Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2448 Can’t wait to leave

The movie "Tang Bohu Spots Qiuxiang" is exactly based on the story of "Three Smiles Marriage" between Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang.

Now, Li Fan has brought it to this world, and he believes that the story of "Three Smiles Marriage" can also spread in this world.

Su Qing opened the script and after reading it for only a short moment, she couldn't help but smile, even her eyes were filled with smiles.

Then the more I watched it, the happier I became. There were really too many laughs.

This is just a script I read. Once it is made into a movie, the effect will definitely be much better.

Of course, the premise is that the shots are good enough.

Su Qing believed that Hu Fei could do a good job, and Li Fan would also take care of it himself.

Then, Su Qing finally understood, what does "lighting the autumn fragrance" mean?

It turns out that Qiuxiang is a personal name. Still a maid in the Grand Master's Mansion, Tang Bohu tried his best to sneak into the Grand Master's Mansion for the sake of Qiuxiang...

It's really interesting.

After reading the entire script, Su Qing was extremely happy. She looked at Li Han and said, "Your story is completely fictitious! There should be no Qiuxiang in history."

Li Fandao: "It is indeed completely fictitious. The character Qiuxiang is also fictitious. How about it? Does it look good?"

Su Qing said: "It's very interesting. However, if you want to achieve good results, the requirements for the actor of the protagonist Tang Bohu are very high! He must have extremely good acting skills. Such young actors are probably not easy to find."

Li Fan smiled and said: "It's okay. Just look slowly and you will definitely be able to find it. You must also find the actors well."

Su Qing nodded, "That's for sure. At most, it will only take a little more time."

the next morning.

Hu Fei got up early, and kept hesitating whether to go to Li Fan?

Logically speaking, Li Fan should have completed the script last night. It's totally okay to go now.

But I feel like it's a little too early. What if Li Fan chooses to write the script after getting up this morning?

I'm afraid it's not appropriate to go now.

Just like this, the time quickly arrived at nine o'clock in the morning.

Then, Hu Fei finally made up his mind, no matter what, go and take a look first.

So, Hu Fei walked out of Xianyuan Building and arrived in front of Li Fan's yard.

From a distance, I saw Li Fan and Su Qing standing on the edge of the pond in front of the yard, talking.

Hu Fei felt happy, it seemed that the script had indeed been completed.

He quickened his pace, and then shouted loudly from a distance, "Brother Li, Miss Su, good morning!"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Good morning, Brother Hu."

Su Qing then also said hello to Hu Fei.

After a few words of greeting, Hu Fei couldn't wait to say: "Brother Li, the script has been completed, right?"

Li Fan nodded and smiled: "I have known for a long time that Brother Hu is very anxious, so how dare I not seize the time?"

Hu Fei laughed and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Brother Li. To be honest,

I really can't wait. "

Li Fan nodded, and then asked Hu Fei to sit down in the yard.

The script was placed on the coffee table, and Hu Fei saw it as soon as he sat down.

Then he picked it up impatiently and said, "This should be it, right? Brother Li, I'll take a look first."

Li Fan smiled and signaled to Hu Fei to do whatever he wanted.

Hu Fei couldn't wait to open it. After seeing the title of the movie, he also said, "It is indeed Tang Bohu. I guessed it should be Tang Bohu."

Then, just like Su Qing before, she was a little confused about the words "dian qiuxiang".

However, Hu Fei did not ask out loud. He knew that he would understand it after reading the script.

Then, officially start reading the script.

Like Su Qing before, she was quickly amused by the script, and became more and more excited as she read it.

What is comedy? This is comedy!

This kind of comedy effect is very natural, unlike many comedies, where many places are forced to be funny, which makes it awkward to watch.

And this movie doesn't have the slightest feeling of embarrassment.

After reading the script, Hu Fei was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

As expected of Li Han's movie, it became a classic as soon as it was released.

Yes, classic.

Although he has just seen the script, Hu Fei is already sure that as long as this movie is completed, it will definitely become a classic.

There are too many scenes and plots that can become classics.

A script like this, to be honest, really puts a lot of pressure on people.

However, for Hu Fei, it was more excitement and excitement.

He was still very excited, he must make this movie a success.

Hu Fei laughed and said: "As expected of Brother Li's work, it is really too strong."

Li Fan smiled and said: "It seems that Brother Hu is satisfied."

Hu Fei said: "More than just satisfied? I'm simply very satisfied! So satisfied! Brother Li, don't worry, I will make this movie well and make it a classic."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Of course I believe Brother Hu."

Hu Fei said: "The characters in this movie are very vivid, and the choice of actors is very important! Especially for the protagonist Tang Bohu, the choice of actors is particularly important. Brother Li, are you interested in choosing actors together?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give it to Brother Hu for reference."

Hu Fei waved his hand and said: "It should be said that we discussed it. Brother Li, without further ado, I will go back to make preliminary preparations and form the crew. In two days, the official audition of actors will begin. Then I will ask Brother Li to make a trip. ”

"Going back now?" Li Fan said with a smile, "Didn't Brother Hu say yesterday that he would take this opportunity to rest in the village for a few days?"

Hu Fei shook his head and said: "No rest, no rest. Such a good script has already made me ready to move. How can I calm down and rest? I won't rest until this movie is finished. "

Li Fan could understand, so he didn't try to dissuade her. He just said, "Okay, thank you, Brother Hu. I'll go to the set in two days."

Hu Fei waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Brother, it's too late for me to get excited. How can I be so lucky?"

Then, Hu Fei stood up and said goodbye to Li Fan and Su Qing.

After saying goodbye, he left in a hurry out of the courtyard.

From the looks of it, he really didn't want to stay any longer.

Li Fan was speechless. Was he too eager?

Su Qing chuckled and said, "This can only mean that your script is so good. Director Hu can't wait to start filming."

The script is definitely a good one. Is this an absolute classic from the past life a joke?

But, there’s no need to be so anxious, right?

That's all, just be anxious if you are anxious and don't worry about it.

At this time, the phone rang, it was Zheng Jie calling.

Zheng Jie asked Li Fan on the phone if the script was finished? If the creation is ready, take it over to them and take a look.

All right. Li Fan had no choice but to return to his study and reprint a copy of the script.

Then he took the script and walked towards Yuanlaiju with Su Qing.

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