Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2409 Because they are the same work

Sansheng Village.

Regarding Li Fan's plans to launch toys, there have been various discussions and speculations from the outside world. Li Fan is not idle either, he is preparing the "Transformers" comic.

Whether it is toys or cartoons, they can all be based on comics.

Moreover, Li Fan only needs to draw the comics himself. The toys and cartoons can then be handed over to others.

Therefore, Li Fan plans to draw the comics first.

Now that he has decided to launch the "Transformers" series, he no longer hesitates.

Although the story of "Transformers" is very long and has many various settings, the entire story can be summed up very simply in one sentence.

That is the various wars between the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, and the Decepticons, led by Megatron.

The origin of the entire story begins with a planet called "Cybertron".

What Li Han is drawing now is the very beginning story of "Transformers".

In the boundless universe, there is a very special planet called Cybertron.

On the planet Cybertron, there is a kind of intelligent metal life form.

These metallic life forms are divided into two categories, Autobots and Decepticons.

The Decepticons are evil, cruel, and ambitious. In order to gain supremacy, they decided to eliminate the peaceful Autobots.

Thus, a war between good and evil began on the planet Cybertron.

The Decepticons and Autobots each have their own leaders.

The leader of the Decepticons is called Megatron, and the leader of the Autobots is called Optimus Prime.

The war between the two sides lasted for millions of years and consumed all energy on the planet Cybertron.

In order to find new energy, Optimus Prime led the Autobots to leave the planet Cybertron and go into the universe.

After Megatron got the news, he immediately led the Decepticons in pursuit.

Then, the spaceships on which both parties were traveling had accidents in the universe, and they both fell to a strange planet.

This strange planet is the earth.

After crashing to Earth, the Autobots and Decepticons were both unconscious.

It was not until 4 million years later that a volcanic eruption accidentally caused the spacecraft of both sides to resume operation, and both the Decepticons and Autobots were resurrected.

Then, the war between the Decepticons and the Autobots moved from the planet Cybertron to the earth.

The two sides continue to fight on earth.

The above is the beginning of the story of "Transformers".

Now, Li Fan has finished painting this part. Looking at it myself, I looked very satisfied.

Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron and other famous robots in previous lives have finally officially arrived in this world.

The glory of "Transformers" belonging to this world is about to begin, and Li Fan is looking forward to it very much.

Su Qing walked in, saw Li Fan's completed manuscript document, and said, "Is this a new work? What is this? A robot?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "It is indeed a robot.

However, this is no ordinary robot, but a robot that can transform into a car or a flying tool. "

Su Qing's eyes lit up and she said, "A robot that can transform? It seems interesting. What's the name of the work?"

Li Fandao: ""Transformers"."

"Transformers?" Su Qing nodded and said, "It sounds very extraordinary."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's natural."

After that, Su Qing walked out and stopped disturbing Li Fan's creation.

Li Fan continued to create, and he planned to draw a small part first as the first season.

Let's end it when Optimus Prime leads all the Autobots and engage in the final battle with Megatron.

After that decisive battle. Optimus Prime was seriously injured and died in the battle, and Megatron was also seriously injured.

After being seriously injured, Megatron was rescued by Sound Wave and brought back to the train, but was thrown out of the train by Starscream, who wanted to be the boss of the Decepticons.

In this way, Megatron was floating in the vast space.

Then, a voice woke Megatron. This voice is Unicron.

After Unicron awakened Megatron, he strengthened and transformed Megatron into a more powerful Galvatron.

Li Fan decided to end the first season here. This can leave a lot of suspense later on and make people look forward to the second season!

Then he started making cartoons and toys. After they were all produced, the three were launched simultaneously, opening up the market in one fell swoop and ushering in the glorious era of "Transformers".

As for the production of cartoons, Li Fan decided to leave it to Qimu Animation.

Many of Li Fan's animation works were produced by Qimu Animation. He is very relieved about Qimu Animation.

Moreover, he and Wang Shi, the director of Qimu Animation, are also very familiar old friends.

Li Fan has made an appointment with Wang Shi to meet in the village.

On the phone, after Wang Shi learned that Li Fan was interested in cooperating with him on a brand new cartoon, he immediately expressed his excitement and immediately set off to Sansheng Village for detailed discussions.

Li Fan’s new cartoon! Wang Shi couldn't help but feel excited at the thought.

He actually had other things on his hands, but he pushed them away.

Now, heading to Sansheng Village is the most important thing.

However, Wang Shi, who was rushing to Sansheng Village at this time, was a little confused, "Didn't Li Fan just acquire a toy company and plan to launch a brand new toy? Why is he launching a new cartoon?" Already?"

Will we also launch toy works this time? Are you going to launch another animation work?

When did Li Fan become so diligent?

Wang Shi was confused. However, no matter how confused I was, it couldn't compare to the excitement in my heart.

Sansheng Village, he is here again.

Li Fan was still working in the study when his cell phone rang. It was Wang Shi calling.

"Brother Li, where are you? I've arrived outside your yard." Wang Shi said on the phone.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Brother Wang came very quickly! I'm at home, wait a moment, I'll be down soon."

After that, Li Fan stopped what he was doing, walked out of the study, went to the balcony and looked down, and sure enough he saw Wang Shi had arrived outside the gate.

"Brother Wang, come in!" After Li Fan shouted, he turned and walked downstairs.

Wang Shi laughed, said "Okay", and then walked into the yard.

The two shook hands in the yard, and because they were familiar enough, they didn't exchange much greetings.

Wang Shi said directly: "Brother Li Fan, what kind of cartoon are you going to launch this time? Tell me quickly. I have been thinking about this issue along the way."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Brother Wang, shouldn't you be wondering why I want to launch an animation work when I just acquired a toy company and want to launch a toy?"

Wang Shi nodded and said: "Of course this is indeed very confusing. So, why is this?"

Li Han said: "Because they are the same kind of work."

The same work? Are cartoons and toys the same kind of work?

How should this be understood?

Wang Shi was still confused.

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