Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2405 Preparing to launch the

The two previous clerks were a little surprised when they saw the two little guys who had just ran out and walked in again.

Then he was even more surprised when he saw Li Fan and Su Qing walking in behind them.

The two young people don't look like the parents of the two little guys. They should be brothers and sisters, right?

What are you doing here? Buy the electric toy car that the two little guys just fell in love with? This is unlikely, right?

I thought it was impossible, but one of the store clerks said very politely, "Welcome!"

Li Fan nodded slightly in response.

Dongzi and Xiaotao, two naughty children, ran directly to the electric toy car they had just spotted, pointed to the one they wanted, and said, "Brother Fan, this is it."

Li Fan nodded and said, "It looks pretty good. Let's take them."

Then, he said to the clerk who had already walked over: "Excuse me, we bought these two electric toy cars."

"Ah~~" The clerk who came over was stunned, "Did you buy it?"

After being stunned, he thought again, could it be that the two little guys didn't tell him the price?

Then, the clerk said tentatively: "But sir, the price of these two electric toy cars..."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I know, it doesn't matter. The two little guys like it, so buy it for them."

"Ah~oh, okay, sir, please wait a moment, wait a moment." The clerk was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly became very excited and actually wanted to buy it.

Moreover, I bought two cars at once, which is definitely a big order!

It turned out that he was a rich young man.

The store clerk was surprised and excited, and quickly contacted the warehouse staff to deliver two identical electric toy cars.

After a lot of fuss, Li Fan swiped his card to pay the bill.

After seeing that the payment was successful, the clerk could not believe that he was so lucky today. He was really excited.

After that, Li Fan, Su Qing took the little girl, and the two little guys Dongzi and Xiao Tao left.

The electric toy car is temporarily placed here, and we will find someone to help move it to the car later.

The other naughty children had almost chosen the toys they wanted at this time, and Li Fan paid the bills one by one.

After that, a worker was found to use a small trailer to move all the children's toys into the car.

After that, Li Fan drove back.

Every naughty child was very excited. They all bought the toys they wanted most.

Along the way, there were always excited discussions but no one listened.

When we returned to the village, it was almost 5 pm.

After the naughty children thanked Li Fan repeatedly, they took their toys and went to play with the new toys together.

The little girl also followed to watch the fun.

Li Fan and Su Qing returned home.

Then, Li Fan began to think about "Transformers" and he planned to bring "Transformers" to this world.

But "Transformers" is an extremely large and successful business chain, covering products in animation, comics, toys, movies and other fields.

It is one of the most successful images in the previous life and can be called a legend.

It is not easy to bring such a complex industrial chain into the world. It is very tricky. Where do we start?

This is an issue that needs careful consideration.

In the previous life, the idea of ​​"transformable robots" first appeared.

This idea was first proposed in 1983 by an island country toy company called "TAKARA".

Based on this idea, they launched two transformable robot toys called DIACLONE and MICROMAN.

These two toys have received unprecedented praise in the American market, and their sales are also amazing. These two robot toys are the predecessors of Transformers.

However, in terms of setting, these two robots are still mechas controlled by humans. They are still just tools for fighting and do not have souls and lives of their own.

Therefore, they are essentially different from later Transformers.

In 1984, the American company “Hasbro” reached a cooperation agreement with the island country’s “TAKARA” company, allowing them to use their patents and images to develop American versions of transforming toys.

Then, in order to cooperate with the sales of toys, "Hasbro" cooperated with the American comic giant "Marvel" to develop comic products related to the new robot series.

Then, in the process of producing comics, "Marvel" company gave those transforming robots their own souls and lives for the first time.

The real Transformers were born.

It can be said that this move by "Marvel" company has epoch-making significance and is the beginning of the Transformers legend.

Later, in order to promote transforming toys through various channels, Hasbro produced a three-episode commercial cartoon for these robots.

The comic works of the "Marvel" company are also sold together with the cartoons.

Both cartoons and comics use the same setting, that is, robots are divided into righteous Autobots and evil Decepticons.

However, although the settings of cartoons and comics are the same, the story content is different.

After that, the three episodes of the cartoon became a huge success once they were aired.

Both cartoons and toys have been widely praised and welcomed, and "Hasbro" company has taken advantage of the situation to continue to produce more cartoons.

In this way, the Transformers legend, which has always been at the top since its birth, began.

This is the simple process of the birth of Transformers. You can see that Transformers started as toys, and then in order to better sell toys, cartoons and comics were launched.

Li Fan wondered in his mind, should he also follow this step?

Of course you can follow the steps. In that case, you have to first find a toy company to cooperate with, or set up a toy company yourself.

Start your own toy company? Of course this is possible. For Li Fan now, it's just a matter of minutes.

The key is to see if Li Fan is interested?

He seemed a little interested.

Then, you don’t have to follow the steps of the previous life. You can directly launch comics and cartoons first.

Then, those toy companies came to visit me like crazy.

How to do it?

Li Fan was thinking about this problem when Li Ru suddenly called, "Brother Fan, where are you now? A guest wants to visit you."

"At home. Who is the guest?"

"The general manager of Aoki Toy Company, Mr. Liu Mingyuan."

toy company? What a coincidence, right?

However, I have never heard of Aoki Toy Company. It is probably not a big toy company.

Of course, for Li Fan, it doesn't matter whether the company is large or small.

In this case, Li Fan was interested to see what happened to the general manager of Aoki Toy Company?

"Xiaoru, please ask someone to bring him over."

"Okay, Brother Fan."

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