Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2458 Actors are being confirmed one after another

The actor who plays Qiuxiang, if nothing else, should be Xiao Xiao.

However, the more important actor Tang Bohu is still not particularly satisfactory.

Of course, Li Fan and Hu Fei were not in a hurry. Take your time and there will always be an actor that satisfies you.

Actor auditions continued, and actors came in one after another to perform auditions.

Some auditioned for the role of Tang Bohu, and some auditioned for other roles.

After several days of this, except for the role of Tang Bohu, all the other roles were filled with very satisfactory actors.

Li Fan and Hu Fei also formally confirmed a group of actors.

For example, the role of Qiuxiang is played by second-tier superstar actor Xiao Xiao.

The role of the deadly scholar is played by A-list superstar actor Ling Bai.

The role of Taishi Hua is played by Lu Youheng, a famous veteran actor and first-line superstar actor.

The role of Zhu Zhishan is played by third-tier star actor Song Yuanzheng.

Absolutely star-studded.

Of course, in addition to these star-studded actors, there are also ordinary actors and newcomers.

For example, the role of Wu Zhuangyuan is played by newcomer actor Xie Yuanming.

Every time an actor is officially confirmed, the crew will announce it to the outside world.

The entertainment reporters who have been guarding the door of Jiahe Film and Television will also report to the outside world as soon as possible.

In the past few days, countless people from the outside world have been paying attention to the actors' auditions.

Every time the crew officially confirms an actor, it will arouse heated discussions from the outside world.

For example, after it was confirmed that Xiao Xiao would play the role of Qiuxiang, the Internet was suddenly full of discussions about Xiao Xiao.

"Qiuxiang must be the heroine, right? The actress for the heroine was confirmed so quickly, faster than I expected! However, I feel that Xiao Xiao is indeed suitable. Mainly because she is beautiful. Hahaha!"

"Xiao Xiao can do it, I think it's pretty good. Speaking of Xiao Xiao, I have to think of "The Legend of White Snake". This work by Mr. Li Fan is really a classic."

"It is indeed quite a classic. The original novel is a classic, and the TV series starring Qin Yulin, Xiao Xiao, and Xia Xiaoyue is also a classic."

""The Legend of White Snake" is Xiao Xiao's famous work. This TV series made Xiao Xiao famous all over the country from an unknown actor. Now he is already a second-tier superstar actor. It is to hit the first-tier superstar actor, There is hope too.”

"The role of Qiuxiang this time should help her become a first-line superstar actor and increase her leverage."

"It's a pity that Qin Yulin has never acted in other works since then. It's such a pity. That is a goddess! She is on the same level as the goddess Tang Ying."

"Qin Yulin is Mr. Li Fan's sister-in-law. She had no plans to develop in the entertainment industry. I heard that there are two reasons why Qin Yulin will play the role of White Snake. One is that Mr. Li Fan personally invited her, and the other is that the actor who plays Xu Xian , played by the beautiful actress Xia Xiaoyue. Otherwise, we would not have seen such a beautiful White Snake. Therefore, we should be satisfied that Qin Yulin can play the role of White Snake."

"In addition to Qin Yulin's identity as Mr. Li Fan's sister-in-law, I heard that her family identity is even more unfathomable.

I heard that she was acting just for fun. "

"That's true. But her acting skills are very superb. This is talent."

"Such a beautiful goddess can't be seen on the screen. It's really sad."

"Why did you mention Qin Yulin when talking about Xiao Xiao? I see that everyone can't forget Qin Yulin! Hahaha!"

"Nonsense, of course I won't forget it. She is an absolute goddess!"

"Hey! Let me tell you a secret. It's not impossible to meet Qin Yulin in person."

"Holy shit! Is it really fake? Meeting a real person? How is this possible?"

"That's right, how is that possible?"

"Tch! Why did I lie to you? Besides, the possibility is not low."

"Fuck! Really? Then tell me quickly."

"Go to Sansheng Village. Qin Yulin spends a lot of time in Sansheng Village. She often appears in the village. If you are lucky enough, you will see it. Moreover, Qin Yulin sometimes appears with her sister, that is, Li Mr. Fan’s girlfriend. She is also an absolute goddess, even more beautiful than Qin Yulin.”

"Oh no! Is this still possible? It seems to make sense. However, there are so many people in Sansheng Village every day, so the probability of encountering them is very small, right?"

"So it takes a lot of luck."

"Have a chance to see Qin Yulin and her sister? Absolute sister goddesses! It turns out that you can get such treatment when you go to Sansheng Village. It's really exciting. Hahaha!"


Everyone was originally discussing Xiao Xiao, but Qin Yulin was mentioned as they talked.

Moreover, there is also a sense of overshadowing the guest.

No way, although Qin Yulin only starred in one work, "The Legend of White Snake", this work and her role as White Snake have become absolute classics.

Coupled with Qin Yulin's stunning appearance, countless people have always remembered her and looked forward to her appearing in the film again.

But unfortunately, everyone's expectations are destined to be disappointed. Qin Yulin has no thoughts of acting now and will never have any in the future.

Everyone is aware of this, which is why everyone is so regretful and sad.

Then, after Ling Bai played the role of the deadly scholar, the Internet was naturally full of comments about Ling Bai.

Ling Bai had already been the focus of everyone's attention before.

At that time, Ling Bai said that his chances of competing for the protagonist Tang Bohu were slim, and then shifted his target to a secondary character like the fatal scholar.

He also said that even if the deadly scholar is a minor character, the competition is still huge. Can he succeed? Still hard to tell.

At that time, everyone was talking about it.

But now there is finally a result, Ling Bai finally successfully competed for the role of the deadly scholar.

It’s not easy!

Netizens are sighing.

Then they suddenly thought that a top-tier superstar actor had successfully competed for a minor role in a movie, and they actually expressed emotion that it was not easy.

This thing itself seems to be even more touching!

However, this is Li Fan's movie.

Even if it is just a minor role, it is definitely not an easy task to successfully compete.

Even A-list superstar actors.

Then, everyone was naturally excited and looking forward to Ling Bai's role as the deadly scholar.

Countless people on the Internet are talking about it.

"The Deathly Scholar, just by the name, I think he is a very awesome character. His fans should be very excited that Ling Bai can play such a character, right?"

"Nonsense. This is Mr. Li Fan's movie. No matter what kind of role he plays, his fans will be excited."

"That's true."


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