The "Meicheng Mystery Case" of "The Song of the Great Song" ended in the second issue of the serialization, and Song Ci officially embarked on a legendary road to prison. 【】

In the "Meicheng Mystery Case", in addition to meticulous observation and brilliant logical reasoning, Song Ci also used forensic criminal investigation methods.

For example, by splashing the ground with vinegar and wine, large bloodstains appeared on the ground where there was no blood. This shows that this place is the place where the dead were buried after being killed.

This made a lot of book fans hooked, and they called Song Ci worthy of being the originator of the world's forensic medicine. He mastered such methods in the Song Dynasty, how can he be "handsome".

At the same time, he is looking forward to the next case.

Of course, the Internet is a very magical place. With the praise of a blockbuster, the voice of doubt, and even the voice of ridicule, is indispensable.

Song Ci's clever solution to the Meicheng mystery is not a real event in history, it is just a novel written by modern people.

Then, the magical method of splashing the ground with vinegar and wine to make bloodstains appear is not so much Song Ci's, but its author Li Fan's.

Many people questioned and even ridiculed, saying that it was inappropriate for Li Fan to use such forensic methods on the ancient Song Ci. How could Song Ci have mastered such criminal investigation methods?

Obviously, those who questioned and ridiculed only knew that Song Ci was a famous ancient person, and they didn't know much about the rest.

When they questioned, it was not necessarily because they had any opinions on Li Fan. They just thought that they had found a big flaw in Li Fan's new book, and they were a little complacent and wanted to earn some attention.

However, someone told them, "Song Ci was originally a famous forensic scientist in the Southern Song Dynasty. The Chinese and foreign forensic medical circles generally believe that Song Ci created "forensic identification science" nearly a thousand years ago, and is respected as the originator of the world's forensic medicine.

His book, "The Collection of Injustices" in five volumes, is the first systematic monograph on forensic medicine in my country and the earliest monograph on forensic medicine in the world.

Excuse me, do you still think it is inappropriate for Li Fan to use some forensic methods on Song Ci? "

As a result, those who questioned and ridiculed were naturally red-faced and died.

Without those voices of questioning and ridicule, a group of detective fans cheered and continued to discuss Song Ci's case-solving process on the Internet.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan got up from the computer and moved his body.

He has just sorted out all the 11 cases in "Da Song's Criminal Officer", and packaged them all and sent them to Tang Quan's e-mail.

For the rest, let it be serialized on "Legend" slowly. Li Fan doesn't need to worry about it anymore. He only needs to take a look on the Internet occasionally, and the comments of book fans will be fine.

In addition to "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer", the other works that are being serialized already have enough manuscripts. Li Fan does not need to code every day for the time being, and his small days are much more leisurely.


In the leisure time, the time passed day by day, and the several works that were being serialized continued to be hot.

In a blink of an eye, the serialization of the martial arts work "The Book and Sword" has ended.

At the same time, the batch of martial arts works released at the same time as "Books and Swords" have also been completed successively.

Which naturally also includes the "Meteor Sword" of Jian Yishen.

Since the outside world has been very impressed with the evaluation of "Meteor Sword", Jian Yishen has lived a very comfortable life since the serialization of "Meteor Sword".

Now that "Meteor Sword" is over, he is full of confidence and high-profile to promote his new work.

It was announced to the public that the new work will surpass "Meteor Sword" in an all-round way, and finally expressed intentionally or unintentionally that he wanted to compete with Guyong's new work.

It's just that this layer of meaning is very vague, and there are multiple interpretations, just like the previous "as always".

For Jian Yishen, it doesn't matter how obscure the meaning he wants to express.

Because, naturally, someone will clarify the hidden meaning for him, and what he needs to do is to neither admit nor deny it, everything is up to the martial arts fans to discuss at will.

And the person who made the cryptic meaning clear for him was the martial arts author of the "Unpredictable Prophet" on the Xia Fan Tribe Forum before, and his fingertips were king.

Now, in addition to the "predictable prophet", Jian Yishen also has a group of his own die-hard fans. Although the number is not large, it is enough to accomplish many things for him.

Just like some hot topics in the martial arts circle, "Jian Yishen hopes to use new works to learn a thing or two with Gu Yong, but Gu Yong avoids and does not fight."

The die-hard fans of Jian Yishen call themselves the "Jian Family Army", and they have been very active and high-profile on the Internet during this period.

This may be influenced by Jian Yishen's high-profile style, or in other words, their own style of behavior was very high-profile before.

This may be the reason why they have become fans of Jian Yishen. Jian Yishen's behavior is in line with their appetite.

They also like the feeling of acting in a high profile, which can make them feel a kind of domineering and comfortable that people stop killing people, and Buddhas stop killing Buddhas.

"Jian Yishen's new martial arts book will be serialized in "Great Martial Arts" from May 1st. This will be a masterpiece that will surpass "Meteor Sword" in an all-round way."

"Jian Yishen's works will be better than each other, unlike some people's works, which can only stay where they are."

"Jian Yishen released a new book on May 1, and countless famous martial arts masters avoided his edge and dared not publish a new book at the same time."

"Jian Yishen intends to use the new book to learn a thing or two with Gu Yong, but Gu Yong has not responded, is he afraid, or is it disdain?"

"Of course I don't dare, because now Gu Yong has no grasp of Jian Yishen's sure victory, so instead of taking the risk of losing to Jian Yishen, it is better to ignore it. In this way, there are Many people will still think that he disdains to discuss with Jian Yishen, and it is a business that is absolutely profitable."

"Actually, there is another possibility that Gu Yong is actually willing to learn from Jian Yishen. After all, he is still very conceited, and he may not be afraid of Jian Yishen. However, his creative speed cannot keep up with Jian Yishen. May 1 No, he has no new book to publish, so what will he use to learn from?"


The "Jianjia Army" are very active and high-profile. At the beginning, the rest of the neutral martial arts fans scolded them for being overconfident and a little arrogant.

But the more neutral martial arts fans scolded, the happier the "Jianjiajun" were, and even admitted that they were indeed overconfident and a little arrogant, but they just wanted to say this, who made Gu Yong not do it all the time? What about the response? It's impossible to even think about it.

Besides, they are not necessarily overconfident. It is an indisputable fact that Gu Yong's works are standing still, and the next work will certainly be of the same level.

The new work of Jian Yishen will fully surpass "Meteor Sword".

The two are changing, and Gu Yong is indeed not sure enough to win the sword.

Hearing what the "Jianjia Army" said, the neutral martial arts fans gradually became silent.

One is because the more you talk about those people, the more energetic they are, so why waste saliva and energy.

The second reason is that what "Jianjiajun" said is not completely unreasonable. Li Fan should have no certainty of winning, so he avoided it.

Because, in the hearts of a large number of neutral martial arts fans, the thorn in the heart that "Gu Yong will not be able to create better works" is still there and has never disappeared.


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