Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2445 The news comes out and the outside world is agitated

"Director Hu, is there any result?" The voice was also trembling.

"Mr. Yang, there is indeed a result..."

A minute later, Yang Yunji put down the phone, feeling indescribably excited and excited.

Li Fan agreed, which was one of the best news he had ever heard.

He went to ask Hu Fei for help, and he found the right person.

If he hadn't gone to find Hu Fei, how could Hu Fei go to Sansheng Village to ask Li Fan for help?

Yang Yunji was more excited than ever. He knew that he would never go bankrupt.

This investment will be his most successful investment, bar none.

How much profit can there be in the end? He doesn't know now and doesn't dare to think about it. He only knew that it would be a very gratifying number.

His chance finally came.

Sansheng Village.

Hu Fei hung up the phone and said, "I have never seen Mr. Yang so excited."

Li Fan smiled and said, "I hope I won't disappoint Mr. Yang."

Hu Fei said: "If Brother Li's movies all disappoint people, there will be no other movies in the world that can give people hope."

Li Fan said: "Brother Hu's words are too absolute. This will put a lot of pressure on me."

Hu Fei laughed and said, "I don't believe what Brother Li said at all. By the way, I have to announce this news to the outside world immediately. Shooting Brother Li's movie makes me impatient to let the outside world know the news. "

Li Fan smiled and said, "Brother Hu, please do."

Hu Fei nodded, and then updated a Weibo message on his mobile phone.

According to the news, his next work will be a movie, and the movie script will be written by Li Fan himself.

The news spread quickly on the Internet, and countless people were stunned for the first time.

Was the movie script written by Li Fan himself?

The "Transformers" cartoon is currently popular around the world. Is there another movie going to be released so soon?

It’s really hard to believe!

Everyone wonders if they saw it wrong? Then I took a closer look and found that I was not mistaken.

Li Fan is really going to release another movie.

Now I was completely excited and excited.

The news that Li Fan is about to launch a new movie has instantly become the most popular news on the Internet.

Countless people were talking about it.

"Hahaha! This is really an unexpected and huge surprise. Mr. Li Fan's movie, no matter what type of movie it is, must be very good-looking. Looking forward to it! Looking forward to it!"

"Nonsense, is Mr. Li Fan's movie good-looking? I hope to start shooting immediately and then finish it and release it quickly. I really don't want to wait too long. Hahaha!"

"The news came from Director Hu. It is estimated that Mr. Li Fan was approached by Director Hu. Thank you Director Hu, otherwise Mr. Li Fan would not have released his film at this time."

"I wonder what kind of movie it will be this time? I hope there will be further news as soon as possible.


"I'm also very curious to know this now."

"Don't worry, from now on, news about Mr. Li Fan's new movie will keep popping up like mushrooms after a rain. Any relevant information you want to know will appear."


Netizens were excited and excited, and so were the major entertainment media.

Such blockbuster news will allow them to not have to worry about running out of attractive reports for a long time to come.

From the beginning of preparation to the final shooting of a movie, no matter how fast it is, it will take at least two or three months.

In the past two or three months, as long as there is news related to Li Fan's new movie, there is no need to worry about the reading volume.

Li Fan's influence is so great.

Suddenly, news about Li Fan's new movie dominated the front pages of all entertainment media.

"Super big news! Mr. Li Fan is about to release a movie. It will be directed and filmed by director Hu Fei!"

"Hu Fei: My next work is a movie, a movie created by Mr. Li Fan himself!"

"A big guess about the type of Mr. Li Fan's new movie: a comedy movie, or an animated movie!"

"Following "Transformers", Mr. Li Fan will launch another movie."


Netizens discussed excitedly, and entertainment media reported excitedly. And almost all the actors became inexplicably excited.

They finally waited for another opportunity to star in Li Fan's film and television works.

Moreover, this time it is a film work. If it can appear successfully, the popularity will increase even more rapidly.

Therefore, almost all the actors began to inquire through their own channels, what type of movie is Li Fan's this time? What kind of personalities are the characters in it? Are there any characters that fit your personality?

Almost all the actors hope to star in Li Fan's new movie, including supporting roles.

For many ordinary actors, they are willing to play a minor role.

Suddenly, the entire actor circle became restless.

Sansheng Village.

After Hu Fei briefly understood what was happening on the Internet, he laughed loudly. He knew that as soon as the news came out, the outside world would soon become completely agitated.

There is no need to do any publicity at all when shooting Li Han's works.

All you need to do is release a piece of news, and all the entertainment media will rush to report it. When a press conference is held, the media reporters present can crowd the entire venue of the University of Nottingham.

Then a large number of investors will come to the door, crying and begging to let him invest, with any conditions.

It is simply impossible to go through all the trouble to find an investor like many other movies, but the investment that can be obtained in the end pales in comparison.

Of course, there will also be a large number of big-name actors coming to the door, hoping to try out.

Unlike many other movies, if you want to invite a certain big-name actor to star, you may not be able to invite it.

Even if you can be invited, in addition to the sky-high remuneration, there may be all kinds of troubles at any time, which is quite nerve-wracking.

Finally, the movie was completed. We also have to travel all over the country to promote the film and hold events again and again. It's really tiring.

As for Li Fan's movies, everything is no longer a problem. Everything will become very simple. You only need to consider how to get the best movie effect.

Hu Fei only needs to consider this issue this time.

However, for the director, there is also a problem in shooting Li Fan's movie.

That means there will be a lot of pressure.

Because I was worried that the filming would not be good, I would not be able to explain it to Li Fan when the time came, nor would I be able to explain it to countless people outside.

Therefore, although many directors are very eager to shoot Li Fan's movies, at the same time they are afraid to shoot Li Fan's movies.

They can't handle the pressure.

Even for Hu Fei, there is a certain amount of pressure.

However, there is more excitement and anticipation. It's just a little bit of pressure, nothing to worry about.

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