Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2449 The crowded press conference site

After arriving at Yuanlaiju, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were both there.

Zheng Jie said with a smile: "Here you go, where's the script? Let's see how your comedy movie goes?"

Li Fan smiled, handed the script to Zheng Jie, and said, "Let's read it."

Zheng Jie took it and opened it.

Liang Sheng also came over to watch together.

"Well, Tang Bohu can. Relatively speaking, Tang Bohu is the most famous among the four great talents. Order Qiuxiang? This is a bit difficult to understand." Zheng Jie said after seeing the movie title.

Then he didn't wait for Li Fan to explain, but started reading the text directly.

Of course, Li Fan was not prepared to explain. Anyway, as long as he saw Qiuxiang appear later, he would basically understand.

At the same time, Hu Fei had already gotten on the bus to the provincial capital.

He was going to the provincial capital to take a plane and then go to the magical capital.

This time he plans to form the crew in Shanghai.

In the car, Hu Fei called his assistant and asked him to prepare a venue for a press conference. He will hold a press conference tomorrow morning to announce some things about this movie to the outside world.

The assistant quickly agreed. At the same time, after learning that Hu Fei had received the script, he was also very excited and looking forward to it!

He will be able to read Li Fan's comedy movie script right away.

Then, arrange the venue as soon as possible.

He was already familiar with this kind of thing. So, arrangements were made quickly.

Then, the assistant called Hu Fei back and said that the venue had been arranged. And were you told specifically which venue it was?

After receiving the call from his assistant, Hu Fei nodded, and then updated a new Weibo post.

This Weibo post stated that he has successfully obtained the script of Li Fan's film, and will hold a press conference at a specific time and place tomorrow to accept questions from the media. Congratulations to the media reporters for being present.

As soon as the news came out, the entire network was once again boiling.

Countless ordinary netizens kept talking excitedly.

"Hahaha! I knew that Director Hu Fei would be able to get the script soon. Because Mr. Li Fan created the script very quickly, we didn't need to wait too long at all. Now it is true, Mr. Li Fan is still the same as before Niubi!”

"No matter what kind of works he creates, Mr. Li Fan is extremely fast. In this regard, Mr. Li Fan is lonely and invincible."

"Now that Director Hu has got the script, why not announce who among the four great talents the protagonist is? Everyone can't wait to know this question!"

"Director Hu probably plans to wait until tomorrow's press conference to announce it. Hurry, Hurry!"

"I wonder what other news Director Hu will reveal at tomorrow's press conference? It's really exciting!"

"The script has been released. I hope the crew can confirm the actors earlier, start filming earlier, and then release it better. I really can't wait to watch it!"

“It is estimated that it will take at least two or three months at the earliest.

Don't start looking forward to it so early. "

"Yeah, just wait patiently. Now, we should look forward to tomorrow's press conference. This is realistic."

"Okay, let's look forward to the press conference first."


Ordinary netizens are like this, and major entertainment media are equally excited.

Are you going to hold a press conference tomorrow?

Great, faster is better, faster is more exciting.

All major entertainment media have made preparations to go to the press conference tomorrow.

You must attend the press conference tomorrow.

Then, the actors in the acting circle were even more ready to make a move.

Now that the script is ready, the required characters must have been released.

What kind of roles are there? Do you have a chance? Will there be open auditions to recruit actors this time?

The actors were excited, looking forward to it, and a little nervous. They all contacted Hu Fei through their own connections to express their eagerness to star.

Regardless of whether there is a role that suits you or not, this attitude must be expressed first.

This has only advantages and no disadvantages.

Sansheng Village, Yuanlai is at the forefront.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng finished reading the script.

Zheng Jie laughed and said, "It's true that your first comedy movie is so interesting. If this movie is finished, it will become a classic!"

Liang Sheng said: "It is indeed very possible. It's a pity that our country's unique culture is relatively strong in this movie. Audiences from other countries in the world probably won't like it too much. Maybe they can't understand the subtleties in many parts. Otherwise, this movie is likely to be a hit around the world."

Li Fan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. This movie was originally just for our own country. As for movies that other countries in the world also like to watch, we can just make them again when we have the opportunity."

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "That's true. The release of this movie is very exciting!"

Li Fandao: "Look at Director Hu looking so impatient. It won't be released for too long."

Liang Sheng nodded.

The next day, nine o'clock in the morning.

The exhibition hall on the first floor of a five-star hotel in Shanghai was arranged as the venue for this press conference.

The scene at the University of Nuovo is constantly pouring in, and reporters from the entertainment media are armed with long guns and short guns.

Then there are many ordinary viewers who are also pouring in.

At ten o'clock later, Hu Fei will hold a press conference here.

Almost all entertainment media from all over the country, large and small, are here.

There were only entertainment media reporters at the scene, and it already gave people the feeling of a huge crowd.

As for the ordinary audience, there are more people, and there are people everywhere inside and outside.

When the hotel saw it, they were shocked. There were too many people there, right?

It's just a movie conference, and Li Fan won't be here in person, so why should it be so exaggerated?

Those who didn’t know it thought it was some superstar singer who was holding a concert here.

Quickly arrange a large number of manpower to maintain order at the scene, and then set up cards to divert traffic so that the conference will not appear too crowded.

The entertainment media at the scene felt helpless and emotional after seeing the situation at the scene.

With so many entertainment media coming, the diversion is serious! But there is nothing we can do. Who told this to be the press conference of Li Fan's movie?

Since there are so many entertainment media, the speed and quality of publishing will be compared later.

Reporters from various entertainment media are already gearing up and can’t wait.

The audience at the scene was very excited.

Originally, they could not have come and just wait at home to read the reports from the entertainment media.

However, they are in the Magic City, not far from here, so why not come to the scene and learn the relevant news as soon as possible?

So, they came too. Then after seeing the atmosphere at the scene, I was very glad that I came.

With so many entertainment media and audiences attending movie conferences, apart from Li Fan, I'm afraid no one else has such influence.

It would definitely be a loss if you didn’t come to see such a press conference!

Therefore, after arriving at the scene, they were even more excited.

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