Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2473 Excited Hotel Manager

Dozens of people appeared at the same time, no matter what, it was quite noticeable.

However, the people around him didn't care at first, they just thought it was a tourist group staying at a Tangzhou hotel.

Until someone discovered in surprise, "Huh? Why does that beautiful woman in the crowd look like a second-tier superstar actor Xiao Xiao?"

"Xiao Xiao? I saw it too, and it really looks like it. It feels like Xiao Xiao!"

"It's not just Xiao Xiao. Have you seen the man carrying the white shoulder bag? Does he look like the A-list superstar actor Ling Bai?"

"Ling Bai? It's impossible, right? Let me take a look... I'll rub it! It seems very similar."

"Xiao Xiao? Ling Bai? It's impossible for two people who look like Xiao Xiao and Ling Bai to appear at the same time, right? The probability is too small."

"Since the probability is very small, there is only one possibility. That is...fuck! Is this impossible?"

"Are you saying they are real people? They are Xiao Xiao and Ling Bai? Is this possible? Aren't they both on the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" now? Wait... look at the others..."

When everyone understood that Xiao Xiao and Ling Bai were both real people, they suddenly thought of a possibility.

That's this group of people, the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

The crew of "Tang Bo Hu Spots Autumn Fragrance" is currently filming in Hengdian Film and Television City. It is indeed very possible that they will appear in Tangzhou at this time.

Then, there should be other celebrities and actors that everyone is familiar with in the crowd.

The people around took a closer look, and sure enough they found third-tier star actor Song Yuanzheng, veteran actor Lu Youheng and others in the crowd.

Of course director Hu Fei was also recognized.

Well, it’s 100% real, this is the crew of “Tang Bo Hu Spots Autumn Fragrance”.

At this time, everyone around him was excited and quickly gathered around him.

Xiao Xiao, Ling Bai, Song Yuanzheng and other crew members were already mentally prepared for being recognized.

After all, they didn't put on any disguise this time.

Neither wearing sunglasses, mask, nor hat.

The reason why he didn't wear it was because Li Fan didn't wear anything.

In fact, before coming, Li Fan told Xiao Xiao, Ling Bai, Song Yuanzheng and others to prepare masks, hats, etc.

Otherwise, there is a high chance that someone will recognize you.

But Xiao Xiao, Ling Bai, Song Yuanzheng and others all said no.

Because they knew that Li Fan never wore these.

They were with Li Fan, but Li Fan didn't wear it, so how could they dare to wear it?

What about A-list superstar actors? Along with Li Fan, they didn't dare to think that they were stars at all.

If the outside world knew that they were with Li Fan, and Li Fan was not wearing anything, but they were tightly wrapped in masks, hats, etc., they would definitely be laughed to death by the outside world.

Therefore, everyone did not have any disguise and was mentally prepared for being recognized.

Then, everyone smiled and complied with requests such as taking photos and asking for autographs from those around them, without daring to show any airs.

for a while,

The whole scene was very lively.

Everyone around me has the feeling that these superstar actors and actresses are all very friendly today and have no airs at all.

It's not like usual, more or less aloof.

Why is this happening? Everyone couldn't understand it for a while.

There is no need to think clearly at this time. What the hell, this is a good thing! Nowadays, taking photos and asking for autographs are the real business. It is absolutely rare for celebrities to be in this state.

If you miss it, it will be gone.

Of course, the Tangzhou Hotel was also alarmed.

News: The crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" is here. Director Hu Fei, Ling Bai, Xiao Xiao, Lu Youheng and other superstar actors are all on the list. The hotel does not dare to neglect.

The hotel manager personally went to greet the guests outside the lobby. Seeing that the scene was slightly chaotic, he quickly arranged for hotel security personnel to arrive to maintain order.

The hotel manager found Hu Fei and said excitedly: "Director Hu, your crew's sudden arrival really shocked us! Did you come to our Tangzhou hotel specially?"

Hu Fei smiled and said: "Of course we came here specially. We are here to eat."

"Eat?" The hotel manager was even more excited. This is definitely a huge surprise!

Such a situation at the scene will definitely attract entertainment media reporters very quickly.

After the entertainment media reporters exposed the fact that the crew ate here, their Tangzhou Hotel was definitely a hit.

You know, this is the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", and it is Li Fan's movie. The attention received from the outside world is very high.

The hotel manager laughed and said: "Director Hu and the whole crew came here, and our Tangzhou hotel was in full bloom. But why didn't Director Hu make a call in advance? It was better for us to prepare in advance. Now, I'm afraid there will be some neglect." Everyone. I apologize to everyone in advance."

Hu Fei smiled and said: "We have made a reservation in advance. Someone is inviting us to dinner."

Someone invited the entire crew to dinner?

The hotel manager was shocked. Who has such a big reputation? He was actually able to treat the crew of "Tang Bohu's Dignity to Autumn Fragrance" to dinner.

You know, this is Li Fan's movie. There are many first- and second-tier superstar actors in the crew.

The hotel manager hesitated for a moment and then said: "Director Hu, may I take the liberty of asking who is inviting me to dinner?"

Hu Fei said: "Okay, we don't intend to keep this secret. The person who invited us to dinner is the person who booked the West Lake private room in advance."

The West Lake Private Room is the largest private room in Tangzhou Hotel. It is very large in area and very expensive.

Therefore, whenever someone books a West Lake private room, the hotel manager will personally pay attention to it.

Therefore, the hotel manager knew that the person who booked the West Lake private room tonight was a Mr. Li.

The manager didn't think much of it before. But now, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

This possibility made his heart beat wildly, with unprecedented excitement and excitement.

He was so excited that he even trembled when he spoke, and asked: "Hu... Director Hu. Is it... is... Li... Li..."

Hu Fei smiled and said, "Just as the manager thought. It's him."

The hotel manager was even more excited and asked quickly: "Director Hu, where is Mr. Li... Li Fan?"

Hu Fei said: "I just saw him going to the bar in the lobby. Then a girl from the bar came out and took him upstairs. She probably went to a private room."

What? Already gone to the private room?

The hotel manager trembled, then turned around and ran to the lobby bar.

However, he suddenly stopped after running two steps. Only then did he realize that it was very rude to Hu Fei for him to run away like this.

So, he hurried back and said, "Director Hu, I'm really sorry. I was too excited just now."

Hu Fei smiled and said: "The manager is too polite. It doesn't matter, I understand. The manager just goes about his business. We will go to the private room later."

The hotel manager apologized a few more times, then turned around and ran to the bar in the lobby.

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