Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2461 Shooting officially begins

"Oh? Really?" Li Fan smiled and said, "Are you sure?"

This time He Xingshu no longer hesitated and immediately affirmed again: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am very sure."

Li Fan smiled, and then discussed a few words with Hu Fei in a low voice.

After that, Hu Fei said: "Xiao He, Mr. Li Fan and I are very satisfied with your performance. If there are no accidents, this role should be yours. I hope you won't disappoint me and Mr. Li Fan. Now you go down and rest Bar."

He Xingshu was inexplicably excited when he heard about it. At this time, he was even more sure that he was really eager for this role.

His passion for filming suddenly returned.

After thanking Li Fan and Hu Fei repeatedly, He Xingshu left the stage.

Then the audition continues. Although we have found very satisfactory candidates, these actors who have come today still have to give them a chance.

At the same time, countless people outside are paying attention, and are very curious and looking forward to it. Which actor can get the role of Tang Bohu?

So far, according to reports from entertainment media, at least more than 50 actors have auditioned for the role of Tang Bohu.

Among them are many first- and second-tier superstar actors.

But the crew never finalized the actor. This is naturally because the crew has very high requirements for the actor who plays the role of Tang Bohu.

And the more this happens, the more people become curious about who will get this opportunity in the end?

Countless people are speculating and discussing, and many entertainment media are also making various predictions.

There was even a handicap opened, which made countless people sigh, this influence is really too great.

Countless people from all walks of life on the Internet are waiting for official news from the crew.

Now, the wait is finally here.

The crew officially announced to the outside world that the role of Tang Bohu has been confirmed, and will be played by sixth-tier star actor He Xingshu.

As soon as the news came out, it instantly aroused attention and heated discussions across the Internet.

The actor is a sixth-tier star actor, so everyone is not surprised or surprised by this.

Not to mention a sixth-tier star actor, but an ordinary actor or a newcomer, everyone will think it is normal.

Everyone is just very curious, why is this He Xingshu sacred? How can he stand out among so many first- and second-tier superstar actors?

Most people are unfamiliar with the name He Xingshu.

But there are a few people who are quite familiar with it. After seeing He Xingshu's name, they were all stunned.

He Xingshu? Is it the former third-tier star actor He Xingshu?

Didn’t it mean that he had quit the entertainment industry? Why are you acting in movies again?

Or is it the same name?

After some research on the Internet, I confirmed that they are not the same people with the same surname.

There is only one star actor named He Xingshu.

And those who were unfamiliar with this name also found out after some research on the Internet that He Xingshu was once a third-tier star actor.

Later, I became disheartened because of some things and quit the entertainment industry.

Gradually he was reduced to a sixth-tier star actor.

Now, are you planning to make a comeback again?

Moreover, this comeback performance was very impressive, and he was able to stand out among the competition with so many superstar actors.

Quite impressive!

Is this the rhythm of getting back to the top as soon as you come back?

Entertainment media reported variously, and netizens discussed variously.

While being hotly debated, I was also very excited.

Not because of He Xingshu, but because after Tang Bohu's actor is confirmed, it means that all the actors have been confirmed.

Actor auditions are officially over.

So next, it should be the opening ceremony, and then the filming should officially start, right?

Finally, finally waited until the movie officially started shooting.

This is definitely an exciting thing.

"Hahaha! All the actors have finally been confirmed. Let's start filming quickly and release it as soon as possible after filming. I really can't wait."

"I wonder if some filming behind-the-scenes will leak out from time to time during the filming process? The behind-the-scenes footage can also quench our thirst. Otherwise, we would have to wait until several months to see it. This time is really a long time!"

"That's right! I hope there will be some behind-the-scenes of the shooting leaked out. I hope the media reporters can be more effective. It would be best to expose a behind-the-scenes of the shooting every day. Hahaha!"

"Not to mention a section every day. Even if you can do a section every now and then, that would be very satisfying!"

"Don't worry. There will definitely be behind-the-scenes leaked by then. Which time during the filming of a movie or TV series didn't any behind-the-scenes leak out?"

"This is not necessarily the case! Other filming crews have leaked behind-the-scenes footage. In fact, the crew deliberately leaked it in order to maintain popularity and publicity. But Mr. Li Fan's movies are different. Mr. Li Fan's movies do not need to maintain popularity. There is no need for publicity. The crew can keep the footage from leaking out."

"That's right. Mr. Li Fan's movie doesn't need those methods at all. So, we just look forward to the leakage of the behind-the-scenes footage."

"Yes! I can only look forward to it in my heart."


Golden Harvest Film and Television.


Hu Fei laughed and said: "Brother Li, I've been really lucky to you these days. Next, it's time to hold a simple power-on ceremony. Brother Li still won't participate in the power-on ceremony?"

Li Fan nodded. He never participates in opening ceremonies or anything like that.

Hu Fei was not surprised, but a little regretful. But Li Fan didn't want to participate, so there was nothing he could do.

The opening ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow.

Now, start preparing for the power-on ceremony.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Li Fan. Li Fan and Qin Yulin returned to the room to rest.

Qin Yulin asked: "Brother-in-law, the actor audition is over now. When will we return to the village?"

Li Fan said: "Don't worry. After the filming starts, we will observe it for a few days before leaving."

Of course Li Fan completely believed in Hu Fei, but he still planned to stay and see for himself.

For such a wonderful movie, he hopes to make it 100% perfect.

the next day.

The opening ceremony was officially held.

It was just a simple opening ceremony, but there were a lot of entertainment reporters who came to the scene.

In addition to media reporters, a large number of ordinary netizens also came to the scene.

It was a very simple opening ceremony, but there were huge crowds of people present.

The crew, including actors such as He Xingshu, Ling Bai, Xiao Xiao, Song Yuanzheng, etc., were all filled with emotion.

They don’t know how many opening ceremonies they have attended? But the scene has never been so lively.

Li Fan's movies are different after all.

After the opening ceremony, the much-anticipated movie "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" finally officially started filming.

The main filming location is Hengdian Film and Television Base.

It's not far from the Magic City.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin also followed the crew to Hengdian.

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