Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2462: Broken Bridge Again

The first scene was shot soon.

In order to allow the actors to get into the mood well, the first scene was not complicated and was a relatively simple scene.

It is the scene when Tang Bohu first entered Washington, and some scenes of working after becoming a servant in Washington.

Characters such as Tang Bohu, Qiuxiang, Shiliu, and Wu Zhuangyuan all appear.

Wu Zhuangyuan's sentence "9527 is your lifelong code name." can also be regarded as a classic.

Although the play is not complicated, it is not easy to shoot well. Especially now that we have just started filming, the actors are not able to get into the character state very well.

Therefore, Hu Fei was very alert, and Li Fan was watching at the scene.

Qin Yulin naturally followed Li Fan to the scene.




Hu Fei crashed the plane a lot of times. This is not to say that the actors did not perform well, but that Hu Fei's requirements are very high.

If anything is not satisfactory, the camera will be shot again.

Li Fan was very satisfied. Hu Fei is indeed reassuring enough.

As for the actors, of course they would not complain at all. They even offered to let Hu Fei be stricter with them.

They all understand that with such a classic script, as long as they make it, the movie will definitely become a classic.

In order not to disappoint Li Fan and to create a classic movie that belongs to them, they are willing to make the greatest efforts.

Therefore, they must work hard to make the best of the scene. Does it matter how many times it is retaken?

Li Fan was also very satisfied with the attitude of the actors.

It seems that even when he is not at the scene, he does not have to worry about the situation at the scene.

Of course, even so, Li Fan will not leave Hengdian immediately.

He had nothing to do anyway, so it didn't matter if he stayed in Hengdian for a while.

Hengdian is not far from West Lake. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to West Lake, so it’s a good choice to go to West Lake again.

As for Qin Yulin, she was naturally not in a hurry to leave. Anyway, with Li Fan accompanying her, it would be the same wherever she was.

the next day.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin did not go to the filming site, but to the West Lake.

After Li Fan proposed visiting the West Lake yesterday, Qin Yulin fully agreed and said that she also wanted to go back to the West Lake to see it.

Qin Yulin starred in the role of White Snake and filmed in West Lake for a long time.

Qin Yulin already has a unique feeling for West Lake.

She hasn't been to West Lake for a while.

It was nothing at first, but after hearing Li Han mention that he could come to West Lake, he suddenly had a strong feeling that he wanted to visit West Lake again.

So, two people came today.

Anyway, on the crew side, whether it was director Hu Fei or all the actors, Li Fan was very relieved. It's the same thing even if he's not on set.

And Li Fan couldn't have stayed at the filming site all the time.

"Brother-in-law, let's go to the Broken Bridge first." Qin Yulin said to Li Fan after arriving at the West Lake.

Li Fan nodded, and the two of them walked towards the broken bridge.

The broken bridge is now one of the most famous attractions in West Lake.

Every day, many tourists board the broken bridge and take various photos.

The reason for this is naturally all because of the work "The Legend of White Snake".

Before Li Fan launched "The Legend of White Snake", the Broken Bridge was just a very ordinary bridge among the many bridges in West Lake, without any fame.

However, after the release of the novel "The Legend of White Snake" and the release of the TV series "The Legend of White Snake", Broken Bridge's fame has grown rapidly.

It didn’t take long for it to become one of the most famous attractions in West Lake.

Thinking about it now, Li Fandu still felt a little emotional.

With emotion in their hearts, the two of them slowly walked to the broken bridge.

The situation is as expected, there are many tourists on the broken bridge. Everyone walked back and forth on the broken bridge, and many people stopped on the broken bridge to take various photos.

Li Fan looked at Qin Yulin and suddenly said with a smile: "If your identity is exposed now, there will definitely be a commotion on the scene. Maybe someone on the broken bridge will be pushed into the water. If White Snake returns to the broken bridge, she will definitely make the scene Everyone is excited.”

Qin Yulin chuckled and said: "If your identity is exposed now, the commotion on the scene will be more serious. I am just the interpreter of White Snake. And you are the creator of White Snake."

Li Fandao: "That's not necessarily true. It's true that I created White Snake, but the image of White Snake in everyone's mind is you. Your appearance is even more shocking."

Qin Yulin said: "Really? How about giving it a try?"

Li Fan said: "Okay! Just give it a try."

Qin Yulin pouted and said, "You knew I wouldn't try, so you said that on purpose."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Look, you really don't know how to try."

"Tch! Let's go, brother-in-law, let's go take a look at the Broken Bridge too," Qin Yulin said.

Li Fan said: "Okay. However, you'd better lower your hat. Otherwise, it will be bad if you are recognized."

Qin Yulin is too conspicuous, and he will be recognized accidentally, so he must be very careful.

Of course Qin Yulin knew this, so she lowered the brim of her hat before walking towards the broken bridge with Li Fan.

Then he followed the flow of people to the broken bridge.

Standing on the bridge and looking around, I felt more and more emotional.

After standing on the bridge for a long time, the two of them walked off the bridge from the other end.

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