Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2408 will attract the attention of the whole world

In the conference room, all employees were very excited.

Because in this way, they are equivalent to working under Li Fan's hands. This is something that a lot of people really want.

Because Li Fan works with a low hand, has high income and good benefits. After telling people about it, he will be very envious.

This is definitely a big surprise.

Also, Liu Mingyuan just said that the reason why Li Fan wanted to acquire a toy company was because he wanted to launch a brand new toy.

So, what is certain is that the toy Li Fan wants to launch must be extraordinary. Once launched, it will definitely cause a shock in the entire toy market.

Everyone absolutely believes this. Because he is Li Fan, anything he launches will definitely attract worldwide attention.

So, what kind of toy is it? That’s so curious and exciting! It’s so exciting!

Someone asked impatiently: "Mr. Liu, has Mr. Li Fan said what kind of toy he is going to launch?"

Liu Mingyuan said: "That's not true. However, Mr. Li Fan said that he will launch not only toys, but also cartoons and comics. He is likely to launch these three at the same time. Moreover, there should be more in the future There will be movies, games and stuff like that.”

Toy? cartoon? comics? Movie? game? Still waiting?

What is this operation?

Everyone was shocked. No one could understand what the operation was? But one thing seems certain, that is, when it is launched, its influence will be very large.

And these people are very likely to be participants.

This makes them even more excited and excited!

After a while, someone said again: "By the way, Mr. Liu, does it need to be announced to the outside world that our company was acquired by Mr. Li Fan?"

Liu Mingyuan said: "Of course it must be announced. Once this is announced, our Aoki Toys will soon become the focus of the entire Internet and become a star company. After I formally sign the acquisition contract with Mr. Li Fan, I will immediately announce this to the outside world." something.”

"Okay, Mr. Liu."

Next, Liu Mingyuan began to prepare various materials. After everything was prepared, he went to Sansheng Village again and formally signed an acquisition contract with Li Fan.

From then on, Aoki Toy Company was officially owned by Li Fan.

Of course, Liu Mingyuan is still the general manager of the company, managing and operating the entire company for Li Fan.

Li Fan would not ask in person.

Afterwards, Aoki Toys Company officially issued an announcement informing them of the company’s formal acquisition by Li Fan.

Aoki Toy Company has little influence in the outside world, and the announcement they issued would have caused almost no disturbance to the outside world.

However, if the announcement is related to Li Fan, it will be completely different.

It will definitely spread throughout the Internet in a short time and become the absolute focus on the Internet. The media are rushing to report it and netizens are discussing it with great interest.

And this time, it can be said to be a major event related to Li Fan. Velocity travels faster and causes greater vibrations.

Therefore, within a short period of time, a piece of news completely detonated the entire network.

Li Fan officially acquired Aoki Toy Company!

Aoki Toy Company is not the focus, the focus is that Li Fan acquired a toy company.

Damn it! What's happening here?

What is Li Fan's purpose in acquiring the toy company? Is it because of a chance encounter that the Aoki Toy Company cannot continue to operate, and I want to help? Or is Li Fan going to get involved in the toy field?

Li Fan's intention is most likely one of these two situations.

If it is the first type, the impact will be slightly smaller. After all, this was just Li Fan's help.

If it is the second type, the influence will be very large. Li Fan's involvement in a new field will attract a lot of attention not only domestically, but also internationally.

You know, Li Fan's international influence is now very, very large.

So, which situation is it?

The media rushed to report, and then speculated and analyzed. Countless netizens are also making cooperative guesses and analyses.

Then, the most intense reaction and the greatest impact are naturally in the field of toys.

All toy companies, whether they are large or small, are all confused at this time. Is this situation too sudden? Being in the toy field, they had not heard any rumors before.

After being stunned, everyone immediately held an emergency meeting to discuss Li Han's intention to acquire the toy company, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

No matter what Li Fan's intentions are, it will definitely have a very big impact on them.

There was no way, that was Li Fan, any action or decision would have an impact on them.

If Li Fan wants to monopolize the entire toy industry. That's not a difficult thing.

Of course, everyone believes that Li Fan would not do this. Li Fan is a legendary figure whose net worth is too high to be calculated. How could he come to take advantage of their toy industry?

So, what is Li Fan’s intention? Toy companies still feel very stressed.

Then, the company bosses who knew Aoki Toys Liu Mingyuan called Liu Mingyuan one after another and asked what was going on?

Liu Mingyuan did not hide anything and told the truth truthfully.

Then, after thinking for a while, and with Li Fan's consent, he made another announcement to the outside world.

The announcement this time stated that the reason why Li Fan acquired their Aoki Toys was to launch a brand new toy.

This news spread throughout the entire network in a shorter period of time.

The answer to Li Fan's intention to acquire a toy company is exactly the second scenario that everyone just guessed. Li Fan is going to get involved in the toy field.

Li Fan has entered a new field that he has not been involved in before. This is really big news!

Suddenly, many media outlets became excited and excited, and various reports were overwhelming.

"Super big news! Mr. Li Fan is preparing to enter the toy field! He will launch a brand new toy. This toy will attract the attention of the world! Let's wait and see!"

"Mr. Li Fan officially acquired Aoki Toy Company and will launch a brand new toy! There is no doubt that this is good news for countless children! Mr. Li Fan's toys are destined to be extraordinary!"

"Good news for children all over the world! Mr. Li Fan will launch toy products!"


Various reports are overwhelming, and netizens are also very excited and excited.

Although Li Fan is launching a toy product this time, it seems to have nothing to do with them.

But they were still very excited and excited. Although they don't play with the toys anymore, they can see what kind of toys they are!

The toys Li Fan introduced must be extraordinary. Just because they don't play with them doesn't mean they can't understand them.

Therefore, they can also look forward to it.

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