Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2411 The whole world is paying attention

A few days later.

The first comic manuscript of "Transformers" is completed.

Li Fan immediately sent the manuscript to Wang Shi's email address.

After Wang Shi received Li Han's manuscript, he immediately launched the "Transformers" animation project and began to produce cartoons.

He had a very strong premonition that this cartoon would become the most influential cartoon in the history of Qimu Animation.

This made him more motivated than ever before, and he felt like he hadn't had such passion for a long time.

The production of cartoons has already started at Qimu Animation, and the toys will naturally be officially put on the agenda.

Li Fan personally went to Qingmu Toy Company in Funan Provincial City.

General Manager Liu Mingyuan led all employees of the company to welcome him.

Every employee was excited and excited as never before. They finally met the legendary Li Fan.

Li Fan smiled, greeted everyone in the company, and then asked Liu Mingyuan to hold an all-staff meeting. He wanted to formally introduce the new toys he was going to launch this time.

Finally want to know what kind of toy it is?

Liu Mingyuan was as excited and looking forward to it as the other employees. All employees of the company are here, and all-employee meetings can be held in another location.

In the large conference room.

All employees were present, and Li Fan officially announced the name of the toy: Transformers!


All the employees were talking in low voices. For this name, they seem to be able to understand its meaning, but they don't seem to understand it.

Li Fan said: "The so-called Transformers, simply put, are robots that can transform."

Now I understand. So, what is the specific situation?

Li Fan did not start a detailed introduction immediately, but started playing the first part of the comic "Transformers" through the projector.

After everyone has finished reading the comic, he will probably not need any specific introduction.

All the employees looked at the projection screen with wide eyes. They were completely attracted from the beginning.

Then, the more I watched, the more excited I became. They already have a strong premonition that the Transformers toys they are about to start producing will become popular all over the country at an extremely fast speed.

Its sales volume cannot be estimated now, but it will definitely be amazing.

And this has a premise, that is, they need to produce enough Transformers toy products.

If they can only produce 100,000 products in a year, the maximum sales volume in that year will be 100,000 units. No matter how big the market is, it is useless.

The current scale of Aoki Toy Company is obviously far from being able to meet the demand.

Therefore, the top priority now is to expand the company's scale.

This matter was naturally left to Liu Mingyuan.

Li Fan asked Liu Mingyuan to develop Qingmu Toys into the largest toy company in the country within a month.

All the equipment that needs to be purchased, buy the best.

The treatment of employees is directly mentioned as the highest in the industry.

What is most needed to scale a company?

Of course it's money.

Now, Li Fan directly authorizes Liu Mingyuan to use his money as he pleases, and he can buy the best for everything.

Of course, public funds cannot be misused or misappropriated.

Li Fan knew that Liu Mingyuan didn't know how to do it, and he didn't dare to misuse or embezzle public funds.

Therefore, it was authorized directly.

Liu Mingyuan agreed repeatedly in excitement, and he finally felt like he could never use up the money no matter how he spent it.

He would not save the money that should be used for Li Fan, because it was meaningless.

In the entire toy product field, everyone including the outside world is watching the progress of Aoki Toys.

Li Fan is about to launch a brand new toy, which is a matter of great concern to all walks of life.

What exactly is the new toy? Li Fan has not yet disclosed it to the outside world.

So, if you keep an eye on the movements of Aoki toys, you may be able to find some clues.

And Aoki Toys did make news soon.

Moreover, this movement is very big.

It began to purchase the most advanced equipment on a large scale, and also began to recruit a large number of people. The salary was directly at the top of the industry, making people in countless industries ready to move and excited.

The outside world is full of emotions about this. It is indeed Li Fan's work, but it is not short of money.

Other major companies in the toy field are envious and helpless. If Aoki Toys does this, it may easily become the largest company in the toy field.

However, major toy companies felt relieved again when they thought that the current boss of Aoki Toys was Li Fan.

Li Fan's toy company should be the largest company in the industry.

And this illustrates another problem, that is, Li Fan launches a new toy this time, and the picture is not small!

Otherwise, why would the company scale be upgraded on such a large scale?

Upgrading the company's scale must be to increase the production of toys, not.

So it is obvious that Li Fan is preparing to mass-produce his brand-new toys this time. How can the size be small?

So, what exactly is the new toy? It should be announced to the outside world now, right?

Countless people from all walks of life are very concerned about this.

Li Fan finally officially announced the answer to the outside world:


Then, just when everyone was thinking about what kind of toy Transformers should be, Li Fan announced another news.

This news surprised everyone and was secretly frightened.

In this news, Li Fan said that what he will launch this time is not just toys, but also comics and cartoons.

All three will be launched simultaneously.

Everyone was surprised and shocked by this. Toys, cartoons, and comics were launched at the same time. This was the first time Li Fan had ever done this.

What does this mean? It means that Li Fan attaches greater importance to this product called "Transformers" than they previously thought.

What kind of product can Li Fan pay so much attention to?

This issue instantly became the focus of most attention on the entire Internet, with countless people discussing it and major media reporting on it.

Not only domestic media, but also media from many countries around the world have also reported a lot.

For example, the American media reported this:

"Chinese legend Li Fan has released a new work: "Transformers"! It is not only a toy, but also a cartoon and a comic! This is the first time that Li Fan has launched the same product in three forms at the same time!"

"Li Fan is called the Exalted Immortal. What kind of results will his new work "Transformers" achieve this time? Let's wait and see!"

The island media reported this:

"Li Fan, the father of comics, has released a new comic work "Transformers". Li Fan's "Detective Conan" is still being serialized. This is the first time that Li Fan has serialized two comic works at the same time."

"'Transformers' should be a children's comic book. Because it is also a cartoon and a toy."


In addition, media from dozens of countries have reported on it.

"Transformers" can be said to be a product that the whole world is paying attention to.

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