial capital Toy City. After finding a parking space and parking the car, Li Fan and Su Qing walked into the toy city with the naughty children.

As soon as you enter the toy store, you can see a wide variety of toys.

The naughty children were even more excited and started picking out toys.

This is quite difficult for them. Because there are too many toys and they want too many toys.

Moreover, Li Fan said, no matter what the price, buy it.

That makes the choice even harder.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can choose slowly."

"Okay!" The naughty children agreed in unison.

The little girl didn't choose a toy.

She is no longer interested in the toys, she just plays with them.

Of course, if you see something you like, you have to buy it.

Li Fan was also looking at the various toys displayed by the merchants. There were all kinds of toys, except Transformers.

It is indeed a bit regrettable!

At this time, two children, Dongzi and Xiaotao, were choosing toys in a store selling car toys.

The two children each fell in love with an electric car and were looking around excitedly.

The more I looked at it, the more I liked it, and I decided I wanted this electric car.

Dongzi said: "Xiao Tao, I have decided that I want this. What about you?"

Xiao Tao said: "I have decided, I want this too. He looks so handsome and domineering!"

Dongzi said: "Then let's ask how much it is? Then we can tell Brother Fan."

Xiao Tao said: "Okay."

"Two children, do you want to ask about the price?" A nearby staff member walked over and asked after hearing the conversation between Dongzi and Xiaotao.

Dongzi pointed to the electric car he was interested in and said, "Yes, sister, how much does this cost?"

The clerk was a girl in her 20s. She smiled and said, "Kid, this is a bit expensive. It costs more than 28,000."

"What? More than 28,000 yuan?" Dongzi and Xiaotao were both shocked. They thought it was only one or two thousand yuan.

Why is it so expensive?

Although Li Fan said, you can buy it at any price. But if it's too expensive, they'll still be embarrassed.

"What about this one?" Xiao Tao asked, pointing to the electric car he was interested in.

The girl from the store said: "This one is about the same, costing more than 27,000 yuan. Kids, these two cars are a bit expensive, they are the most expensive cars in our store. There are cheaper ones over there, costing several thousand yuan. Yes. You can also go and have a look, it’s still very good. By the way, where are your adults? We won’t sell it until your adults come.”

The cheapest one costs several thousand yuan? That’s also very expensive! The two little guys knew that they had entered the wrong store.

Looking at each other, Dongzi said: "Then let's come back later."

After saying that, the two little guys ran out.

After the two little guys ran out, another shop assistant girl came over and said: "The two kids have a good eye and know how to come to our store to choose electric cars. It's just a pity, judging from their appearance, they probably don't know how to do it at home." Too rich. Their parents should be reluctant to buy them such expensive electric cars."

The previous store clerk said: "The electric cars we have here are indeed expensive, and most parents would be reluctant to part with them. The two children just now really like these two cars, but it is a pity that their parents will not buy them, and the business will not be successful." ”

"There is nothing we can do about it. Let's wait until new customers come into the store."

The two shop assistants were discussing here. In their opinion, the two little guys would definitely not come back again.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and the little girl were walking around slowly, and they happened to see two naughty kids, Dongzi and Xiaotao, running out of a store.

Li Fan walked over and said, "Dongzi, Xiaotao, what are you two little guys doing running so fast? Did you find the toy you wanted?"

The two little guys looked at each other and hesitated.

"you say."

"you say."

Both little guys wanted to talk to each other.

"What's wrong?" Li Fan looked at Dongzi and said, "Dongzi, tell me."

Dongzi then told them that they were interested in an electric car, but the price was too expensive.

"So that's it." Li Fan smiled, "How expensive is it?"

Dongzi told the price.

Li Fan nodded and said: "It is indeed a bit expensive. If it were normal times, I would definitely not buy you such an expensive electric car. However, today is an exception. And, didn't I say it? Any price Okay. So, I can buy it for you. However, you can’t ask your family to buy such expensive toys in the future.”

The two little guys know that the price is very expensive, which shows that they have a good idea.

Then, Li Fan believed that they would not ask their families to buy such expensive toys in the future.

In this case, Li Fan was naturally willing to buy it for the two little guys.

This is very important.

After hearing this, Dongzi and Xiaotao became extremely excited and said at the same time: "Brother Fan, can we really buy it?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course, let's go in now."

"Thank you, Brother Fan. We know that we will never let our families buy such expensive toys in the future." Both Dongzi and Xiaotao said so.

Li Fan nodded and said: "Very good! Let's go in then."

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