Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2420 rushed to Sansheng Village in advance

Aoki Toys Co.

The first batch of Transformers toys has been made.

Now, everyone is waiting for the animation "Transformers" to be completed.

Then, it went on the market together with the cartoon "Transformers".

Everyone can't wait.

Because, everyone has already determined that Transformers toys will be very popular once they are launched.

Even if there is no "Transformers" cartoon, but simply launching Transformers toys, it will definitely explode.

Now that it is launched at the same time as the cartoon, I can't imagine what it will look like?

"Mr. Liu, when will the animation of "Transformers" be finished?" an employee asked Liu Mingyuan.

Liu Mingyuan said: "I guess it will take a while, everyone, don't worry, just wait patiently."

"But, I really can't wait!" The employees said one after another.

Liu Mingyuan himself was actually very impatient, but he said: "There is no other way, we have to wait."

The employees nodded, and of course they knew they had to wait.

Liu Mingyuan smiled, and said again: "This is the last moment before our Qingmu Toy Company takes off, and everyone should enjoy this moment."

Well, it seems to make sense, so enjoy the last moment before taking off.

At this time, the girl at the front desk called Liu Mingyuan and said very excitedly: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Li Fan is here."

Liu Mingyuan asked the front desk that when Li Fan came, no matter what time it was, he must call him as soon as possible.

After receiving the call from the girl at the front desk, Liu Mingyuan was pleasantly surprised.

Is the "Transformers" animation finished? Much faster than he expected!

Afterwards, Liu Mingyuan immediately ran to meet Li Fan.

After seeing Li Fan, he laughed loudly from a distance: "Hahaha! Mr. Li Fan is here!"

After approaching, the two shook hands.

Afterwards, Li Fan smiled and said, "You didn't disturb Mr. Liu's work, did you?"

Liu Mingyuan waved his hands repeatedly and said, "No, no, Mr. Li Fan is serious."

Li Fan nodded and said, "How are the Transformers toys getting ready?"

Liu Mingyuan said: "The first batch has already been produced. Moreover, it has already been sold in shopping malls and toy stores. We just wait for the "Transformers" cartoon to come out and go on the market together. Now, the company is intensively producing the second batch. .”

Li Fan said: "Mr. Liu has worked hard. But it may be even more difficult in the future. Let's start the final preparations before it goes on the shelves. The animation of "Transformers" has been produced, and South China Satellite TV will start broadcasting it in a week."

"Really?" Liu Mingyuan was taken aback for a moment, he never thought that the "Transformers" animation would be completed so quickly.

Much faster than he expected.

And after being stunned, she was completely excited, and finally waited until this day.

He has thought about it countless times,

When the "Transformers" toy hits the toy market, how will it rise strongly and impact the toy market?

The day has finally come.

Liu Mingyuan said excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, now the whole Aoki Toys is waiting for this day to come. No matter how lucky we are, we will not feel lucky."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Okay, everyone is lucky. Tell the employees that this month's bonus will give them a surprise."

Liu Mingyuan was overjoyed after hearing this, and said, "Yes, Mr. Li Fan."

Next, Liu Mingyuan took Li Fan to the toy sample showroom and asked Li Fan to check the samples.

Li Fan checked some samples at random and was satisfied with the results.

The quality of the toy is very high, fully meeting his expectations.

After that, Li Fan left Aoki Toys.

Just after Li Fan left, the news that the "Transformers" toy was about to be released spread throughout Aoki Toys.

And of course this month's bonus will be a pleasant surprise.

All the employees are very excited and excited, and can't wait.


At the same time, South China Satellite TV officially announced to the outside world that the "Transformers" cartoon will start broadcasting in a week, with one episode per day.

Immediately afterwards, Aoki Toys also released an official announcement that Transformers toys will be launched simultaneously with the "Transformers" cartoon a week later.

Both news spread throughout the entire network within a short period of time, and countless people were surprised and excited.

The start of the cartoon was much faster than they expected.

Although it is a cartoon, although most people have passed the age of watching cartoons.

But as long as it is Li Fan's work, even if it is just a cartoon, it is enough to make people excited and looking forward to it.

The same goes for toys, most of us are past the age of playing with them, but what exactly do Transformers toys look like? It makes people very curious and looking forward to it.

There are even many people who have already made a decision to buy one, or a set of Transformers toys, even if they don’t play with toys anymore.

Not for playing, but for watching and collecting.

Countless people discussed on the Internet, expressing their excitement and anticipation.

The major media also flocked to South China Satellite TV and Aoki Toys Company for the first time. They wanted to do special topics and make a lot of reports.

If some important revelations about cartoons and toys can be obtained in advance, the popularity will definitely rush to the top.

Therefore, the major media have sharpened their heads and ran to two places.

The domestic media in Huaguo reported a lot, and the media in many other countries in the world also got the news immediately.

They also made a lot of reports. Although the scale and popularity are not as good as those in China, they are not too bad.

Li Fan's current international influence is already very large.

The whole world will pay attention to his new works, and this time is of course no exception.

TV stations or film and television companies in many countries are already considering whether to introduce the "Transformers" cartoon?

Once they think it can be introduced, they will go to Li Fan to negotiate as soon as possible.

There are even relevant personnel from some countries who are already planning to go to China at this time.

They are not sure whether "Transformers" is suitable for introduction? But they want to see Li Fan in the shortest possible time after they are sure that they can be introduced.

Therefore, they planned to go to Huaguo Sansheng Village in advance.

If it is finally determined that it is not suitable for introduction, it will be regarded as a trip to Sansheng Village.

The current Sansheng Village is internationally renowned, and it is a tourist destination yearned for by countless people from many countries.

Various legends about Sansheng Village have already been circulated internationally.

Countless people want to go to Sansheng Village to see that mysterious and beautiful place.

However, the vast majority of people are unable to go there due to various reasons.

Otherwise, the daily number of tourists in Sansheng Village will probably make it difficult for people to move forward.

In addition to TV stations and film and television companies targeting the "Transformers" cartoon, toy manufacturers in many countries are also targeting Transformers toys.

Their actions are similar to those of TV stations and film and television companies. Many people decided to rush to Sansheng Village in advance.


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