Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2444 Please help me create a movie script

The word "Transformers" has created legends all over the world in a short period of time.

Hu Fei was naturally filled with emotion. The only person in the world who can do this is Li Fan.

Although he knew that this was probably just a basic operation for Li Fan, he still couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Transformers have created a legend so quickly, Li Fan is naturally a little proud.

The classic work of the previous life is Niubi.

However, regarding Hu Fei's words, Li Fan was modest.

Then he said, "Brother Hu, why are you free to come to Sansheng Village today?"

Hu Fei smiled and said, "There is something I want to ask Brother Li for help."

Li Fan laughed, and he knew that Hu Fei must have something to do here.

Then he said: "Can't you talk about something on the phone? Why does Brother Hu need to come here in person?"

Hu Fei said: "I haven't been to the village for a while, and I also want to take this opportunity to visit the village and rest for a few days."

"So that's the case." Li Fan nodded and said, "Then, what exactly do you need help with? Brother Hu, just tell me."

Hu Fei said: "I want to ask brother Li to help me write a movie script."

"Oh?" Li Fan said, "What kind of movie script? Isn't Brother Hu making TV dramas now? Why are you going to make movies again?"

Hu Fei said: "I do have the idea of ​​making a movie. Just a few days ago, an investor who was kind to me in the past approached me, hoping that I could help him make a movie. Not long ago, his investment failed. On the verge of bankruptcy. This time I am going to take all my savings to give it a go. That's why he came to me."

That's right, Li Fan nodded.

And Hu Fei continued: "He brought a script over, and he asked a famous screenwriter to create it through his relationship. However, after I read the script, I think that although the script is indeed not bad, it is only good. It shouldn’t be a big problem to make money, but at most it’s a small profit, and it’s almost impossible to make a big profit. It doesn’t make much sense to give it a go. That’s why I want to ask Brother Li to help write a script.”

Li Fan nodded and said, "What kind of subject is that script about?"

Hu Fei said: "Costume comedy. There is no problem with this kind of theme. It can be said to be one of the most marketable themes. But if the script is not good, everything is useless."

"Costume comedy?" Li Fan thought for a moment, smiled, and said, "This kind of theme is quite good. Now that everyone's life is under pressure, comedies are indeed very popular."

Hu Fei said: "Exactly. Is Brother Li interested?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Since that gentleman is kind to Brother Hu, and now Brother Hu has spoken again, I will naturally help with this favor."

It's just a movie script, to Li Fan, it's just a very small thing.

That person had once been kind to Hu Fei, and Hu Fei came to the village in person, so Li Fan naturally would not refuse.

Besides, being able to take this opportunity to bring another classic movie from the previous life to this world is something Li Fan is very willing to do now.

Li Fan already has everything he can have,

He is now thinking of bringing as many classic works as possible to this world from his previous life that have not yet been brought to this world.

Therefore, Li Fan would never refuse Hu Fei's request.

Seeing Li Fan agreeing, Hu Fei laughed loudly and said, "I knew Brother Li would agree. With Brother Li's script, the previous script can be restored. By the way, what kind of subject matter does Brother Li plan to create?" of?"

Li Fan said: "Since costume comedy is very popular now, then costume comedy is fine."

Hu Fei laughed again, and said after laughing: "Okay, it's a costume comedy. Speaking of Brother Li's previous film works, there doesn't seem to be such a category of costume comedy. Now, Brother Li wants to create a costume comedy, and the outside world has to After hearing the news, who knows what kind of uproar will be caused?"

There will definitely be an uproar.

Moreover, it will be very turbulent.

Li Fan's small action now will become the focus of the entire network, let alone a movie, or a costume comedy that has never been created before.

Once the news spreads, countless people will be crazy about it.

Li Fan said with a smile: "It's just a movie. I just hope that the audience will like it. Everything else is not important."

Hu Fei said: "Brother Li's which work does the audience not like? By the way, I will tell him the news now. Presumably he will be so excited when he hears the news. By the way, his name is Yang Yunji, and Brother Li may have heard of it. his name."

Li Fan nodded and said: "I have indeed heard of it. I heard that he has made many successful investments. Now he is about to go bankrupt. It is really unpredictable!"

Hu Fei said: "Yes, the world is unpredictable. Although a person's life is only a few decades, there are extremely many twists and turns that can be experienced."

After finishing speaking, Hu Fei's call to Yang Yunji was also connected.


In an apartment.

Yang Yunji has been very nervous since this morning, even unprecedentedly nervous.

Because, Hu Fei said, he would rush to Sansheng Village early this morning and ask Li Fan to help him write a movie script.

This screenplay is where he puts everything on the line.

If successful, the career may start a new starting point.

If it fails, declare bankruptcy and lose everything.

Yang Yunji was still very satisfied with the previous script. He thought it was a good script, and it should be possible to make a lot of money.

But unfortunately, after reading it, Hu Fei said that the script can only be regarded as average, and the problem of making money is not a big problem. But if you want to earn more, it is probably not possible.

Now, Hu Fei went to Li Fan to help write the script.

Once Li Fan agrees, he will be able to make a comeback, and even directly rely on his works to reach a peak that has never been reached before.

Li Fan's movies are so influential.

Yang Yunji definitely has ten thousand reasons to believe it.

He actually wanted to go to Sansheng Village to ask Li Han to help write the script, but after hesitating countless times, he should finally give up.

The reason is because Li Fan's status is too high. For him, it is a figure above the nine heavens.

He didn't have the chance to meet Li Fan, how could he dare to ask Li Fan for help?

Now, Hu Fei went to help him.

Today is the moment of his life and death, how can he not be nervous?

He hoped that Hu Fei would call him, but was also afraid that Hu Fei would call him.

He was very afraid that what Hu Fei told him was the result of making him feel painful and hopeless.

As time passed, Yang Yunji became more and more afraid of Hu Fei's call.

But Hu Fei's call finally came, and Yang Yunji was shocked.

Then, with slightly trembling hands, he picked up the phone.


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