Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2412 Competing for premiere rights through fishing competitions

The whole world is paying attention, and the animation and toys of "Transformers" are in full swing.

After both are made, the toy goes directly to the market. The animation will be broadcast on TV stations.

So, there is a question here, which satellite TV will Li Fan choose to premiere?

The audience was just a little curious about this. They don't care which TV station it will premiere on.

Anyway, no matter where the TV premieres, they all watch it the same way.

For major TV stations, if they can win the first broadcast rights, the benefits they can get will undoubtedly be huge.

Therefore, major TV stations are very eager for the right to premiere the "Transformers" animation.

In order to get the right to premiere, the top executives of major TV stations set out one after another to Sansheng Village.

Even CCTV Children's Channel is very interested in "Transformers" and hopes to get the right to premiere it.

Lin Xuedong, director of the children's channel, rushed to Sansheng Village in person.

When the other major TV stations heard that CCTV had also joined the competition, they all felt very sorry.

They may not be able to compete with CCTV!

However, not necessarily.

Because, Li Fan will not directly give the right to premiere to the other party just because the other party is CCTV.

Fair play for all. It's just that CCTV's resources are indeed the best. Even if it were a fair competition, they probably wouldn't be able to compete.

However, you have to fight even if you can’t fight. Who knows who will win until the end?

All major TV stations think so. Especially the four major TV stations, this time they really have to give CCTV a good competition.

Senior executives from various major TV stations, including Lin Xuedong, director of CCTV Children's Channel, gathered in Sansheng Village.

Li Fan received the leaders in the village.

Which satellite TV station does the cartoon premiere on? Li Fan actually didn't care. Anyway, no matter which satellite TV it premieres on, the effect is the same.

He does not need the resources of the TV station to help promote it.

So, with so many satellite TV stations wanting to premiere the show, which one should you choose?

Generally speaking, you can let each David watch the bidding, and the one with the highest price will win.

However, Li Fan didn't plan to do this, there was no need.

Because even if a TV station offers a sky-high price, it doesn't make sense to him.

Li Fan thought for a while and said: "Let's have a competition. Let's compete fairly. The first place will win the right to premiere the "Transformers" animation. What do you think?"

Have a competition?

The people in charge of each major TV station were slightly startled. This was something they had not expected.

But soon, the people in charge were all impressed, especially those at the bottom of the satellite TV rankings.

The game is good, no matter what kind of game it is, the chances are the same.

What they were most worried about before was bidding, so they would definitely give up.

CCTV and the four major TV stations are here, and they are still bidding nonsense! Financial resources are simply not on the same level.

Now, let’s have a game and let everyone compete fairly.

The person in charge of the lower ranking satellite TV station was the first to express their opinion, "Mr. Li Fan, there is no problem at all. Everything will be arranged by Mr. Li Fan."

Then, the four major TV stations and CCTV also said there was no problem at all.

That's fine, but if it's a bidding war, they're not sure they can compete with each other.

Moreover, even if you successfully win the premiere rights, you will still have to pay a very high price.

It doesn't matter if it's a competition. Although there are more competitors, everyone has the same chance.

The responsible persons also knew why Li Fan did not pass the bidding method. Because the highest price they can afford has no meaning to Li Fan.

So, what kind of game is the key?

Li Fan smiled and said: "Let's have a casual competition. Does everyone like fishing?"


Lin Xuedong, the person in charge of CCTV, smiled and said: "It's not bad. Is the competition that Mr. Li Fan is talking about fishing?"

The heads of other major TV stations also said that fishing is also one of their hobbies.

Li Fan nodded and said: "That's good. Director Lin is right. Our competition this time is fishing. Each TV station has a fishing rod, and one person can fish alone, or multiple people can take turns fishing. Then within the specified time, Whichever TV station catches the heaviest fish will be the champion. It doesn’t matter what kind of fish it is, but only the total weight is calculated. "

The rules are simple. A TV station has a fishing rod, and anyone can fish. Then within the specified time, compare the total weight of the fish caught.

Fair and equitable indeed. All major TV stations expressed no objection.

But one person in charge said: "Mr. Li Fan, since anyone can fish, can I send someone else from our TV station to participate in the competition?"

"Oh?" Li Fan said with a smile, "Does your TV station have a fishing expert?"

The person in charge also smiled and said: "I dare not say it as an expert, but you are indeed better at fishing than me."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course this is also possible."

Everyone else watched and listened. Are you looking for a fishing expert?

No, they also need to find fishing experts. I have long heard that the fish in Sansheng Village are very difficult to catch, so it would be better to find a fishing expert to be more sure.

As a result, other major TV stations also said that they would also send fishing experts from the TV stations to participate in the competition.

So, if this happens, the game cannot start immediately.

Li Fan thought for a while and said: "Well, let's do this. The competition will be held in two days. The specific competition time is from nine o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the afternoon. What do you think?"

The person in charge of each major TV station said there was no problem.

Then, they all immediately sent an announcement to their TV stations.

They all mean the same thing, who is good at fishing? Immediately hand over the work in hand, and then rush to Sansheng Village to participate in the fishing competition. Anyone who is good at fishing will come, and everyone will take turns at that time.

After understanding the cause and effect of the incident, people from various TV stations sent fishing experts from the TV stations to Sansheng Village.

The major fishing experts were all inexplicably excited. They had never thought that they would participate in such a competition.

This is so interesting.

However, the pressure is also great. Because the competition this time is destined to be very fierce.

Dozens of TV stations compete for a spot, it's so cruel.

Fishing experts from major TV stations were on their way to Sansheng Village. Related matters have already been posted on the Internet.

Countless netizens were instantly happy, this is so interesting.

For the first time in history, dozens of TV stations will compete in a fishing contest for the right to premiere a cartoon.

It’s so much fun!

Only Li Fan's cartoon works can have such an influence.

Countless netizens sighed with emotion.

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