Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2219 the luckiest child

After confirming the broadcast time, Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong rushed to Sansheng Village immediately.

They couldn't wait for a moment.

Of course, when they left the TV station, they told the news to other people in the TV station.

Now the entire South China TV station is completely boiling.

It's finally here!

Much faster than everyone expected.

"Hahaha! The day for us South China Satellite TV to turn around has finally come. Although it is impossible to rely on a cartoon to raise the station's ranking to such a high position, it is entirely possible to be promoted to the middle and lower reaches."

"This means that our TV station finally doesn't have to hang around in the last few. Hahaha! It's really great."

"Director Yu and Director Yuan have rushed to Sansheng Village to get the film. I really hope they can come back soon. In this way, we can see the samples."

"Not bad. Although it's just a cartoon, it still makes people very curious and looking forward to it!"

"When the movie comes back, let's finish watching it first. Only we, South China Satellite TV, can enjoy this benefit."

"The exciting moment has finally come."


The people of South China TV were discussing excitedly, and the production of "Transformers" had been completed, and the news that South China TV was about to get the film quickly spread throughout the TV circle.

People from South China Satellite TV did not deliberately keep it a secret, so the news spread quickly.

And the reason why they didn't deliberately keep the secrets was because they were going to conduct publicity immediately, and there was no need to keep secrets at all.

Another reason is that in order to be able to see, other colleagues in the TV station have all kinds of envy and all kinds of acid towards them.

It makes them feel good and superior.

And it is true.

Colleagues from other TV stations, after hearing the news, were indeed very envious, and indeed sour.

"Damn it! Is it finished so quickly? It's much faster than expected!"

"I'm so envious of him! Sigh! Why is South China Satellite TV's luck so good? Although more than a month has passed, I still can't let it go. I can't be reconciled!"

"Your Shonan Satellite TV is more than two catties short. Our Funan Satellite TV is only less than one catty short. We are not reconciled."

"Anyway, this time it's their South China Satellite TV foreign disk. Sigh!"


As the news spread, the TV stations once again became very envious.

And they once again listed "Transformers" as a key focus.

Although they can't premiere it, it's okay to pay close attention to it.


Sansheng Village.

Su Qing came back from get out of class.

Of course the little girl came back from school.

And with Su Qing and the little girl, there was a large group of brats from the village.

Needless to say,

These little guys are here for Transformers.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the yard, a group of brats couldn't wait.

"Hey! Brother Fan, I heard that "Transformers" is ready. Brother Fan, we want to see it."

"Brother Fan, let's check if it looks good first? Can the ratings be guaranteed when we see it?"

"That's right, that's right, Brother Fan, let's check first."


Li Fan scolded with a smile: "Do a group of brats know what ratings mean?"

After hearing this, the brats hummed and said, of course they know what ratings are.

After the brats groaned for a while, the little girl took Li Fan upstairs and said, "Brother, where is "Transformers"? Hurry up and show it to us!"

"Okay, okay, I'll show it to you. You guys are lucky! You are the first to see this cartoon among all the children in the world." Li Fan said.

He was meant to be shown to the brats.

After hearing this, the bear kids were all overjoyed.

All the kids in the world, the first to see it, it's pretty awesome.

In the study, Li Han directly played it on the computer for the children to watch.

Su Qing was also watching.

She had seen some manga versions before, but now the animation version is obviously much more intuitive.

Of course Wang Shi is still here.

At this time, he was drinking tea with Li Fan in the yard.

By this time it was getting dark.

Two figures appeared at the gate of the courtyard, they were Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong from South China Satellite TV.

Both of them looked travel-stained, and it was obvious that the journey was very urgent.

Li Fan was quite surprised to see two people. He thought Yu Hongfei would arrive tomorrow.

I didn't expect this time to come. There's no need to be so eager.

"Mr. Li Han!" Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong walked over quickly when they saw Li Fan with joy on their faces.

"Master Yu, welcome! Who is this?" Li Han didn't know Yuan Hong.

Yu Hongfei hurriedly made an introduction.

Then, Li Fan also introduced Wang Shi.

Yu Hongfei, Yuan Hong and Wang Shi didn't know each other before.

The three parties exchanged pleasantries for a while.

Knowing that Wang Shi is the producer of "Transformers", Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong also thanked Wang Shi.

After exchanging pleasantries, Yu Hongfei couldn't wait to say: "Mr. Li Fan, can we watch the sample of "Transformers" now?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course. A group of children are watching now. Let's go together."

Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong thanked each other repeatedly, and the four of them went upstairs together.

Naturally, Wang Shi also followed.

Approach the study. Seeing that Su Qing was also there, Yu Hongfei hurriedly said hello, and then introduced Yuan Hong.

When Yuan Hong saw Su Qing, his eyes were filled with astonishment, but he didn't dare to look too much.

Then, the eyes of the two were completely attracted by the computer screen.

Is this "Transformers"? Finally saw it.

Naturally, the two of them have long been disinterested in cartoons.

But now, there is quite a strong interest.

After one episode ended, Yu Hongfei laughed and said: "This work has aroused my great interest. Mr. Li Han, the ratings of this work may be much higher than what we estimated before." .”

Li Fan smiled and said, "I hope so."

Now it was getting dark soon, Li Fan naturally did not continue to play "Transformers", but let the bear children go back. Check back tomorrow after school.

The bear child was reluctant to go back, but he went back after all.

Next, Li Fan invited Yu Hongfei, Yuan Hong, and Wang Shi to dinner.

During the meal, I learned the specific time when Funan Satellite TV decided to broadcast "Transformers".


the next day.

Early in the morning, Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong bid farewell to Li Fan and rushed back to the TV station with the film.

A little later, Wang Shi also bid farewell and left.

After that, Li Fan also left the village.

He planned to go to the Qingmu Toy Company in the provincial capital.


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