Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2416 Crying with joy

After careful statistics by on-site staff, the results of each TV station were released.

Now, the results are in Li Ru's hands and will be announced soon.

The atmosphere suddenly reached the most tense moment.

Both the people at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were all staring at Li Ru without blinking.

Li Ru is very beautiful and has a good figure. But what everyone is concerned about now is obviously just the report card in Li Ru's hand.

Everyone is nervous.

The most nervous people are undoubtedly the contestants from each TV station and the executives of each TV station who are with Li Fan.

All reporters at the scene were also ready to report. Once the answer is revealed, they will report it to the outside world as soon as possible.

Time is flow and money.

Li Ru was a little uncomfortable with being stared at by countless eyes, but it was okay.

She smiled slightly and said: "I know that everyone just wants to know the results now. So, I won't say any more. I will directly announce the results. The TV station that won the first place in this fishing competition is... South China TV! Theirs The total score is 31.62 pounds!”

The answer is revealed.

All the contestants on South China TV were completely stunned.

For a time they couldn't believe their ears.

Are they number one?

Their South China Satellite TV won the exclusive right to premiere Li Fan's latest cartoon?

Oh my god, you have to know that their South China Satellite TV has been ranked at the bottom of the national satellite TV rankings for a long time.

Can you actually get the exclusive premiere rights to Li Fan's latest cartoon?

Who would have believed this before?

After being stunned for a while, the contestants from South China TV suddenly roared with excitement.

Then he laughed and danced and started celebrating wildly.

Many people shed tears because they were so excited and excited.

It can be said that I cried with joy.

At this moment, I am so happy!

Some of the reporters at the scene quickly ran to the South China TV contestants to take photos and videos.

The flash kept flashing "click, click".

They want to record the celebrations of the South China TV contestants. This is very good material.

Another group of reporters quickly ran to the position of the senior person in charge of South China TV Station.

The senior person in charge of South China Television is called Yu Hongfei, who is the director of the television station.

At this time, Yu Hongfei was also excited and excited as never before.

South China Satellite TV has such an opportunity this time.

The exclusive premiere of Li Fan's latest cartoon! This is something any TV station would drool over.

Their luck turned out to be so good.

Their South China Satellite TV is one of the satellite TV stations with the lowest popularity and lowest sense of presence.

They were not qualified at all to fight for the right to premiere Li Fan's latest cartoon this time.

It’s not that you’re not qualified if you’re not popular.

It's their financial strength that makes them ineligible to fight for it.

Not to mention CCTV and the four major TV stations, most of the following TV stations can crush them financially.

Therefore, Yu Hongfei had no intention of coming to Sansheng Village this time.

It’s true that he didn’t come before.

It was only later that I heard the news that Li Fan would use a fishing competition to determine who would get the exclusive premiere rights, so he decided to try his luck.

He really just wanted to try his luck so he wouldn't regret it later.

But who could have imagined that their luck would be so incredible.

This is an absolute opportunity and a very possible turning point for South China Satellite TV.

Their South China Satellite TV will be extremely likely to do so, because Li Fan's latest cartoon has achieved a considerable increase in popularity and presence.

This is an opportunity.

Then, it is very likely that it will gradually further increase its popularity and presence in the future.

This allowed the TV station's ranking to find a new position and eventually stabilize.

The more he thought about it, the more excited Yu Hongfei became.

He knew that Li Fan had brought him all this. If Li Fan hadn't chosen the TV station in this way, South China Satellite TV would not have even thought about it.

Therefore, immediately after the excitement, Yu Hongfei expressed his gratitude to Li Fan.

Thanks to Li Fan for giving them this opportunity at South China Satellite TV.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said that this was South China Satellite TV's chance to win, so there was no need to thank him so much.

But Yu Hongfei was still grateful.

Then, he saw the reporters rushing toward him.

He adjusted his emotions and began to accept interviews with reporters under the strong envious eyes of other TV station leaders.

This moment is as unreal as a dream.

The people in charge of the other TV stations all let out a long sigh when they saw the excited Yu Hongfei.


Why aren't they the first place winners?

I'm so jealous.

This is probably the first time that most of the TV stations at the scene are envious of South China Satellite TV.

Who would have thought.

The contestants from other TV stations at the scene were naturally extremely envious.

The moment they heard the answer, they felt such strong disappointment and regret that they felt as if the sky was getting darker.

The more you desire something, the more afraid you are of not getting it!

After a long while, they finally recovered.

Then he kept shaking his head and sighing.

Looking at the South China Satellite TV contestants celebrating wildly, their eyes were full of envy.

Of course, it's just envy. This is a fair game, and if they lose, they lose.

Besides, this is a competition initiated by Li Fan. They don't know and don't dare to have other ideas.

After the South China Satellite TV contestants celebrated for a while, they all walked over to express their blessings.

This fishing competition on the same stage is a very interesting and meaningful thing for every contestant.

Therefore, even though they did not win the game, every contestant was very satisfied.

This fishing trip brought their fishing career to its peak, making them the envy of countless fishing enthusiasts across the country.

How could they not feel satisfied?

When the answer was about to be revealed, all employees of major TV stations across the country, whether they were senior executives or ordinary staff, were all staring closely at the live broadcast on the Internet.

Excited yet nervous!

All employees of South China Satellite TV are no exception.

And the moment the answer was revealed, the entire South China Satellite TV was completely boiling.

Both the senior management and ordinary employees were excited and excited.

Even tears of joy.

Everyone is expressing their excitement in their own way.

Director Yu Hongfei is currently in Sansheng Village. The highest-ranking person currently is Deputy Director Yuan Hong.

Yuan Hong immediately said that he would be a private host and treat everyone at the TV station to dinner tonight.

This caused bursts of cheers from all the TV stations.

At the same time, people from other major TV stations were wailing.

Why is it South China Satellite TV?

well! After all, I still didn’t get this opportunity!

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