Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2415 The game is over

All the contestants are praying in their hearts that they can be the first to open.

Although it is difficult to open, someone will eventually open it.

It's impossible that everyone can't catch a fish today.

So, why can’t you open your own business?

The players are praying, and countless spectators are looking forward to it.

After a full hour, someone finally opened the door.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations!

The contestants from Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations opened the show. When a carp weighing more than two kilograms was successfully put into a net bag by the contestants and dragged ashore, everyone cheered.

finally! Finally Nima is open!

It’s really not easy!

The contestants from Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations were very excited.

They know that at this moment they are not only the absolute focus of the scene, but also the absolute focus of countless people on the Internet.

Everyone is cheering for them.

They were ahead of all the TV stations. Next, they must continue their efforts and strive to win the final championship.

The contestants from other TV stations looked at the contestants from Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations. To be honest, they were very envious.

well! Why didn't they open it?

However, opening does not mean becoming a championship in the end.

Becoming a championship is the most important thing.

Therefore, while the contestants from other TV stations were envious, they mustered up their spirits and continued fishing.

They had lost the opportunity and every next minute was precious.

Where Li Fan and others are.

The person in charge of Jiangzhe TV Station laughed loudly and said to the persons in charge of the other TV stations: "Everyone, give in, give in! We, Jiangzhe TV Station, have taken the lead."

The heads of other TV stations felt very sorry. They had indeed lost the opportunity. This was not good news.

However, it's not a big problem. The first to open may catch the fewest fish last.

This is all very possible.

Next comes the critical moment.

The opening of Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations kicked off the harvest.

Other TV stations have also made gains one after another.

The fish caught range from big to small.

The final calculation method is based on total weight, so the bigger the fish caught by the contestants, the louder the cheers of the audience.

"Damn it! This grass carp from Funan TV is probably five pounds! One of them is like two!"

"So it doesn't matter how many fish you catch. The key is to catch the big fish."

"You can't say that. If you can't catch big fish, it's the same as catching a few more small fish. If weight doesn't matter, you have to rely on quantity to win."

"According to my judgment, the biggest fish so far is the grass carp from Funan TV."

"A fish over there at CCTV is not much smaller. The competition is quite fierce!"

“The more intense it is, the more interesting it is.

Getting nervous. "


The fishing competition didn't look intense, but both the players and the audience felt that the atmosphere was a bit tense.

Time slowly reached noon, and Li Fan invited the heads of various TV stations, and of course Su Qing, Xiao Yatou, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and others to go to Xianyuan Building for dinner.

The contestants took turns to eat, or sent two people to take the food to the edge of the weir and pond to eat.

Some of the onlookers went to eat, and some just ate the dry food and snacks they brought with them.

There were also people sitting together in small groups, drinking beer, eating appetizers, chatting and watching the game, which was quite pleasant.

Audiences on the Internet couldn't help but be very envious when they saw it.

What is life?

this is life.

After Li Fan and others had eaten, they did not return to the pond immediately. Instead, they took a slow walk in the village chief.

The game doesn't end until 5 p.m., so just return to Yantang one hour before the game.

Although there are a lot of tourists gathering at Yantang, there are still many tourists in other places in the village.

Even if they go to the scene, they can't see what's going on inside. They might as well go to other parts of the village and just pay attention to the game at all times.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Fan and others returned to Yantang.

The game is about to end in an hour, and now comes the most tense moment.

I don’t know what the harvest of each TV station is like?

The heads of various TV stations also became nervous.

The final champion can get the exclusive right to premiere Li Fan's cartoon, which is really important to the TV station.

They couldn't help but feel nervous.

The harvests of major TV stations are all put in buckets, so now we can’t see who has more and who has less?

However, if you have been here all the time, you can probably estimate which TV stations have the best chance of winning now?

And there are a lot of people here all the time.

So, at this time everyone started talking about this issue.

"According to our feeling, Funan TV, Jiangzhe TV, South China TV, Hezhou TV, and CCTV have the best chance of winning."

"South China TV Station and Hezhou TV Station are both the lowest-ranked TV stations. It would be interesting if any of them wins the championship!"

"That's true! Being able to seize the first broadcast rights from CCTV and the four major TV stations is enough to brag about for a long time."

"But this is completely impossible to say. It's just a matter of a fish. If any TV station is lucky enough to catch a super big fish in the last hour, it will directly win the championship."

"That's true. I feel that the gap between everyone is not too big now. A super big fish is enough to solve the problem."

"So, whether major TV stations can obtain the right to premiere Mr. Li Fan's latest cartoon is just a matter of a big fish?"

"Hahaha! You can indeed say that. It feels so interesting."


The audience was talking a lot, and the people in charge of the TV stations couldn't help but smile after hearing it.

A fish is related to such an important matter for their TV station. This can be regarded as a legend.

Time is still passing, and the end of the game is getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere became increasingly tense.

This is true in person, and it is also true online.

On the Internet, everyone did not watch the live broadcast all the time. After all, everyone had their own things to be busy with.

But now, the game is about to end, and everyone comes to the computer to watch the live broadcast.

They want to see with their own eyes which TV station is the best to win the championship?

Is it CCTV? Four TV stations? Or is it a TV station that ranks very low?

It's possible at any TV station.

And the last 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute...

Finally, Li Ru, the person in charge of the competition, announced that the competition was over.

The contestants from each participating TV station collected their poles and stopped fishing.

Next, we will immediately start weighing and counting the harvest of each TV station.

The atmosphere finally reached its most tense moment.

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