Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2433 Li Fan is really a legendary figure

Everyone in the TV circle was very depressed.

However, while frustrated, he was inexplicably excited and excited.

Because of the "Transformers" cartoon itself.

Putting aside their previous thoughts about Downton TV, as a normal viewer, the scenes of "Transformers" they saw made them excited and excited.

This cartoon is definitely suitable for their children in Languo to watch, even adults should be very interested.

Like themselves, they've been completely hooked.

Then they had to recalculate the ratings situation.

Before, they guessed the ratings up to 2.0, and then most of the guesses were between 1.3 and 2.0.

But now, they generally believe that the ratings should be at least around 3.0.

Moreover, the ratings will continue to increase in the future, and it shouldn't be a problem to break the ratings record for cartoon shows.

After a short period of time, everyone's views on the ratings have been turned upside down.

Then, I felt somewhat bitter in my heart. A cartoon from abroad has broken the ratings record of cartoon programs in my own country, and I feel somewhat uncomfortable.

This is human nature.

However, fortunately, this work is from Li Fan, a world-renowned legend, and Li Fan is very popular in Languo, and he is one of the most popular figures among the citizens of Languo.

Therefore, the degree of bitterness has been reduced to a minimum.

Except for a few people who still feel a little bitter, most people don't find it a problem.

The executives of the other TV stations also saw the broadcast of "Transformers".

They were also shocked that they had made such a serious misjudgment before.

Then, almost at the same time, an identical decision was made.

That is to immediately go to Huaguo Sansheng Village and introduce the "Transformers" cartoon, and their TV station will also broadcast "Transformers".

They knew that Downton TV and Li Fan signed an exclusive premiere agreement.

In other words, they can't broadcast it until Downton TV has finished broadcasting it for the first time.

But it doesn't matter, they can broadcast it again after Downton TV has finished broadcasting it for the first time.

They believe that even if such a cartoon is replayed, the ratings will definitely not be bad.

Such a big cake, most of it was taken by Downton TV, and they could only get a piece of it.

It's a pity, but there's nothing I can do about it. Who made their vision this time far inferior to Downton TV.

But fortunately, although I can only get a share of the pie, because the cake this time is really too big, even if I only get a share of the pie, the value is still very high.

Therefore, the heads of various TV stations went to Huaguo Sansheng Village one after another.


Downton TV.

Davis, Suofu, Gired and other high-level executives learned that the heads of other TV stations,

After the news of going to Sansheng Village in Huaguo one after another, I feel more comfortable than ever.

These guys had dismissed their introduction of "Transformers" before, thinking that they were just going to the doctor in a hurry, and finally planned to give it a go.

Now, I finally know how stupid my previous judgment was, right?

It's too late to rush to Sansheng Village in Huaguo to find Li Fan now, and I can only drink soup.

What a joy!

And the reason why it is so fun now is all because Davis has a unique vision this time.

Therefore, all the senior executives said one after another: "Davis, this time the credit is all yours alone."

Even Girard said: "Davis, you did a good job this time! I apologize for my opposition to you before."

Davis laughed: "It's nothing, everyone is for Downton TV."

Girard said: "Thank you! Davis."

Soph said at this time: "It is almost 100% sure now that the cartoon program of our Downton TV station can really rise from this."

Girard said: "Yes, the first episode will be over soon. How many ratings will it have? It's really exciting. Can it break the ratings record?"

Davis said: "It is certain to break the ratings record. Even if it is not broken today, it will definitely be broken in the future."

The high-level people nodded one after another, and they also had this confidence.

So, what are the highest ratings and average ratings for today's first episode? Indeed quite worth the wait.

Soon, the first episode of "Transformers" ended.

Downton TV also broadcasts one episode a day, so the ratings will be revealed soon.

The entire Downton TV station was waiting, very excited and a little bit nervous.

Not long after, the ratings of the first episode were officially announced.

The highest audience rating is 5.2, and the average audience rating is 5.1.

The entire Downton TV station, including all the high-level executives, was stunned.

Unexpectedly, so high.

You know, the highest ratings record for an animated show is 4.6, and the average rating for a single episode is 4.4.

Now, they broke two ratings records in one fell swoop.

Moreover, it has exceeded the original record by a lot.

This is an absolute miracle!

Davis forcibly suppressed his excitement and said, "Is the ratings statistics going to be wrong?"

Suo Fu said: "I also suspect that there is a mistake. But, what is certain is that the data is not wrong."

Davis said: "So, our Downton TV has created a miracle this time?"

Suo Fu said: "I think so, Davis, no one can deny it. However, to be more precise, perhaps it should be said that Li Fan of Huaguo has created another miracle in our country."

Davis said: "It is true. However, to use Hua Guo's words, this is just Li Fan's routine operation, and it is not a miracle."

Soph said: "But for us, this is really incredible."

Girard said: "That's true, it's really incredible. Our cartoon show on Downton TV is finally proud. In the future, who will dare to make fun of us with cartoon shows? This feeling is really too much. Bravo!"

Yes, this time I finally feel proud. In the future, no one would dare to take cartoon programs and make fun of Downton TV.

All the high-level people laughed, feeling unprecedentedly happy.

After laughing, Suo Fu said: "This time we must thank Li Fan for creating such a work as "Transformers"."

Girard said: "Yes, I must thank you. Li Fan is really a legendary figure!"

The rest of the senior leaders all nodded, and they all agreed with Gired's words.

Li Fan is truly a legendary figure!


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