Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2459 Somewhat looking forward to the performance of the next audition actor

The cast is star-studded, and the confirmation of each star actor makes netizens excited.

Then some ordinary actors and newcomers also interest everyone.

To be able to stand out in such fierce competition is enough to show that his strength is very good.

For example, the ordinary actor who played the role of Wu Zhuangyuan, Xie Yuanming.

Everyone is not familiar with Xie Yuanming, and they have not even heard of this name before.

But now, many people are searching for Xie Yuanming's personal information on the Internet.

The search index of the three words "Xie Yuanming" quickly climbed onto the hot search list, and soon reached the top ten positions.

This made Xie Yuanming very excited. How had he ever enjoyed such treatment?

He has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, but he has always been just an ordinary actor who is not even a famous actor.

Sixth-tier star actors, who are the lowest, are even further out of reach.

But now, for the first time, he felt that he was already a star actor.

Although this was just his feeling and not true, it was enough to make him excited.

Top ten on the hot search list! This is a height that many fourth-, fifth- and sixth-tier star actors have never reached.

And he just confirmed that he would play a minor role in "Tang Bohu Spots Qiuxiang", and he quickly achieved it.

How could he not be excited and excited?

Of course, he knew that the reason why this happened was not because of him, but because of Li Fan and the movie "Tang Bohu Spots Qiuxiang".

Only Li Fan's movies can have such an influence.

Xie Yuanming was very excited. He thought his chance had finally come.

After the movie "Tang Bohu Spots Qiuxiang" is released, he should be able to join the ranks of celebrity actors.

This is the most important and difficult step.

He spent more than ten years but failed to take this step successfully.

Now, he finally saw hope.

Netizens also learned something about Xie Yuanming through information searches.

There is not much information about Xie Yuanming on the Internet, but there is still basic information.

Netizens are discussing it with great interest.

"It turns out that Xie Yuanming has been in the industry for more than ten years. This is the first time I know that there is such an actor. It is indeed not easy for actors to get ahead!"

"Of course it's not easy! If an actor wants to be famous, it depends on opportunities. No matter how hard you work without opportunities, it will be in vain."

"It's the first time I've heard of Xie Yuanming's name today. However, when I saw Xie Yuanming's photo, it seemed a bit familiar. I must have seen his previous TV shows."

"It seems a bit familiar to me. However, it doesn't seem too familiar. But now, I definitely know that there is such an actor."

"I know it too! He is going to play the role of Wu Zhuangyuan in "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance". Wu Zhuangyuan! It sounds like he is very awesome. Looking forward to Xie Yuanming's performance."

"Xie Yuanming can successfully compete for the role of Wu Zhuangyuan,

There is definitely no problem with his strength. The reason why I haven't become famous after being around for more than ten years is probably because I didn't get the opportunity. Now, his chance may have arrived. "

"It should be here. If Mr. Li Fan's movies can't make him famous, he probably has no chance of becoming famous."

"Oh no! Don't make it so miserable as others say. He should be famous this time. At least he will become a famous actor."

"This is what it should be. Even if he only plays a minor role in Mr. Li Fan's movies, it is enough for him to step into the ranks of celebrity actors."

"Then, let's wait and see."


Can Xie Yuanming become famous for "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance"? We can't make a 100% conclusion yet.

However, now that Xie Yuanming is hotly discussed on the Internet, he is definitely treated as a star actor, or even a superstar actor.

Its popularity is not much different from that of superstar actors such as Xiao Xiao and Ling Bai.

This not only made Xie Yuanming extremely excited and excited, but also made a large number of ordinary actors and newcomers extremely envious.

It’s being discussed all over the internet! This feeling must be quite refreshing, right?

This feeling should be the feeling of a star actor, right?

They really want to experience it too! But it's a pity that they don't have such an opportunity!

Many of them have also participated in auditions, but unfortunately they failed to compete for roles.

There are also people who, for one reason or another, are unable to sign up for the audition, or they have already signed up, but it has not yet been their turn to audition.

For the latter, they are even more eager to audition.

However, as actors continue to be confirmed, their chances are getting smaller and smaller.

Everyone sighed in their hearts. After all, their opportunity has not come yet!

Golden Harvest Film and Television.

Li Fan and Hu Fei were in a very good mood. Over the past few days, more and more roles have been cast.

Now, basically only the actor for the role of Tang Bohu has not been confirmed.

Of course, this is also the most important role.

In the past few days, many actors have auditioned for Tang Bohu, and many of them are quite satisfactory.

But Li Fan always felt that it still felt a little worse. He planned to see if there was anything more suitable?

Of course Hu Fei thought so too.

After another actor finished his audition and left, Hu Fei said to Li Fan: "Brother Li, we may need to observe the next actor carefully."

"Oh?" Li Fan said, "Brother Hu is very optimistic about the next actor?"

Hu Fei nodded and said: "The actor below was originally not planning to come to the audition. I finally persuaded him to come to the audition after trying hard."

"Oh?" Li Fan was a little surprised and curious. Hu Fei actually valued the next actor so much?

"Let me take a look at his information." Li Fan said as he picked up the information of the next actor to appear, intending to take a good look at it.

Let's see who can make Hu Fei value him so much?

At first glance, I was a little surprised.

The next actor to appear is He Xingshu, who is just a sixth-tier star actor.

Li Fan had never heard of this actor's name before.

Why does Hu Fei like this actor so much? Li Fan asked curiously.

Hu Fei said: "Brother Li has probably never heard of this name, but this man is definitely a very talented actor. I worked with him once a few years ago. At that time, he was still a third-tier star actor and had great opportunities. He was able to be promoted to a second-tier star actor. But later, due to some reasons, he became discouraged and stopped acting, and thus faded out of the audience's sight. The star level also gradually dropped from a third-tier star actor to the current sixth-tier star actor. Most of the audience We may have forgotten him. However, there should be some viewers who still remember him."

"I see." Li Fan nodded, looking forward to his audition performance.

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