Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2429 executives and voice actors are excited

Gilead couldn't believe it, and the rest of the executives were surprised and excited.

From the prologue, they really felt that this work called "Transformers" might become a great cartoon.

The children of Languo might really like to watch it.

Even children all over the world like to watch it, it is not impossible!

If this is the case, their Downton TV cartoon program may really be saved.

Of course, it's only possible.

Not that Transformers wasn't good enough. It's that Downton TV's cartoon show is just too weird.

Downton TV has introduced many domestically popular cartoons before. But the ratings have never improved.

Some other TV stations broadcast it, and the ratings are not bad. But when they aired it on Downton TV, the ratings dropped.

It's so weird.

So, even if it is certain that children may enjoy watching "Transformers" very much, there is no guarantee that the cartoon show will really be saved.

Of course, the prologue has just ended, and the content of the first episode has just begun.

It's still too early to draw conclusions, let's continue reading first.

The content of the first episode officially started, because the prologue just now made the high-level officials feel pleasantly surprised and excited.

So now the high-level people are all looking at it more carefully and seriously.

Then the more I watched it, the more I was surprised, and the more I watched it, the more I felt that this work would really be a great work.

The more I watched it, the more I felt that their Downton TV cartoon program might really be saved this time.

Even Gired was completely silent at this time.

He felt more and more that Davis would win this time.

He might really lose to Davis this time.

Gired's mood was a bit complicated, but he didn't hate Davis because of it.

After all, he and Davis have no personal grudges. It's just that there are differences of opinion on the views of this incident.

The reason why Girard proposed to abandon the cartoon program and why he did not support Davis' introduction of "Transformers" was essentially considering Downton TV.

If Downton TV's cartoon show can really rise this time because of "Transformers", Gired would have been happy too.

However, in this way, it proved that his vision this time was indeed not as good as Davis, and he did lose this time. He was unwilling to accept this fact.

Therefore, Gired's mood became more and more complicated.

The first episode of "Transformers" ended, and Davis pressed the stop button.

During the broadcast just now, Davis has been observing the changes in everyone's expressions, and especially focused on the changes in Gired's expressions.

Davis is very satisfied with the changes in everyone's expressions. He knew that this cartoon called "Transformers" had completely conquered these guys.

Davis said with a smile: "The first episode is over, what do you think?"

Soph was the first to say excitedly: "My God! Davis! This is really great.

I have never seen such a wonderful cartoon. You said on the phone earlier that I might also like this cartoon. At the time, I didn't believe your words at all. How could I still be interested in a cartoon? But now, Davies, what I want to say is that I am really interested in this cartoon. I think, I really like it. This is really incredible! "

Another high-level executive named Aral continued: "Davis, this cartoon is really great! It is the most exciting cartoon in history, bar none. Li Fan of Huaguo is indeed a legend. Perhaps only it can create such animation works."

Another executive said: "Davis, now I fully support the introduction of this cartoon. Even in the end, this cartoon still failed to save our Downton TV cartoon program, and you don't have to take any responsibility. "

"Yes. Now I also fully support the introduction of this cartoon. Davis, you may have made great contributions to our Downton TV station this time."

"I was very skeptical of what Davies said before he started playing. But now, Davies, I want to apologize to you. Now, I have believed what you said. This cartoon really makes Children all over the world like it. This is a miracle in the history of cartoons. Li Fan of Huaguo created such a miracle, and he is indeed a legendary figure.”

"I think the probability of our Downton TV cartoon program being saved this time is already very high. This is really exciting. I think we should thank Li Fan for creating such a A cartoon. Of course, thanks to Davis, your vision this time is more accurate than all of us."

"Full support for the introduction of Transformers. Gired, what about you? What do you think now?"

All the high-level people looked at Gired.

Gired was the most vocal opponent before. What is his attitude now? This is very important.

Gired's mood was always very complicated. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he sighed and finally said: "I agree to the introduction."

Although there is only this simple sentence, it undoubtedly means that Gired has voluntarily surrendered.

Davis laughed, he finally waited until Gired voluntarily surrendered.

Then again, Davis didn't hit the nail on the head. He knew that the reason Gired opposed him was actually for Downton TV.

Therefore, Gired took the initiative to admit defeat.

Afterwards, Davis said: "Since everyone has agreed to introduce this "Transformers". Now, we will officially start preparations for the re-dubbing of "Transformers". The dubbing is very important, and we must do it well."

Soph said: "Of course, Davis. I propose to give it to the best dubbing team for dubbing. It doesn't matter if the price is expensive."

Davis said: "I think so too."

The rest of the top brass had no objections either.

In this way, Downton TV invited the most famous voice actor team in Languo to officially dub "Transformers".

After seeing "Transformers", the voice actors all exclaimed.

"Oh my God! Is this Huaguo Li Fan's latest cartoon "Transformers"? It's incredible. He is really a genius. I feel like I am very excited now. I have dubbed dozens of cartoons Tone, but never have I been more excited than now."

"Me too. I'm also very excited now. If we can dub this cartoon well, our reputation will go to the next level."

"This job is amazing! My blood is boiling!"


The voice actors were all excited.


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