Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2460 Do you long for this role?

Soon, the next actor walked into the audition studio, and it was none other than the sixth-tier star actor He Xingshu.

He Xingshu is 31 years old this year and can be considered a young actor.

Li Fan observed He Xingshu carefully for a moment, then nodded slowly.

After hearing what Hu Fei said about He Xingshu's situation, Li Fan originally thought that his mental state might not be good and his level of involvement might not be too high.

But after seeing He Xingshu, Li Fan felt that his mental state was still good and his level of investment could be said to be very high.

He Xingshu may have really not wanted to come to the audition before, but now that he has walked into the audition studio, it can be seen that he quickly adjusted his condition to the end.

This made Li Fan think a lot of He Xingshu Gao. No wonder Hu Fei valued him so much. It seemed there was a reason.

Now let’s see how the audition turned out?

Li Fan was more looking forward to it than before.

"Director Hu and Mr. Li Fan, thank you very much, and I am very honored to receive this audition invitation. I will try my best to perform."

Li Fan and Hu Fei both nodded.

After that, Hu Fei said: "If you are ready, let's start."

He Xingshu nodded and then started his performance.

As soon as he started, Li Fan's eyes lit up and he felt really good.

Hu Fei was even more delighted. He was indeed right. He Xingshu was really suitable for the role of Tang Bohu.

Then, as He Xingshu's performance continued, Li Fan felt better and better, and he was even more surprised in the end.

The role of Tang Bohu belongs to none other than He Xingshu.

Of course, the premise is that He Xingshu is willing to star.

Not long after, He Xingshu finished his performance and waited for the results.

Originally, He Xingshu's mood should be relatively calm.

He himself had always thought that his mood would be very calm.

After all, he originally didn't want to come to the audition. If it weren't for Hu Fei's repeated persuasion, he really wouldn't come.

So, logically speaking, he shouldn't care about the results of the audition.

Both success and failure are acceptable, it doesn’t matter.

However, when the audition was finally over, He Xingshu found that he could not calm down at all.

He was actually very nervous.

Why is this happening?

He Xingshu himself felt very strange. Why is he so nervous? Shouldn't he be very calm?

Could it be that he is already very eager for this role?

He had long been disillusioned with acting, but at this moment he rediscovered his passion for acting?

The regret of once being close to the second-tier superstar position but never reaching the second-tier superstar level has been forgotten for a long time, but now it suddenly becomes clear?

It turns out that my heart has never been reconciled?

Why is this happening?

He Xingshu himself didn’t know. However, he is really inexplicably nervous now.

Perhaps, he is already very eager for this role.

After Li Fan and Hu Fei discussed in low voices, Li Fan looked at He Xingshu and said, "He Xingshu."

He Xingshu was excited and said repeatedly: "Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan continued: "Let me ask you a question, do you long for this role? You can think about it carefully before answering. It must really be what you think in your heart."

He Xingshu was suffocated, and then asked himself, do you want this role?

He Xingshu was thinking about it. After a while, his eyes finally focused and he said with certainty: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am eager for this role."

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