Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 802 The Mystery Case of Meicheng

The young man's bet with everyone was just an episode. Except for the young man who was still proud, everyone else's eyes had already been focused on this new work called "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer".

Song Ci, known as the originator of the world's forensic medicine, is as famous as Di Renjie, and book friends are not unfamiliar with him.

It is foreseeable that there should be some forensic detection methods in this "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer", and book friends are very much looking forward to this.

This first case is called the "Meicheng Mystery Case".

At the beginning of the work, it is explained that Song Ci, a student of the Southern Song Dynasty, was fascinated by the judgment of cases since childhood, under the influence of his father, Song Gong, a famous prison judge.

Later, in his sleep, Song Ci successfully solved the mystery of a skeleton.

Like "Youth Bao Qingtian", "The Song of the Great Song" begins with a small case to warm up. Although this case was carried out in Song Ci's dream, it is not a case after all.

And Song Ci's rhetoric that "this life must be accomplished in prison" also made a lot of book fans excited.

However, the plot that follows is somewhat unexpected.

One day, Song Ci and his friend Meng Liangchen invited to a wine shop to raise a glass and drink.

During the banquet, Meng Liangchen told Song Ci that he had been appointed as the magistrate of Meicheng.

Song Ci knew very well that Meicheng County was located in a remote area and had difficult personnel. The former magistrate, Zhumei Ting, took office for only half a year, and he died inexplicably. Song Ci was very worried about his friend's departure.

In addition, Zhu Yinggu, the daughter of the deceased magistrate of Meicheng County, Zhu Meiting, suspected that her father's death was strange, and came to the capital to find her distant brother who had worked in the yamen and was known as the "King of Head Hunters" to discuss. Please ask Song Gong, a well-known prison pusher, to come forward to find out the truth of his father's death.

Next, on the day of Song Ci's marriage, the father who served as the official in Jiazhou did not return.

Just as the newlyweds were paying their respects three times, a carriage arrived in the rain, and the carriage brought back the body of his father Song Gong.

This episode made a lot of book fans say "I wipe!"

"Li Fan is very unkind! Can't we arrange such a plot after we get married?"

"It's not good to arrange after marriage. That was Song Ci's father, and he was also a famous prison judge, and he died suddenly.

Makes people feel more hurt. "

"That's right, why do you have to arrange the plot of Song Gong's death? Does Li Fan have any intentions?"

"It must be intentional. Could it be that Song Gong was murdered? Song Ci made his debut in order to find out who killed his father?"

"I think the above statement is wrong. Song Ci is going to debut, so he can arrange another case. Why should Song Gong be killed?"

"That's right, why did Li Fan arrange such a plot? It's sad, but it's also confusing."


The plot of the father's sudden and unexpected death is not unacceptable to all book fans.

It's just that if there is no special intention for such a sentimental plot, the author's arrangement is somewhat debatable.

Of course, book fans believe that Li Fan must have his special intentions, but it's just that everyone can't think of it.

With doubts in their hearts, the fans continued to look down.

The grief-stricken Song Ci checked his father's body and found that his father died of poisoning.

Is it murder? Just when Song Ci was grieved and angry, the old housekeeper, who was also sad, gave Song Gong's suicide note to Song Ci.

The suicide note stated the cause of Song Gong's death.

Song Gong committed suicide by taking poison.

Song Gong has never had a wrongful conviction in his forty years in prison. However, in a recent case, Song Gong was wrongly convicted of a murder. This was also the only wrongful conviction in Song Gong's life.

This is the only wrongful homicide case, in which the old push official took poison and committed suicide to apologize.

Moreover, in the suicide note of the old push official, Song Ci also left a will to "not set foot in prison for life".

This made Song Ci, who was determined to inherit his father's business from a young age, and said "I must achieve the great cause of prison in this life", and from then on, Song Ci became disheartened and drowned out his sorrows with wine all day long.

Next, there was news that Song Ci's friend, Meng Liangchen, the new magistrate of Meicheng County, died of a fire in the post station on the way to his post.

The sudden death of his friend Meng Liangchen made Song Ci even more anxious.

I want to go to the location of the incident and investigate the cause of the death of my friend. However, because of his father's will of "not to set foot in prison for life", he did not dare to go.

Book fans saw this, and they all sighed deeply in their hearts.

I feel deeply sorry for the suicide of the old push officer, and at the same time, I also understand very well the legacy that the old push officer left to his son.

"It's a pity that the old pusher committed suicide to apologize for a wrongly convicted murder case, and it's also a loss for the entire Song Dynasty."

"The old pusher kept his son from prison for life, probably because he was worried that his son would follow in his footsteps."

"Naturally, that's the reason. Father, he definitely doesn't want his son to follow in his footsteps. We can fully understand this. It's just that the old pusher's move is not righteous enough."

"Indeed, he made Song Ci barred from prison for the rest of his life. In this world, I am afraid that there will be many more unjust cases and wrong cases, and many innocent people will die because of injustice. The old judge is indeed selfish. Of course, from his father's point of view , we fully understand."

"However, the old pusher should know that Song Ci has the ambition of 'to accomplish great things in prison in this life'. He came up with such a fate, didn't he make Song Ci in a dilemma? Seeing Song Ci's restless appearance all day, it's really pitiful. "

"Hey, it's because the old pusher knew that Song Ci had such ambitions, so he left such a will. It's better to be restless for a while, than to give his life in vain."

"Well, that's exactly what happened."


This time, the book fans have very consistent views. While they think that the old push official has selfishness, they also understand the selfishness of the old push official very well.

No one said that the old push official's actions were wrong, but it just made Song Ci suffer a bit.

Of course, fans of the book also know that Song Ci will definitely set foot in prison.

Otherwise, this book would not exist.

Therefore, fans of the book are wondering how Song Ci put down the burden in his heart and started to set foot in prison? full of anticipation.

Of course, the truth that the two magistrates of Meicheng County died unexpectedly is also full of expectations.

However, to know this, you have to wait until the next issue of "Legend" magazine. The serialization of this issue of "Da Song Ti Criminal" has ended.

In this issue of "Da Song's Prison Officer", apart from the opening part, Song Ci revealed a small case in his dream, there is no real reasoning and solving the case, but the fans of the book also enjoyed it very much. , looking forward to the next story.


Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the countryside here wishes everyone a happy holiday! Eat more dumplings or something.


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