Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2432 The previous idea was too stupid

Then, as the premiere of "Transformers" got closer, people in the TV station circle gradually changed their TV stations to Downton TV.

Of course they have to see for themselves, what kind of cartoon is "Transformers"?

They had to see it with their own eyes, and the last straw of Downton TV could not save them.

In the end, it can only be a groan.

Now, it's almost time to start.

At this time, many young parents in Languo also brought their children and sat in front of the TV, ready to watch "Transformers".

Of course, many people without children also sat in front of the TV at this time.

They said they wanted to support "Transformers", so naturally they really wanted to support it.

Many people are thinking, even if they don't have much interest in "Transformers", they should try to finish it.

Even if you really don't want to watch it, let the TV continue to play. Don't switch channels, don't turn off the TV.

Change the TV channel to Downton TV.

Downton TV is one of the top TV stations, so the audience is very familiar with Downton TV.

It's just that everyone is not used to watching cartoons on Downton TV.

I don't know why, but anyway, watching cartoons on Downton TV is a little strange.

But this time for "Transformers", I watched it.

On the Internet, many people who are waiting for the cartoon to start are still discussing it while waiting.

"It's about to start. It's the first time I've watched Mr. Li Fan's animation works. Whether it's good or not, I will definitely support it."

"If it looks good, it will definitely look good. It depends on whether it suits us or not?"

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to it anyway."

"I'm looking forward to it too. Let's start quickly."


Many people were waiting, and the time finally arrived at half past six.

The first episode of "Transformers" begins.

It is still the prologue that begins first.

After seeing the prologue, the reaction of the audience in Languo was similar to that of the audience in China when they saw the prologue for the first time.

Especially when I saw the scene of the speeding car and the flying object chasing after it, changing form into a robot at a high speed, and then fighting together, I exclaimed directly.

The degree of exclamation was even worse than that of the domestic audience before.

Shock and surprise were written on everyone's faces.

"Oh! My God! What did I see? It's unbelievable!"

"Beautiful! So cool! If I could own a car like this, it would be perfect."

"Such cartoons are not good? I said before that "Transformers" is wonderful, but it should not be suitable for children in our country. Now, I just want to say, that is really a stupid idea. You don't know that now How excited is my kid next to me? I've never seen him watch a cartoon and get as excited as he is right now, it's incredible!"

"Of course I know.

Because my kids are the same. From the very beginning, my child has been screaming with excitement. He has never loved a cartoon like he does now. "

"Mr. Li Fan is really great! This cartoon will definitely become popular in our country. It's like "Detective Sherlock Holmes"."

"I want to apologize for my stupid statement before. I said that "Transformers" should only be suitable for children in China. Now, I want to say that it is still suitable for children in our country. No, it can't work well It's going to be for kids in every country in the world. No, it's not. It's not just kids, I think adults are going to watch it too. I like it a lot anyway. I'm pretty sure of that."

"I completely agree with your point of view. I also think that even adults will like to watch it. I am also very sure of this. A cartoon can make adults like it. Only Li Fan can do this."

"We were still thinking, even if it's not good, we should stick to it. Now, this is a completely stupid idea. I have a hunch that the ratings of this cartoon will set a new record."

"That's for sure. Maybe a new record can be set tonight."

"Yes, I think so too, let's look forward to it!"


Countless children cheered excitedly in front of the TV. At the same time, the slightly older children did not forget to thank their parents around them.

Thanks to my parents for showing them such a beautiful cartoon.

Countless young parents, or adults without children, also seemed very excited.

In any case, they never thought that "Transformers" would be such a cartoon that even they liked very much.

They have already made a decision in their hearts, and this cartoon has been decided.

From now on, at this time every day, except for the unavoidable, I have to watch "Transformers" on the TV.

This cartoon really surprised them too much.


People in the TV station circle were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

Why is "Transformers" such a cartoon?

They didn't like this cartoon before, what kind of stupid idea is this?

Although they don't want to believe what they see, the cartoon show on Downton TV has risen because of it.

However, they know that what they don't want to see is destined to become a reality.

They were completely wrong this time, and they became completely stupid people.

They gloated at other people's misfortune and wanted to watch Downton TV's last giveaway as if they were watching a good show.

They thought they would see a good show.

And the final outcome of this good show is that Downton TV completely gave up the cartoon program. One of their potential competitors has since disappeared completely.

However, the result now is that they were watched by Downton TV.

Presumably, in the eyes of Downton TV, their previous dislikes and comments were like clowns.

This is really embarrassing.

It's also to blame that they didn't think of a way in advance to see what kind of cartoon "Transformers" is?

If they saw it in advance, even if they only saw the prologue, they would not be able to make wrong and stupid judgments like before.

Now, it was too late, they were destined to lose face this time.


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