Therefore, in the past two days, people from TV stations, film and television companies, and toy dealers from various countries have successively visited Sansheng Village.

They are waiting for the launch of "Transformers" cartoons and toys in Sansheng Village.

Like countless Chinese people, they are extremely looking forward to it.

And the time finally came a week later.

At 6:30 tonight, South China Satellite TV will broadcast the first episode of the "Transformers" cartoon.

All the people in South China Satellite TV, including director Yu Hongfei and deputy director Yuan Hong, were excitedly waiting for the arrival of 6:30 in the evening, and at the same time they were looking forward to a new high in the ratings.

The rest of the major TV stations are also paying close attention.

Losing to South China Satellite TV in the fishing competition, until now they are still very unwilling.

If they can, they'd like "Transformers" to have mediocre ratings.

But they also know that this is impossible. They can only be envious!

It was six twenty in the evening.

The children who were already sensible changed the TV channel to South China Satellite TV early.

They are the most anticipated crowd.

Countless young parents, or adults without children for the time being, also stood in front of the TV.

It is not the first time for them to wait for the start of a cartoon.

While waiting, it was hotly discussed on the Internet.

"Hahaha! It feels like returning to my childhood. At that time, it was just like now, waiting for the animation to start."

"The mystery of "Transformers" will finally be unveiled, which makes people very excited!"


South China Satellite TV.

In the computer room, the staff responsible for monitoring the real-time ratings excitedly reported to the South China Satellite TV work group, "There are still five minutes before the broadcast, and the ratings have already exceeded 4.0."

The work group boiled instantly.

Their South China Satellite TV is one of the lowest-ranked satellite TVs. No matter what kind of program it is, it is difficult to break through 1.5.

Regular ratings are under 1.0.

Now, the cartoon has not officially started, and the ratings have already exceeded 4.0.

This is simply an unbelievable miracle.

However, this is not actually a miracle. It can only be said to be a routine operation of Li Han's works.

But for South China Satellite TV, it was an absolute miracle.

Everyone including Yu Hongfei and Yuan Hong was extremely excited.

Yu Hongfei personally posted a message in the group, "After "Transformers" is over, all the staff will have a dinner, and I will treat you privately."

There was joy in the whole group.

The entire TV station circle is also paying attention to the real-time ratings of South China Satellite TV, and they have a way to know.

"Damn it! There are still five minutes to go, and the ratings are 4.0. This is the rhythm to break the record for cartoon ratings!"

“Looking at this trend, it’s really possible.

So far, the record holder of cartoon ratings is "Calabash Brothers" with 7.2. This is the average rating. The highest audience rating is also 7.4 of "Calabash Brothers". Only Mr. Li Fan's own works can break the ratings. "

"South China Satellite TV is really going to make a comeback this time. South China Satellite TV is the first to make a comeback with a cartoon."

"No matter what you rely on to turn yourself around, it's fucking enviable. I don't know how much the yield of "Transformers" can reach today?"

"There shouldn't be a problem breaking the record. After all, this time is more interesting than the one in "Calabash Brothers". I heard that TV stations or people from film and television companies in many countries in the world have already arrived at Sansheng Village. They all have plans to introduce Transformers."

"I've heard about it too. Maybe "Transformers" will become a global hit."

"If it really hits the air around the world, it will definitely be something to be proud of for us. However, in this way, South China Satellite TV will be even more enviable. This time they are really lucky."

"Oh! They are lucky, what can we do?"

"Okay, it's almost 6:30, let's watch the cartoon first. Let's see what kind of cartoon it is?"

"Okay, let's see first."


In the anticipation of countless people, the time finally arrived at 6:30.

The first episode of "Transformers" officially launched.

The first thing to start is naturally the prologue.

At the beginning of the prologue, there was a tense and intense chase scene.

Running in front are several very cool cars, very fast.

What was chasing behind was the flying object flying in the air, which was also very cool.

The two sides staged the speed of life and death, and all the audience were inexplicably excited.

Then, a more exciting picture appeared.

I saw that several cars that were speeding ahead suddenly changed their shapes, and quickly turned into majestic and domineering robots in the astonished eyes of all the audience.

After turning into a robot, he quickly launched an attack on the pursuers behind him.

Then, the chaser behind also changed shape rapidly, and also turned into a majestic and domineering robot.

Both sides fight together.

Such a cutscene made all the audience excited.

At this time, they seem to have understood why this work is called "Transformers"?

Just now it was a speeding car, and in a blink of an eye it becomes a majestic and domineering robot that can fight. This is Transformers.

It's so handsome! So cool!

The children were so excited that their little faces flushed red.

Adults are just as excited, especially those who love cars.

At this time, they had already decided that this cartoon was finalized.

When they first started, they were just very curious about what kind of cartoon "Transformers" would be?

Their anticipation is more of a kind of curiosity.

What they originally thought was that after they bought and watched the opening chapter of "Transformers" and knew the answer, they probably wouldn't continue to watch it.

After all, this is a cartoon, for children to watch.

But now, they've all changed their minds. Even if it's a cartoon, it must be watched.

The shape change from car to robot, and from robot to car, is really cool.

Even if it's just for this point, this cartoon must be watched.

This kind of brain hole is really too strong, it is worthy of Li Han's work.

It was just a prelude, and almost all the audience decided that this cartoon should continue.

On the Internet, it has already been very lively.

"The process of a car transforming into a robot is really cool. Of course, the process of a robot turning into a car is the same. This cartoon by Mr. Li Fan is really cool!"

"Hahaha! It's indeed Mr. Li Fan's work. Now I feel like I'm really going back to my childhood, and it's time to watch cartoons."

"Transformers is going to be a hit!"


Seeing this situation, people in the TV station circle sighed a long time.

It was a sigh of regret.

Why regret? Naturally, it was because they lost to South China Satellite TV in the fishing competition.

The more explosive "Transformers" is, the more regretful they will be.


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