Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2414 It’s hard to open a business

The draw will begin soon.

Major online live broadcast platforms have also officially chosen to start live broadcasts.

The live footage finally appeared in front of countless netizens who had been waiting eagerly through the live broadcast lens.

Netizens laughed loudly and the live broadcast finally started.

The Internet instantly became more lively.

"Haha! The scene is indeed packed with people. Those on the outside can't see what's going on inside at all! They probably can only watch the live broadcast on their mobile phones like us."

"Indeed. However, the feeling and atmosphere at the scene are still different after all. It is still very enviable."

"The drawing of lots is about to begin. Fishing is very particular about the position. Once the lot is drawn, there will no doubt be a certain advantage."

"Then it depends on the luck of the major TV stations. Luck has always been part of the game."

"Damn it! Why do you feel a little nervous for no reason? I hope we at Xiangnan Satellite TV can get a good position."

"Actually, we can't tell which position is better. We can only pray in our hearts for this thing."


Netizens were commenting while watching the live broadcast on the Internet, and the audience at the scene was also discussing.

The drawing ceremony finally officially began. Each major television station sends a representative to draw lots.

The thirty-eight lots were quickly drawn by thirty-eight representatives.

Afterwards, Li Ru said: "The draw is over. Now, please go to the fishing area of ​​your own TV station to prepare according to the draw results. The competition will start on time at nine o'clock in the morning."

"North Shore Area B, let me see where it is? I found it. It looks pretty good. I hope this is a good location."

"West Coast Zone C. Okay, this is it, we're here. Let's start preparing. We must win the championship."

"We are in Area G of the West Bank, over there..."

Fishing contestants from various TV stations took action one after another to find their own fishing areas.

Doesn't anyone know if they drew the zone good or bad? I can only pray in my heart that it is a good area.

Where Li Fan and others are.

Lin Xuedong, the person in charge of CCTV, said to Zheng Jie: "Mr. Zheng, our CCTV has drawn District D of Nan'an. How about that position?"

Zheng Jie said with a smile: "The middle position."

Lin Xuedong sighed softly, after all, he still didn't get a good position.

However, I didn't get drawn into a lower position, which can be somewhat comforting.

The heads of other TV stations couldn't help but ask. The result is naturally that some people are happy and some are worried.

After the lottery results came out, netizens became very interested in one thing, which TV station would gain first?

Some people even opened the market on the Internet, and many people participated in the betting.

This is purely a matter of luck and guessing, and many people are very interested.

The audience at the scene was also very interested in this issue.

Everyone also speculated.

And the time slowly arrived at nine o'clock in the morning, and the game officially started.

Contestants from major TV stations who had already prepared began to lower their poles. Then it’s all about observing and waiting attentively.

For viewers, if they don’t like fishing, watching people fishing is often a very boring thing.

At the scene, the majority of people do not like fishing.

But no one was bored.

Not only that, they all looked very interested. With eyes wide open, he kept looking back and forth to see if the contestants from which TV station had the possibility of pulling a fishing rod?

Even if someone moves the fishing rod slightly, it will attract the attention of everyone present. Then expect him to lift the rod quickly.

Because, that at least means there are fish testing.

And soon, a player from a TV station quickly raised the fishing rod.

His actions attracted the attention of everyone present and online.

Has any fish taken the bait? Are you going to catch your first fish so soon?

Everyone is looking forward to it and even ready to cheer.

When the first fish is caught, there will be thunderous cheers.

All contestants also want to be the first to catch a fish.

They are excited, excited, nervous and looking forward to it.

So, is the first fish really about to be caught?

the answer is negative.

The man just quickly lifted up the fishing rod, but unfortunately there was nothing on the hook.

Everyone at the scene made a sound of regret.

Because, since the man lifted the fishing rod like that, it means that a fish is eating the hook, but he just pulled the hook off himself.

He was almost able to become the first person to catch a fish.

What a shame.

The audience felt sorry for him, and the person who quickly raised the pole regretted it even more.

There was really a fish eating the hook just now, he was absolutely sure. It just came off the hook with one pull.

Maybe he pulled a little too early. If I had known earlier, I should have let the fish eat more steadily before pulling it.

Regret, regret! Why are you so impatient?

well! Now it's time to start again.

CCTV head Lin Xuedong sighed with regret.

Because the one who just pulled the hook off was their CCTV fishing contestant.

What a shame.

Zheng Jie smiled and said: "It is indeed a pity. However, it is actually normal. The fish here are extremely difficult to pull out. Decoupling is a normal thing."

Liang Sheng also said: "It is actually very easy for a fish to take the hook, and it is not difficult to wait. The key is that it cannot be pulled up. Just watch, the young man on CCTV is just the beginning, and everyone will be unhooked next. "

Perhaps to confirm Liang Sheng's words, after the CCTV boys decoupled just now, contestants from other major TV stations also decoupled one after another.

The audience at the scene and netizens on the Internet expressed regret and sigh again and again.

Every time they saw someone pulling hard on the rod, they thought the first fish was finally going to be caught.

However, every time it came up empty. I have been happy so many times in vain.

Nearly an hour passed, and everyone at the scene tried to pull the pole once or several times.

However, not a single fish has been caught yet.

No one has opened yet.

Only then did everyone realize once again that the fish in Sansheng Village were indeed very difficult to catch.

However, the more this happens, the more people expect someone to catch the first fish.

When the first fish is caught, everyone becomes more and more excited.

The contestants from major TV stations are also getting more and more excited. The harder it is to catch the first fish, the more attention they will receive after catching the first fish.

Therefore, the contestants became more and more excited and nervous.

They all prayed in their hearts to help him gain something as soon as possible!

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