Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2430 success will only be a flash in the pan

Then, the voice actors became more motivated and showed their best state to dub "Transformers".

Meanwhile, Downton Television began promoting Transformers.

"The first season of Mr. Li Fan's latest animation "Transformers" has attracted worldwide attention. It has premiered in Huaguo and has received high praise. Now, our Downton TV station has introduced "Transformers" , it will start broadcasting in a week. Welcome everyone to watch.” That’s probably what it means.

Li Fan has a great reputation in Languo, and he is also a legend.

"Sherlock Holmes", "Scarborough Fair" and other works have already penetrated into the hearts of every Lanzhou people.

Therefore, Downton TV's promotion had an excellent effect in an instant.

""Transformers" is finally on the air, which is really great! I have been paying attention to it since a month ago. Maybe we are not too used to cartoons with Huaguo's expression, but "Transformers" I will definitely watch. Because it is Mr. Li Fan's work, I want to support it unconditionally."

"Downton TV actually introduced "Transformers". You may not like to watch it. Downton TV has done a good job, and Mr. Li Fan's works should be introduced."

"No matter what, when Downton TV starts broadcasting, I will take my children to watch it together. By the way, my children don't seem to like watching cartoons on Downton TV before. But this time, since it is Mr. Li Fan's work , then I will take my children to watch it on Downton TV.”

"I don't have children yet. But I like watching cartoons. I don't think cartoons are just for children. So, this time I will definitely watch "Transformers."

"I don't have any children yet. But I'm different from you. I'm not interested in cartoons anymore. But since it's Mr. Li Fan's work this time, I'll watch it. Even if it's just to thank Mr. Li Fan for his We, Languo, have created such a great character as Sherlock Holmes, and I must also take a look."

"Okay. Then when Downton TV premieres, I'll watch it too."


Countless people have said that they will watch it with their children. Even people without children said they would watch it.

However, the reason why everyone is so supportive is not because everyone thinks that "Transformers" will be very good-looking.

And just because it was Li Fan's work.

Of course, everyone is not saying that "Transformers" is not good. How could Li Fan's work be bad?

Everyone just thinks that "Transformers" is Li Fan's creation for the children of Huaguo after all.

And their cultural background is very different from Huaguo, so they probably won't like to watch it too much.

But whatever the reason, the result is that a lot of people say that when Transformers premieres, they will watch it.

After learning about the situation on the Internet, Davis and Solfer of Downton TV all seemed extremely excited.

Now, they really are hoping to see the rise of animated shows.

Although on the surface now,

Their rise will not last long.

Because everyone chose to watch it because it was Li Fan's work.

Then, it should be impossible to keep watching. Maybe only watch the first one or two episodes, and then fewer and fewer people will watch it.

The rise will only be short-lived.

However, Davis, Solf and others are not worried about such a situation.

Because they know that after watching the first episode, or even just watching the prologue, those guys will be completely attracted. There will never be a situation where fewer and fewer people are watching.

As long as people come, don't think about leaving.

What they are afraid of is that no one will come.

Therefore, Davis, Sof and others were only excited, without any worries.


The rest of the TV stations in Languo are also paying attention to the introduction of "Transformers" by Downton TV.

Huaguo Li Fan's latest animation "Transformers" is naturally known to all other TV stations.

Some TV stations have also considered whether to introduce "Transformers"?

Finally, after careful consideration, the idea of ​​introducing was abandoned.

The reason is also simple, and it is the reason everyone wants. The cartoons Li Fan created for the children of Huaguo should not be suitable for the children of Languo to watch.

So, finally gave up.

Now, I heard that Downton TV said that they introduced "Transformers". To be honest, the rest of the TV stations were a little surprised.

But they were also able to analyze the reason why Downton TV introduced "Transformers".

Presumably it was to increase the ratings of the cartoon show, but in the end I gave it a go.

The ratings of Downton TV's animation programs have never been able to rise. This is almost one of the most embarrassing things in the entire Lan Guo TV circle.

People in the TV station circle often made fun of this matter behind their backs.

This is one of the reasons why Downton TV wants to increase the ratings of cartoon shows so much. They can't afford to lose this person.

The TV circles analyzed the reason why Downton TV introduced "Transformers", and the whole TV circle naturally had various discussions.

Everyone is not optimistic about Downton TV's cartoon program, this time it can really rise with "Transformers".

"Li Fan is a legend. His animation works will definitely be very successful works, no one can deny this. But that is mainly for China. After all, every country and every country's culture The difference is very obvious. What children in Huaguo like to watch, children in our country don’t necessarily like to watch. The chances of the same like to watch are too small. Therefore, it is difficult for Downton TV to succeed this time.”

"I think it should be Downton TV, who wants to take advantage of Li Fan's influence in our country to give it a go. Now it seems! They seem to have succeeded. I have seen some netizens say that they have arrived Will definitely see it in time.”

"It does seem to be the case now. Li Fan has a great influence in our country, and it is normal for such a situation to happen. However, everyone just went for Li Fan's work, not really looking forward to it. Naturally, it can’t last long. I guess it’s three or four episodes at most. After that, I won’t watch it. This is still for parents. As for children, maybe they will only watch one episode, or even They won’t watch even one episode. After all, for them, those who are not interested will definitely not be able to persist. Therefore, their success will only be short-lived.”



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