Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 803 The old pusher's good intentions

Sansheng Village. 【Full text reading】

Li Fan watched for a while on the Internet, the comments of book fans on "The Song of the Great Song".

I saw that everyone basically agreed that the last order left by the old push official to his son, "not to set foot in prison for life", was because of his own selfishness and did not want his son to follow in his footsteps.

But is the truth of the matter really so? Li Fan smiled, and in a few days, when book fans know the truth, they will surely regret their current views.

At that time, the statement about the old push officials would definitely be a completely different scene.

Like the previous fairy tale work "Pipiru and Lu Xixi", the serialization of "Da Song's Prison Officer" also attracted the attention of all parties.

Many media also carried out relevant reports in the first time.

Many non-detective fans have also discussed "Da Song's Criminal Officer" on the Internet. In my heart, I just sighed that the speed of Li Fan's work was too fast, and it was a completely different type of work.

In addition, Yu Hai, who is adapting the script of "Youth Bao Qingtian", is also paying attention at the first time.

Obviously, just adapting one crime-solving work was not enough for Yu Hai, and his fiery eyes focused on "The Song of the Great Song".

For detective fans, the attention of other parties to "The Song of the Criminal" also makes them watch with relish. They like to see the comments of the non-detective fans on "The Criminal of the Song".

Of course, what they were most interested in was about "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer" itself. In the next few days, their discussions about "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer" almost never stopped.

The suspense left in the first issue of the serial really made their hearts itch a lot, and they just hope that time can pass faster, so that they can see the content later.

In their eager anticipation, the time finally came to March 4th, when the new issue of "Legend" was released.

As before, a group of detective fans at the newsstand, after buying the latest issue of "Legend", or near the newsstand, or back at home, or somewhere else, chose one to make themselves comfortable. , then opened the magazine contentedly, and continued the criminal investigation journey of "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer".

I thought to myself: "In this issue, Song Ci should be involved in prison and go to Meicheng County to investigate related cases."

And the depression in Song Ci's heart,

How did it open?

Book fans, looking forward to it!

At the beginning of this issue, the head hunter and Zhu Yinggu, the daughter of the late Meicheng County magistrate Zhumeiting, found Song Ci and wanted to invite Song Ci to go to Meicheng County to investigate the mystery of the accidental deaths of the two magistrates.

Song Ci himself naturally wanted to go, but it was only his father's will, and he absolutely could not disobey.

Song Ci was in a dilemma and was distraught.

However, Song Ci's mother's remarks made Song Ci suddenly wake up, and the depression in his heart went away.

His mother told him that his father left him "The True Story of a Mysterious Case", which was undoubtedly the most precious thing left for him, who had been determined to accomplish his great career in prison since he was a child.

It turned out that the old push official left Song Ci with the last order of "not to set foot in prison for life", and at the same time left Song Ci another thing, the old push official with his life's hard work and wrote "The Record of Mysterious Cases".

Before, Song Ci was trapped by his father's will, and he didn't think of his father's intention to leave "The Record of Mysterious Cases" to himself at the same time.

It wasn't until his mother's words that Song Ci suddenly understood the good intentions of his father before his death.

It turned out that the old pusher did not want to close the door to Song Ci's great achievements in prison, but to engrave the lessons of his own blood in Song Ci's life memory.

The old push official used his life to give Song Ci, who was about to go to prison, a deafening warning.

The old pusher hoped that Song Ci would be careful not to misjudgment and hurt innocent people's lives when he judged the case in prison.

He was indeed afraid that Song Ci would follow his footsteps, but he was afraid that Song Ci would follow his wrongful conviction.

Song Ci's stagnation was over. After worshipping his old father, he took the head catcher and Zhu Yinggu and resolutely embarked on the journey to Meicheng County.

Song Ci suddenly realized his father's good intentions, but when a group of book fans saw this, their hearts trembled violently.

Wrong, wrong, they were all wrong, they all misunderstood the old pusher.

Where is the old push officer not righteous enough? Where is the selfishness? The old push official is obviously well-intentioned.

And the old push officer's good intentions for Song Ci are not the same as his good intentions for other people's lives and human justice.

The not-so-fragile hearts of the book fans were touched, and they felt very remorse and shame for their previous misunderstanding of the old pusher.

"The old pusher is really well-intentioned. I said before that the old pusher is not righteous enough. I want to sincerely say to the old pusher here, 'I'm sorry'."

"The moment Song Ci realized it, my heart trembled. The old push official is a great father and a good official who is worthy of the world."

"Yeah! Seeing this, I feel deeply sorry for the suicide of the old pusher."

"Human life is as big as the sky, these few words actually made my eyes slightly moist."

"Human life is as big as the sky. It was a deafening warning left by the old push official to Song Ci, so why wasn't it a warning to each of us?"


How will Song Ci open up the depression in his heart? It was once one of the most anticipated suspense by book fans.

Now, the suspense has been revealed, but the hearts of book fans are a little heavy.

Many book fans are in their hearts, silently expressing their respect and gratitude to the old pusher.

Thanks to the old push officer for cultivating a judge who is upright and honest, and judges the case like a god.

Next, Song Ci, the head hunter, and Zhu Yinggu came to Meicheng County, and they found that Meicheng County was unfathomable and had murderous intentions.

When he first arrived, because the local officials were well prepared, Song Ci was in a difficult situation everywhere.

However, Song Ci still used his keen and nuanced observation, superb investigation techniques, and rich legal knowledge to clear the layers of clouds that shrouded Meicheng County.

In the end, he cleverly set up a chess game, allowing a group of cunning villains to reveal their flaws on their own initiative, so as to wipe out the black hands behind them.

It also exposes the true face of Zhizhou Lu Huaide, who has been pretending to be a good person.

And Lu Huaide was the murderer behind the accidental death of two magistrates of Meicheng County.

So far, the mystery of Meicheng County has been successfully solved, the Y cloud shrouded in Meicheng County has disappeared, and it is replaced by a bright world.

The murderer got the punishment he deserved, and the former magistrate Zhumei Ting and the undead of his friend Meng Liangchen were also comforted.

Song Ci's first time out of the mountain, he made extraordinary achievements, which shocked the court and the public.

He abolished injustice and banned violence, helped the good and punished the bad, solved one difficult and mysterious case after another, and achieved the illustrious name of Song Dynasty's criminal judge!


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