Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2464 What happened! I can’t write the fourth line of the poem.

The young man was about to cry but had no tears. What was he afraid of?

What should we do?

He really wanted to say that he actually hadn't thought about the poem, but he always felt that he couldn't say it.

Everyone was looking at him, and the expressions on their faces were still looking forward to it.

How embarrassing it would be to say that I didn’t think of the poem well!

Moreover, it will be considered as showing off.

I obviously don’t have any poems, but I say it’s not difficult to compose a poem with “snow” as the title. Isn’t this pretentious?

Therefore, I cannot admit that I have no verses.

However, it would be equally shameful to express the verses that are on your mind! He will definitely be laughed at by everyone.

What should be done?

The young man's mind was racing, but no matter how much he thought, there was no good solution.

And time did not allow him to remain silent.

No matter what, he had to speak, and now so many people were waiting.

Finally, the young man gritted his teeth and decided to give it all and leave it alone.

Even if you are laughed at, you cannot say that you are showing off.

So, the young man decided to write his own verse.

His calligraphy is very average and can only be said to be barely legible.

But he still decided to write.

Because writing it out won’t be as embarrassing as saying it.

Besides, if you ask him to say that he will definitely not be able to say it, he can only write it.

The young man picked up a writing brush and prepared to write.

Everyone at the scene saw that the young man was going to write with it, and they all looked expectantly at the brush in the young man's hand.

They wanted to watch the young man write word for word.

It feels very good to watch someone write a poem word for word.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin also looked at the young man, both curious.

The young man took a few deep breaths and finally started writing.

"One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces."

This is the first line of poetry written by the young man.


Everyone at the scene was slightly stunned and looked a little strange.

But that's not so bad.

There is actually nothing wrong with this poem. It's snowing, and the snowflakes are indeed flying and falling one by one.

Imagine standing in a snowy sky and looking up at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, one by one.

Then he couldn't help but count the sounds, "One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces..."

It's quite graphic.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this first line of the poem, it just feels like it lacks depth and literary grace.

The young man became increasingly uneasy, and then he continued to write the second sentence.

"Five pieces, six pieces, seven or eight pieces."

As soon as the second line of the poem came out, everyone was stunned again, and then their expressions became even weirder.

This time, he looked really weird.

One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, five pieces, six pieces, seven or eight pieces?

What the hell is this? Counting for fun?

If only the first sentence has nothing wrong with it and gives people a rather graphic feeling, then the second sentence together with it instantly destroys the "nothing wrong with it" in the first sentence.

The two sentences put together are really as good as a child composing a poem.

What is this all about? Counting snowflakes can turn into a poem, right?

Thinking of this, some people at the scene couldn't help but chuckle.

Even Qin Yulin let out a chuckle and chuckled.

As soon as Li Fan glared, Qin Yulin quickly covered his mouth with his hand, and then made a face at Li Han.

Li Fan shook his head, this girl...

Then, Li Fan's eyes lit up when he looked at the two poems the young man had written.

This is quite interesting!

Only Li Fan at the scene thought it was interesting.

The rest of the people at the scene who couldn't help but chuckle just now also swallowed back their laughter.

It is obviously very impolite to laugh at someone else's poem like this.

Can't laugh.

But these two sentences really make people want to laugh!

It was a blessing to endure it.

Then, everyone thought in a bad way, "What will be the third sentence next? Why don't we continue counting? We have already counted seven or eight slices. What about the next nine slices, ten slices, and eleven slices?"

After thinking about it like this, everyone was actually looking forward to the next sentence.

Even more than when I expected the young man's first line of poetry.

There is no one else.

When the young man heard the chuckles at the scene, his face turned red.

But now that I am on the verge of getting off the hook, I can only bite the bullet and continue writing.

well! This time it is destined to be a huge embarrassment!

Why do I have to be so mean-mouthed, muttering about why it is not difficult to compose a poem with "snow" as the title?

Isn’t this digging a hole for yourself?

The young man couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then he forced himself to write the third sentence.

"Nine, ten, and countless pieces."

"Pfft!" As soon as this poem came out, more people couldn't help laughing.

Damn it, are you really going to keep counting?

It's just that after nine and ten slices, instead of eleven slices, countless slices came directly.

But whether it's "eleven slices" or "countless slices," the effect is the same.

This simply makes people don’t know how to evaluate it?

This young guy is really a master! How can ordinary people compose such a poem?

Even if he could do it, he would be too embarrassed to write it down? Not to mention brazenly saying that there is no difficulty in writing a poem with "snow" as the title.

This young guy is also a talent.

Everyone at the scene felt a little funny.

It's just that there is no malicious intent, everyone just finds it very interesting and fun.

Then, everyone at the scene discovered another problem.

That is, there is the last line of the poem, which is not easy to handle!

There are at least four lines in a poem, but now I have only written three lines, and the last line is still missing.

Now, this last sentence is difficult.

Because the third sentence has already counted "countless pieces", it can't continue counting!

Therefore, the third sentence should be "nine pieces, ten pieces, eleven pieces".

In this way, the fourth sentence will be easy to write, right?

Now, it’s hard to do!

The young man also suddenly discovered such a problem. He found that he could not write the last sentence.

When he was just writing the third sentence, he just felt that it was easy to read, so he wrote "countless pieces".

I never thought that it would be difficult to follow the fourth sentence.

Now that I have discovered it, what should I do?

The young man became more and more nervous and anxious.

He just wants to get out of here after writing the fourth sentence.

It’s so embarrassing!

But the terrible thing is that I can’t write the fourth sentence now!

The young man became increasingly anxious. And the more anxious I am, the less I can write.

If I had known earlier, I should have written, "nine pieces, ten pieces, eleven pieces" in the third sentence.

well! This is all done.

The young man wanted to go back and change the third line of the poem to "nine pieces, ten pieces, eleven pieces."

But that would undoubtedly be more embarrassing and would definitely make everyone at the scene laugh.

Although everyone may not have any ill intentions, it will still be more embarrassing.

Therefore, you cannot go back and change the third sentence.

But if the third line of the poem is not changed, the fourth line of the poem will not come out!

The young man has no idea what to do?

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