Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2431 success or failure depends on one stroke

Success will only be short-lived.

This statement has been recognized by the entire TV station circle, and everyone thinks so.

Indeed, judging from the current situation, when "Transformers" starts broadcasting, the ratings should be very good.

However, as the broadcast continues, the ratings will gradually decline.

The final ratings may not be too bad, but there will definitely be a big gap from the rise.

If such a gamble cannot make the cartoon show rise, Downton TV should give up the cartoon show, right?

The whole TV community thinks so.

This is good news for them.

After all, although the ratings of Downton TV's cartoon show are not high, it is a potential competitor after all.

It is of course excellent news that such a competitor has been completely abandoned.

The entire TV station circle is not only looking forward to it.

Everyone is looking forward to the launch of "Transformers".


In addition to the country of Lan, there are many other countries in the world that have also introduced "Transformers".

Moreover, TV people from some countries are now on their way to Sansheng Village in Huaguo.

They learned through various channels that "Transformers" seems to be very suitable for introduction to other countries.

That being the case, it is natural to go and see for yourself.

Sansheng Village.

In the past few days, Li Fan has received TV people or toy dealers from dozens of countries.

"Transformers" cartoons and toys are going to the international market thoroughly.

I believe that it won't be long before the whole world will be filled with Transformers elements.

Li Fan was not surprised by this, but was looking forward to it.

The person in charge of Qingmu Toys Company, Liu Mingyuan called, "Mr. Li Fan, I plan to expand the production scale of Transformers toys. Look, is this possible?"

Two days ago, Transformers toys went on the market. In less than two hours, the Transformers toys in shopping malls and toy stores all over the country were sold out, and there was not a single one left.

Countless shopping malls and toy stores across the country are all looking at Aoki Toys eagerly, hoping that Aoki Toys can send them some more goods.

The production line of Aoki Toys Company has been working overtime and has been producing non-stop, but it is still far from meeting the market demand.

Therefore, Liu Mingyuan decided to expand the production line again. He called Li Fan for instructions.

Li Fan said into the phone: "Mr. Liu can decide these matters by himself, there is no need to ask me for instructions. Mr. Liu can decide all matters of the company by himself."

"Okay, Mr. Li Fan, I understand." Liu Mingyuan said.

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan shook his head and smiled wryly. He knew that although Liu Mingyuan had said so this time, he would still call again next time if there were any major decisions to be made.

In this regard, Li Fan had no choice but to say again and again, let Liu Mingyuan decide for himself.

After that, Li Fan strolled slowly in the village. In the past few days, I have been busy receiving TV personalities and toy dealers from various countries, and I haven't taken a good stroll in the village.

Compared with reception, Li Fan still prefers to stroll in the village.

While walking, I met Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng who were also strolling.

Seeing Li Fan, Zheng Jie smiled and said, "It's rare to see you so leisurely these days!"

Li Fan said: "Leisure is only temporary. It is estimated that more people will come to the door in the future."


There are only a limited number of TV people and toy dealers in a country now, but there will definitely be more people coming in the future.

For example, Lan Guo only came to Downton TV now.

However, after "Transformers" broadcast by Downton TV sets a miracle in ratings, other major TV stations will definitely flock to it.

In the future, in a short period of time, it is estimated that everyone will be busy.

To be honest, Li Fan had some headaches. But in order for Transformers to go to the world completely, it has to be a headache!

Liang Sheng scolded with a smile: "It's definitely a good thing that more people come to your door! You seem to be very unhappy."

Li Fan chuckled and said, "To be honest, I'm not happy."

"You boy..." Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng shook their heads together, feeling very helpless.


a week later.

Lan Guo.

The dubbing of "Transformers" has finally been completed, and the premiere time announced by Downton TV is at 6:30 tonight.

Now, the premiere time is very close.

Davis, Solfer and other high-level executives were very excited and looking forward to it, but also a little nervous.

Although they are very confident in "Transformers", they still cannot be 100% assured until the final result comes out.

In the eyes of the rest of the TV stations, they had already put all their eggs in one basket, and they finally gave it a go.

If something unexpected happened and the effect did not meet expectations, then it would be a shame to lose face!

In the future, cartoon programs will really have to be completely abolished, and it will be difficult to have a chance to rise.

Therefore, the high-level people are somewhat nervous.

Even Gired is like that. Although he strongly opposed Davis' introduction of "Transformers" before, but now he also recognizes "Transformers".

Well, his current thoughts are actually the same as Davis, Solf and others.

What is the ultimate fate of the cartoon show? Success or failure is here.


At this time, the entire TV station circle is naturally also paying attention to the premiere of "Transformers".

They have always insisted on the previous analysis, and they are looking forward to the results they want.

"'Transformers' is finally going to start. To be honest, I'm kind of curious, what kind of cartoon will it be?"

"It will be a wonderful cartoon for sure. It's just not suitable for people in our country to watch."

"Let's predict the ratings. Just guess the average ratings. The ratings for this first episode should be very good. I guess there will be at least 2.0 or more."

"The highest ratings record for a cartoon is 4.6, and the average ratings record is 4.0. The average ratings record for a single episode is 4.4. The guess of 2.0 is relatively reliable. I guess 2.0 too."

"The closing rate should be high at the beginning, but it should drop a lot as it goes on. The average ratings will also drop. So, I guess 1.5."

"That makes sense, but it shouldn't be that low. So, I guess 1.6."

"It's not that high, I guess 1.3."

"It can't be that low. At least there will be more than 1.6."


Many people in the TV station circle are guessing the ratings, and they are generally very good, thinking that the ratings will be good.

It's the first episode after all.


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