Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 809 The scenery is more beautiful than before

Sansheng Village. 【Read the latest chapter】

Li Fan also watched Jian Yishen's "Mo Dao". From an objective point of view, the beginning is still very good, and the suspense left behind is also very large, which can easily attract readers to continue reading.

If "Ji Xue Jian" didn't have the big killer like the Golden Snake Langjun, it would not necessarily be better than "Mo Dao".

After all, without the "Blood Sword" of the Golden Snake Langjun, it is indeed not very good.

However, this assumption cannot be established. If there is no Golden Snake Langjun, "Ji Blood Sword" will not be called "Ji Blood Sword", nor will it be the work of Mr. Jin Yong in the previous life.

Afterwards, Li Fan logged into the Xia Fan Tribe Forum again.

At this time, the Xia Fan Tribe Forum was very lively.

The most active is still the "Jianjia Army", who are passionately discussing the plot and characters of "Modao", and by the way, belittle "Blood Sword" from time to time.

Moreover, it is also very self-righteous to belittle. A supporting role completely steals the limelight of the protagonist, and he is also a supporting role who is not a good person. How can this be done?

Readers, all the protagonists are brought in, so only the protagonist must be awesome, and only the protagonist can stand out.

Now it's better. A supporting role who is not a good person steals the limelight of the protagonist. This is obviously because the author's pen power is not well grasped, or the author takes it for granted and does not care about the readers' feelings.

The "Jianjia Army" demeaned, and there was no pressure at all.

There is some truth to such a point of view, so there are some people who agree with it, but more people are against it.

No need for Guyong fans to come out, some neutral martial arts fans will do it first.

With only a little pen and ink, a person who is both good and evil, not a good person, writes so brilliantly, so attractively, and impressively, which is clearly because the author's writing power is very strong.

Who said supporting roles can't be in the limelight? Can't be arrogant? We like the Golden Snake Langjun, and we want to know the story of the Golden Snake Langjun.

We can also be sure that the Golden Snake Langjun will definitely be a very classic character in "Blood Sword".

It is relatively easy to write the protagonist as a classic, but to make a supporting role a classic requires the author's deep writing skills.

This rebuttal of some neutral martial arts fans is quite beautiful.

Gu Yong fans applauded, "Nice job!"

As for the "Sword Family Army", it is naturally impossible for them to die. Instead, they are more excited than before, which is the result they have always wanted.

So, they were ready to go, and they fought back.

The two sides went back and forth like this, making a good forum for fans of chivalrous tribes into chaos.

But unfortunately, there are many people who like this kind of feeling, they just need this kind of atmosphere.

Therefore, they are afraid that the world will not be chaotic to support this side for a while, and then support the other side for a while, making the entire Xia Fan Tribe Forum even more messed up.

Of course, in the forum, not all the discussions are related to "Jade Blood Sword" or "Mo Dao".

The new books of Shang Buer, Xiao Liang, and Yun Huasheng were also discussed by many people. The quality of the new books of the three of them may not necessarily be worse than "Mo Dao".

It's just that the three of them are not as high-profile as Jian Yishen, and the fans are not as arrogant as "Jianjiajun", and the work does not have any topical points with "Ji Blood Sword".

Therefore, their new book, in terms of popularity, seems to be much worse than "Mo Dao". But in terms of quality, it's not.

But some non-wuxia fans in the outside world know "Mo Dao", but they don't know their new book.

From this point of view, the high profile and arrogance of Jian Yishen and the "Jian Family Army" is also beneficial.


After a while in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum, Li Fan turned off the computer and came to the village.

It's already May, and the weather is slowly getting warmer.

However, Sansheng Village is backed by the towering Baiyun Mountain, and the village is full of green trees, small bridges and flowing water, and the geographical environment is unique.

It feels hot outside the village, but as soon as you step into the village, you will feel much cooler.

Even if you play in the village and do some light activities, you will not feel hot and very comfortable.

Therefore, compared with the previous two months, the number of tourists coming to the village has not only not decreased, but has also increased.

The scenery here is beautiful, there are many activities, the air is good, and it feels cool. There are also free lobsters, crabs and other delicious food that you can catch yourself. If you are lucky, you can also order game.

For tourists who want to go out and play in such weather, Sansheng Village is obviously an excellent choice.

Li Fan walked in the village, and he also felt that the scenery in the village became more and more beautiful.

The weather is getting hot, the trousers of the beauties are getting shorter and shorter, the hot pants and shorts are all in battle, and the long white legs are dangling in front of the eyes. This kind of scenery is obviously much more beautiful than before.

Li Fan was admiring the beautiful scenery, but the phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was an old friend, the famous poet Bai Yi.

The great poet Bai would not just call Li Fan when he was fine. He called Li Fan and there must be something wrong.

Li Fan answered the phone with some doubts.

"Haha! Brother Li, didn't I bother you?"

"Brother Bai, nothing, what's the matter?"

"Brother Li, are you free during this period? President Han and I, and Lao Liu, would like to invite you to visit the capital."

"Just for fun?"

"Cough, of course, there is a 'China-Foreign Children's Literature Exchange Summit'. As the most famous fairy tale writer and children's writer today, Mr. Li is naturally the person we most want to invite."

"'Overseas China Children's Literature Exchange Summit'? When?" Li Fan asked, but he didn't ask Bai Yi's Poetry Association, when did it take care of children's literature? Presumably Bai Yi was also dragged by others.

"From May 5th to May 8th, in addition to Brother Li, we will also invite famous children's writers such as Yang Jie and Yu Qing. We originally planned to invite Mr. Zheng, but Mr. Zheng declined, saying that you are young Enough people, he won't come to mix. Brother Li, can you come?"

"OK, no problem."

"Haha! Then I can rest assured."

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan pondered in his mind, what to hold at this time, the "International Children's Literature Exchange Summit", I wonder if it will be related to the upcoming Children's Day on June 1?

Children's Day on June 1st is an international festival. In addition to China, there are many countries that have this festival.

The "China Foreign Children's Literature Exchange", as the name suggests, is the exchange of children's literature between China and foreign countries.

Just which foreign countries? It is not known yet.

In this regard, Li Fan will naturally not refuse, which is also a good thing for him.

As for the capital, Li Fan had never been to the capital, whether it was in his past or present life.

Now, he has the opportunity to go for a walk.


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