Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2451 Another trip to the magic city

There is no other way but to see if Hu Fei can give a further explanation?

Everyone on the Internet is waiting for new news about the launch. They all hope that Hu Fei can provide further explanation on the movie title.

So that everyone can understand what the movie title means?

Otherwise, it will be very uncomfortable!

The conference site.

All the media reporters also did not understand the meaning of the movie's title. They also knew that after they reported it, those who saw the report would not be able to understand it either.

Those people must still be waiting for further reports from them.

Therefore, entertainment media have repeatedly asked, what does the movie title "Tang Bohu Spots Qiuxiang" mean? How should it be understood?

Hu Fei didn't intend to hide it, so he told reporters that Qiuxiang was actually a person's name.

This is enough, there is no need to disclose more information, and Hu Fei does not intend to disclose any more information.


All the media reporters were excited. This was a very important message. With this information, the movie title will probably be understandable.

Report to the outside world as soon as possible.

So, another push message flooded the sky.

The news that "Qiuxiang" is a person's name spread throughout the Internet.

Countless people suddenly realized that it turned out to be a person's name.

In this case, it seems understandable that this is the previous story of Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang.

Although I still don’t know what the specific story is? But it must be mainly about the story between the two of them, so there should be no problem with this.

However, almost everyone is very unfamiliar with the name "Qiuxiang", and they do not remember that there was a character like Qiuxiang in history.

Of course, it is also possible that they are ignorant and have not heard anything.

After all, their historical level is really not that good.

However, it doesn’t matter, you can find the answer on the Internet.

Therefore, many people entered the word "Qiuxiang" into the search engine, and a lot of results came out, but they did not find any results for a historical figure.

It seems that there is no such person as Qiuxiang in history.

Of course, search engines cannot search for it, and they cannot be 100% sure.

But soon, everyone was sure.

That's because the famous historians Cen Geng and Shen Cong wrote articles one after another saying that there is indeed no such figure as Qiuxiang in history.

Qiuxiang should be a fictional character created by Li Fan this time.

The words of Cen Geng and Shen Cong are absolutely authoritative. Therefore, everyone has determined that Qiuxiang is a fictional character created by Li Fan this time.

Of course this is normal. Movies are not biographies of historical figures. It is quite normal to create a fictional character.

Then, this can explain another problem, that is, this time the story of "Tang Bohu spots Qiuxiang" should really be completely fictional by Li Fan.

Although everyone had guessed this before,

But not entirely sure.

Now, it's certain.

Qiuxiang is undoubtedly the protagonist of the story. Even one of the protagonists is fictional. How could the story not be fictional?

Of course, it should be more or less related to real history.

The first protagonist is Tang Bohu after all.

Countless people are excited about various hot discussions on the Internet.

The press conference was as lively as ever, and reporters still had many questions.

For example: What is the current preparation status of the crew? When will it be officially launched?

Do you already have the ideal casting in mind? Will there be an open casting call this time?

How long is the estimated shooting time? When is it expected to be released? Do you have any expectations for the box office? There are so many questions like this.

These questions are relatively normal questions.

Therefore, Hu Fei gave short answers one by one.

The reporters at the scene were extremely satisfied. The amount of information in this press conference was very large. In addition to the important news pushed as soon as possible, there is also a lot of news worthy of good reporting.

This press conference is really worth it.

At 12 noon, exactly two hours later, the press conference ended.

All the media reporters did not choose to leave immediately, but started working on the report at the scene.

At this time, the comparison is the speed and quality of manuscript production.

The ordinary audience at the scene slowly dispersed in excitement.

As they dispersed, they did not forget to share some of the scene on the Internet.

This is a good opportunity to show off on the Internet, and no one will miss it.

Not long after, various news about the press conference began to appear overwhelmingly.

Various heated discussions on the Internet have set off waves of high-profile protests.

At the same time, a large number of actors in the actor circle also began to act excitedly.

Hu Fei said at the press conference just now that this time the actor selection is open to auditions, and any actor can come to audition.

The audition took place at the film and television studio of Jiahe Film and Television Company in Shanghai.

Jiahe Film and Television has maintained a long-term cooperative relationship with Hu Fei, so this time Hu Fei chose Jiahe Film and Television as the audition location.

As for the characters in the play, Hu Fei did not announce them at the press conference.

Announcement at the press conference is of little significance. It just announces a character name. For the actors, it is impossible to judge whether they are suitable for the role? Are you willing to act?

The specific role will be announced at the audition site, including the character requirements, approximate time of appearance, etc., and there will be more specific instructions.

The actors who came to audition must first of all come for the roles of the protagonist Tang Bohu and the heroine Qiuxiang.

If these two roles are hopeless, you might as well consider other roles after getting to know the other roles.

In fact, almost all actors who want to audition have this in mind.

Their first target must be the protagonist, but the requirements of the protagonist must be very high, and there is a high possibility that their character will not meet the requirements in all aspects.

Then, it is also their choice to play other roles in the play.

As long as you can successfully star in the drama, it doesn't matter if you have a supporting role. Even supporting characters with very little screen time.

A group of actors who were ready to make a move gathered in the magic capital Jiahe Film and Television.

Including many first- and second-tier superstar actors.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan, Su Qing, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and others all saw relevant reports about the press conference.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Director Hu is really fast! It looks like the actor auditions will start tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at most. I have to go to the magic city again!"

Su Qing said: "That girl Yulin is also in the Magic City now. She was very excited when she learned that you were going to the Magic City."

Li Fan said: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen that girl for a while."

Su Qing said: "She has finished her work in the Magic City, and this time she said she would come back with you."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Okay! Then we will come back together."

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