Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2450 The puzzling movie title

At 9:50 a.m., Hu Fei and his assistant arrived at the scene.

After seeing the situation at the scene, although I had been prepared for it, I was still shocked.

There must be too many people here.

Fortunately, the venue today is big enough, otherwise, all the media reporters would not be able to enter.

This is only the first press conference for the movie. Even the title of the movie has not been announced to the outside world, and none of the cast has been confirmed.

It's really touching. Why does a movie like this need to do a little bit of publicity on its own?

With such emotion in his heart, Hu Fei sat down on the press platform.

The press conference is about to officially begin.

When all the media reporters at the scene saw Hu Fei's appearance, they were all refreshed and prepared.

The general audience watching the scene were also in high spirits. The answers to the questions that everyone on the Internet had been speculating on were finally about to be revealed.

At the same time, the Internet is also very lively, and countless people are waiting for news about the press conference.

"I heard that there are more than a hundred entertainment media present today. Hahaha! Only Mr. Li Fan's movies have such influence."

"I heard that in addition to the media, there were also a large number of ordinary spectators at the venue, making it look like a concert."

"This is because this press conference is really worth looking forward to. I wonder what information Director Hu will reveal?"

"Just wait and see, it will start soon. All kinds of reports will be overwhelming later."


At the press conference site, at ten o'clock in the morning, the press conference officially started.

The host followed the usual practice and introduced today's press conference.

As soon as the introduction was completed, many reporters couldn't wait to ask questions. They couldn't wait until the Q\u0026A session to ask questions.

"Director Hu, why would Mr. Li Fan launch such a movie this time? Did you go to Mr. Li Fan to ask for help? Or did Mr. Li Fan take the initiative to find you?"

"Director Hu, is there any story about this movie?"

"Director Hu, how long did it take Mr. Li Fan to write this script?"

"Director Hu, which of the four great talents is the protagonist?"


There are all kinds of questions asked.

The on-site host quickly stopped him, indicating that it was not the question-and-answer period yet, and he would ask any questions during the question-and-answer period.

But the effect was not great. There were so many reporters that it was impossible to stop them.

The host could only apologize to Hu Fei.

Hu Fei smiled and said it didn't matter, so he would answer some of the questions first.

Therefore, Hu Fei expressed his hope that everyone would pause so that he could answer some of the questions just raised.

The scene gradually became quiet, and the media reporters were excitedly preparing to take shorthand notes.

Hu Fei selected a part of the questions to answer, indicating that he was visiting Li Fan this time, and that Li Fan was also very willing to bring you a comedy movie and so on.

Then everyone paid great attention to it,

The question of which of the four talented men is the protagonist of the movie is also answered.

The question that has caused great speculation and controversy on the Internet finally has an answer.

The media reporters at the scene immediately announced the answers to the outside world in the form of entertainment information express.

Suddenly, all kinds of push messages were overwhelming, and everyone who was in front of the computer or holding the phone in their hand knew the answer.

The protagonist is Tang Bohu.

In an instant, there were all kinds of heated discussions on the Internet. Those who guessed correctly laughed.

"Hahaha! It is indeed Tang Bohu. I knew it would be Tang Bohu. After all, relatively speaking, Tang Bohu is the most famous among the four great talents."

"I'll just say it was Tang Bohu. There were still many people arguing with me at that time. Now you all know you were wrong. Hahaha!"

"Okay! Finally there is an answer, and the controversy and speculation are finally over. This feeling of being right about guessing is really great!"


Those who guessed correctly were very excited, and the more people who didn't guess correctly were not depressed.

It's a pity that I guessed wrong, but it's nothing.

After all, it doesn’t matter who the hero is.

Tang Bohu is Tang Bohu.

The key question now is, what kind of story is it about Tang Bohu?

If you look at the real Tang Bohu in history, his life is actually quite miserable.

Since it is a comedy movie, it shouldn't strictly follow Tang Bohu's real life trajectory in history, right?

After all, there shouldn't be much comedy in a down and out life.

"Since it is a movie, it will definitely be a completely fictional story. Therefore, I guess there should be a big gap between the Tang Bohu in the movie and the real Tang Bohu in history."

"There is nothing wrong with that. And because of this, people are very excited about what kind of story the movie will be like!"

"No matter what, it must be a very exciting story. And besides being exciting, there are also many hilarious moments."

"Isn't this nonsense? It must be like this!"

"By the way, has the name of the movie been announced? What kind of story is it? Maybe we can guess something from the name of the movie."

"That's right. The name of the movie should not have been announced yet. Otherwise, there will definitely be overwhelming push messages."

"I haven't received the news yet. Just wait, the movie title will definitely be announced. And it should be soon."

"Hahaha! It's really exciting!"


On the Internet, countless people are waiting for push messages about the movie title.

Everyone believes that based on the name of the movie, we should be able to roughly guess what kind of story it will be like?

Everyone also believes that the movie title will definitely be announced.

This is certainly true.

After a while, all kinds of push messages were overwhelming again.

The main content of the news is exactly the name of the movie: "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

After seeing the name of the movie, everyone was stunned.

Because they found that they didn't seem to understand what the movie title meant?

What does the word "dian qiuxiang" mean?

Qiuxiang means "mosquito incense"?

If it were replaced by "Tang Bohu lights mosquito coils", everyone would understand what it means.

But the key point is, I have never heard that "mosquito incense" can be called "autumn incense"!

Could it be because the name "Tang Bohu Lights Mosquito Repellent" was too tacky, so the word "mosquito incense" was replaced with "Qiu Xiang" to make it appear more elegant.

"Qiuxiang" is just a word coined by Li Fan himself.

This does seem to make some sense, but what the hell is "Tang Bohu lighting mosquito coils"?

Although everyone understands what it means, it’s too mundane.

Of course, it is also very possible that "autumn incense" does not mean mosquito repellent.

So, what does it mean?

Everyone looked a little strange.

They originally thought that as soon as the movie title came out, they could roughly guess what kind of story the movie was about based on the movie title?

But now, I found that not only was it impossible to guess, but even the name was somewhat incomprehensible.

This is also quite frustrating.

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