Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2463 What happened! I'm going to be so embarrassed.

After walking off the broken bridge from the other end, you arrive at the famous Bai Causeway.

Standing on the Baidi and looking south, Leifeng Pagoda can be vaguely seen.

Leifeng Pagoda is also made famous by "The Legend of White Snake".

For Qin Yulin, Leifeng Pagoda gave her a special feeling.

"Want to visit Leifeng Pagoda?" Li Fan asked.

Qin Yulin said: "Okay! Leifeng Pagoda is now one of the most famous attractions in West Lake."

Li Fan said: "Okay, then let's walk from Baiti to Su Di, and then all the way to Leifeng Pagoda to have a look."

Qin Yulin nodded.

The two of them were not in a hurry and walked slowly along the Baidi. There were many tourists along the way and it was quite lively.

On both sides of Baidi, there were many people who liked poetry reciting poems and writing poems, which attracted many people to watch.

Along the way, when passing by a crowd, I suddenly heard bursts of cheers and cheers from the crowd.

Then there are people who tut and praise "good poem, good poem" and the like.

It seems like someone has made a good poem.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin looked at each other with interest.

Then, the two men walked towards the crowd. They are going to see what kind of good poem it is? To be able to attract such praise from the onlookers.

After approaching the crowd, I happened to see someone showing the poem to everyone. While showing it, he also made a few simple comments.

After Li Fan read it, he nodded. It was indeed a good poem. With a certain level, it should have been written by a professional poet.

This situation is very common in West Lake. Professional poets often come to West Lake to find inspiration for writing poems.

Either alone, or with a few or five people, or of course with more people.

As for the current situation at the scene, Li Fan observed that there should be several poets competing with each other here.

The poem just now was written by a tall and thin man in his 30s.

At this time, the tall and thin man was quite excited, and he made everyone laugh by making poor modesty poems.

After hearing this, everyone naturally said that the tall and thin man was being humble.

After some praise and humility, another slightly fat man said: "Okay, now let's move on to the next poem title. The next poem title is 'Snow', and we will write a poem with 'Snow' as the title. Let's see who will show up this time. Of course, if any of you have poems, you are more than welcome to share them with us."

This last sentence was said to the onlookers. There's nothing wrong with that.

Those who can watch here must at least be somewhat interested in poetry and can be regarded as poetry lovers.

Poetry lovers also have the ability to write poetry, but generally speaking, their level of poetry writing is not as high as that of professional poets.

Therefore, the onlookers at the scene were also thinking, and they were indeed interested in writing poetry.

If you can make a good poem and write it out for everyone to appreciate and comment on, it will obviously feel quite good.

Qin Yulin leaned close to Li Fan's ear and whispered: "Do you want to write a song?"

Li Fan shook his head and said, "I won't write it anymore.

Let's just see what they write. "

Qin Yulin nodded and said, "That's fine."

The title of the poem "Snow" is indeed very common, but it is precisely because of its commonness that there are so many poems with the title "Snow".

There are so many poems, but it’s not easy to write a new poem with the title “Snow”!

The several professional poets at the scene all frowned slightly and were thinking actively. There were no good poems at the moment.

After a while, no one spoke or wrote.

A very common poem title stumped everyone.

At this time, a voice in the crowd murmured in a low voice: "It's very simple to write a poem with the theme of 'Snow'."

Although the voice was small, everyone present heard it.

The fat man's eyes lit up and he quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

Of course the others also looked in the direction of the sound.

The person who spoke was seen to be a rather young man.

The young man is not Li Fan, but someone else.

When the young man saw everyone at the scene looking at him, he couldn't help but be slightly startled, as if he didn't understand what was going on?

Then I realized that someone else had heard what I just said.

Damn it! It’s over!

The young man secretly yelled "No", he was afraid that he would be embarrassed now.

Because, he actually didn't think of any good poems. He just thought of a poem that was a bit of a joke.

Then he saw that no one had written a poem for so long, and he even thought of a poem.

There are so many people at the scene who are not as good as him!

Therefore, I joked to myself that it is not difficult to write a poem with "snow" as the title.

Who knew that his whisper was heard by everyone.

What should we do?

What should we do if we ask him to write poems?

The poem he came up with was purely a prank and could not be put on the table at all.

If this were written in public, it would be a huge loss of face!

What should I do?

The young man prayed in his heart. Everyone looked at him and quickly looked away, but they must not let him write poetry!

However, what you fear often comes.

The slightly fat man laughed and said: "It seems that this little brother has a poem. He is really young and talented! If you are willing, please ask the little brother to say or write the poem, and let us work together Enjoy it."

"It's over!" The young man was about to cry without tears.

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