Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2474 This makes no sense at all

When I ran to the bar, the hotel manager asked anxiously: "Did that gentleman just go to the West Lake private room?"

A girl at the bar replied: "Yes. He is the gentleman who booked the West Lake private room tonight. Manager, who are you?"

The hotel manager turned around and walked quickly to the elevator, and said at the same time: "It's nothing. It's just that the gentleman has a special status, and I need to receive him in person."

The girl at the front desk didn't pay much attention after hearing this. Their Tangzhou hotel is the largest hotel in Tangzhou. People with special status do often come, and it is quite common for the hotel manager to receive them in person.

On the contrary, the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" currently in the lobby made the girls at the front desk very excited.

But the hotel has regulations that prohibit them from leaving the front desk without any reason, so they can only look at it with tears in their eyes.

The hotel manager hurriedly walked into the West Lake private room and saw a girl at the front desk introducing the situation of the private room to a young man.

The young man is undoubtedly Li Fan.

The hotel manager was more excited than ever before. He walked forward quickly and said nervously: "Hello, Mr. Li Fan. I am Zhang Jiang, the manager here. We feel extremely honored that Mr. Li Fan has come to Tangzhou Hotel!"

Before the hotel manager Zhang Jiang finished speaking, the girl beside him exclaimed and covered her mouth with her hands, looking shocked and disbelieving.

This young man turned out to be the legendary Li Fan. She just talked in front of Li Fan.

It turns out that Mr. Li who booked this private room was Li Fan. This is incredible.

Why did Li Fan book this private room?

The girl quickly thought of the crew of "Tang Bo Hu Spots the Fragrance of Autumn" in the hall downstairs, and then she seemed to understand a little bit.

What a surprise!

However, despite the surprise, the girl was inexplicably nervous.

After knowing Li Fan's identity, she could no longer be as natural as before.

Li Fan is a legendary figure with too many legendary stories.

Facing such a person, the girl simply could not remain calm.

Li Fan felt the girl's nervousness, smiled at her, and said, "My name is indeed Li Fan, but I am just an ordinary person. I can neither go to heaven nor enter the earth. You can relax a little."

After hearing what Li Fan said, the girl felt a lot more relaxed. But she felt more and more emotional in her heart. People said that Li Fan was hiding in the city, and she finally felt it personally today.

She is so lucky!

Later, Li Fan said to the hotel manager Zhang Jiang: "Manager Zhang, you are too polite. I will treat the crew to dinner tonight, so I will trouble your hotel."

Zhang Jiang said quickly: "This is our hotel's honor. Please rest assured, Mr. Li Fan, we will do our best to provide good service tonight."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Just serve as normal, don't be too deliberate."

Zhang Jianglian claimed that it was.

At this time, Qin Yulin walked into the private room. She had just gone to the bathroom when she was downstairs, so she was not with Li Fan.

Qin Yulin wore a hat and mask,

So she wasn't recognized downstairs.

Other celebrities dare not wear hats and masks, but Qin Yulin is naturally different.

After entering the private room, Qin Yulin took off her hat and mask. She really didn't like wearing these things.

But there was no way. If she hadn't worn it, she would still be in the hall downstairs, unable to get out together with the rest of the crew.

As soon as they took off their hats and masks, hotel manager Zhang Jiang and the girl recognized Qin Yulin's identity at a glance.

There is no way, her beautiful face can be easily recognized.

Zhang Jiang and the girl were very excited. They felt that Qin Yulin looked much more beautiful in real life than on TV or online.

She definitely deserves the words "peerless appearance".

Qin Yulin smiled slightly and said, "Hello."

Zhang Jiang and his sister were even more excited.

At this time, in the hall downstairs.

After fully satisfying fans' requests for photos, group photos, and autographs, the crew finally entered the elevator one after another.

The fans in the hall were also extremely satisfied.

Not only did I meet so many celebrities at the same time this time, the attitudes of the celebrities were particularly friendly and not aloof at all.

This is really exciting and satisfying.

Then, it is natural to show off this kind of thing on the Internet and enjoy a sense of satisfaction and superiority.

"Hahaha! I'm so lucky today! I met many superstar actors and actresses at the same time. And I even took photos with them all. Can you believe this is true?"

"Believe it or not! The credibility of this kind of thing is almost 0."

"That's right. Unless the evidence is produced, we won't believe it."

"Didn't we take photos with all those superstar actors and actresses? Then take out the photos and let's take a look? When we see the photos, we will naturally believe it."

"That's right. If you have photos, take them out as soon as possible. If you don't have anything to say, stop bragging."

"Photos? Hehe! Of course there are. Since you want to see them, I'll show them to you. But don't be too envious! Hahaha!"

"So much nonsense, hurry up."

The fans in the lobby of Tangzhou Hotel need this kind of effect.

So, everyone started showing off their photos with great pride.

People on the Internet didn't take it seriously at first, but when they looked at it, they were really surprised.

"Holy shit! Is this Xiao Xiao? So beautiful! I'm so jealous! Ling Bai? Song Yuanzheng? These are really superstar actors and actresses! Moreover, the background is obviously the same place. What's going on?"

"Ling Bai, Xiao Xiao, Song Yuanzheng. Damn! This is the director Hu Fei. Wait...I know. This is "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance"! Are you meeting the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance"? Already?"

"Looking at the environment, it feels like a hotel! What are they doing in the hotel? To eat?"

"Hahaha! Congratulations on your guess. We did meet the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance". This is indeed a hotel, Tangzhou Hotel. As for what the crew is doing here? It seems they are really here to eat."

"F*ck! It's true. You must be lucky. It's really enviable! But why can you all take photos with the crew? It stands to reason that even if you are lucky enough to meet the crew, the crew should also follow their footsteps. Hurry, how could it be possible for superstar actors like Ling Bai, Xiao Xiao, and Lu Youheng to take a group photo together like this?"

"That's right! This doesn't make sense! Even if you want to take a photo, you can only take a photo with one of them in a hurry. How is it possible to take a photo with all the actors?"

"It's really weird. It's as if these superstar actors are very cooperative with you and then take photos with you one by one. This makes no sense at all! How is this possible? What is going on?"


February has begun, a new month, new hope.

I hope this haze will pass soon, and I wish everyone health and safety!

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