Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2447 New movie

Most people on the Internet know about the four great talents from Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty.

Although for most people, they only know the name, but that is enough.

In this way, which one of the four great talents is the protagonist? It makes people quite curious and interested.

Countless people are destined to speculate on this on the Internet, and a new round of excitement begins.

"I think it's very likely that it will be Tang Bohu. After all, I feel that Tang Bohu's popularity is relatively the highest."

"It could be someone else! You have to know that this is Mr. Li Fan's movie, and it doesn't necessarily have to be the most popular Tang Bohu. So, I think it might be Zhu Zhishan."

"It's possible for anyone. Anyway, no matter who it is, the story must be completely new and fictional by Mr. Li Fan."

"It doesn't matter who it is. I just hope Director Hu can reveal more information."


Countless people are speculating, and then several portals rush out to gain popularity.

They have organized prize-winning guessing activities on their websites.

Which one of the four great talents in Jiangnan will be the protagonist? Four options are given for netizens to vote and guess.

Then, among those who guess correctly, a lucky group of people will be randomly selected and receive corresponding rewards.

In order to better attract popularity, the rewards given by major portal websites are quite attractive.

Countless netizens saw it and instantly became interested.

They were already competing to guess and were very interested. Now that there is a guessing platform, there is also the possibility of getting attractive rewards, which naturally makes people feel quite excited.

As a result, the speculation activities held by major portal websites are very popular.

The total number of votes on any website instantly exceeded 10,000, and then continued to rise at a steady pace.

The popularity and popularity of Bao have always been ranked first in the entire network.

Naturally, the major entertainment media also provide various reports, and they never tire of reporting on it.

For all the actors, they are even more eager to star in Li Fan's new movie at this time.

Just by revealing a little bit of information, it is already the most popular on the entire internet.

So, what is certain is that from now until the final filming is completed and released, within such a long time, the popularity will always be the first in the entire network, and it will often be the first.

Then, the box office will definitely explode after its release, and it may even be a global hit.

For an actor, being able to participate in such a movie will have a huge effect on improving his reputation.

Therefore, the actors' desire to participate in the film has become more and more intense, including almost all first- and second-tier superstar actors.

The entire actor circle was in a state of agitation.

Sansheng Village.

Hu Fei was in a good mood. He wandered around the village with Li Fan and Su Qing, and everything he looked at felt particularly beautiful.

Destiny comes first.

Zheng Jie said with a smile: "Is the protagonist one of the four great talents in Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty? It is indeed very curious.

What kind of comedy will it be? "

Liang Sheng said: "That guy should be able to come up with the script tomorrow at most. You'll know when you take a look at it."

Zheng Jie said: "That's fine. Let the boy take out the script and read it when the time comes."

In the evening, Li Fan invited Hu Fei to have dinner at Xianyuan Tower. Of course dad, mom, Su Qing, little girl, third uncle, Sanniang, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and others are also there.

Naturally, the host and guest enjoyed this meal.

After returning home, Li Fan turned on the computer and started writing the script.

Of course, more accurately, it should be to start copying the script.

The movie he wants to bring to the world this time is a very classic costume comedy movie from his previous life, "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

This movie is one of Stephen Chow's representative works, and it goes without saying that it is a classic.

It would be a great pity if such a classic is not allowed to be seen by people in this world.

Tang Bohu, a talented man from the south of the Yangtze River, fell in love at first sight with Qiuxiang, a maid in the Imperial Palace of Hua.

Then with the help of the boatman, he used a trick to sneak into Washington and started a big plan to pick up girls.

After a lot of twists and turns, he finally married Qiuxiang.

Tang Bohu in the movie is suave, powerful in martial arts, and versatile. There is a very big difference from the real Tang Bohu in history.

However, that doesn't matter. The movie is originally a joke and fiction, and it is not a biography of a historical figure.

Because it was a copy, Li Fan completed it very quickly. In a short while, the entire script was completed.

After finishing, Li Fan printed out the script and put it together.

At this time, Su Qing walked into the study and saw the script in Li Fan's hand. She said with some joy: "Has it been written?"

Li Fan nodded, handed the script to Su Qing, and said, "How about taking a look?"

"Okay!" Su Qing took over the script.


I saw the movie title was "Tang Bo Hu Spots Autumn Fragrance". He even said happily: "Sure enough, it's Tang Bohu. I knew it would be Tang Bohu. But, what does 'light autumn fragrance' mean?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "After reading it, you will understand."

Su Qing nodded and started reading the script.

Why doesn't Su Qing know what "lighting the autumn fragrance" means? It's because she doesn't know that "Qiuxiang" is a personal name.

If you know it's a person's name, you can probably understand what it means.

Qiuxiang is not a real person in history, but a fictional character created by artistic works in previous lives.

There is no such character as "Qiuxiang" in this world.

In the previous life, the story between Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang existed in many literary works and folklore.

Not in this world.

In the past life, the prototype of its story first appeared in the work "Ear Talk" written by the Ming Dynasty novelist Wang Tonggui.

To the effect. Chen Yuanchao, a talented man from Suzhou, had a bohemian character.

Once, Chen Yuanchao and his friends visited Tiger Hill and met a woman named Qiuxiang by chance. Qiuxiang smiled sweetly at Mr. Chen.

This smile made Chen Yuanchao completely tempted.

So, they sent someone to find out Qiuxiang's identity, and it turned out that she was a maid from an official family.

In order to get Qiuxiang, Chen Yuanchao disguised himself, sneaked into the official's house, and became a study boy for the two young masters of the official's family.

Soon after, Chen Yuanchao felt that the two young masters were completely inseparable from him, and thought that the time was ripe.

So Chen Yuanchao lied to the two young masters that he was going home to get married.

The two young masters did not want Chen Yuanchao to leave, so they said that there were so many maids in the house and asked Chen Yuanchao to choose any of them to get married.

Chen Yuanchao was elated. This was what he was waiting for, and then he said to the two young masters that in this case, it would be better for him to obey orders than to be respectful.

Then, after pretending to think for a while, he said: "Then I will order Qiuxiang."

The final result was naturally that Chen Yuanchao successfully embraced the beauty.

This story is the prototype of the story "Tang Bohu spots the fragrance of autumn".

Then, the story was re-created by more writers, and the protagonist changed from Chen Yuanchao to Tang Bohu.

The "marriage with one smile" between Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang gradually developed into the "marriage with three smiles."

The plot also becomes increasingly complex.

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