Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 810 Childhood time

After thinking about it for a while, Li Fan turned around and left. 【Full text reading】

Before Yuanlai came, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng were drinking tea under the shade of a tree, very leisurely.

Seeing Li Fan coming, Zheng Jie smiled and said to Liang Sheng, "I just said that kid is coming soon."

Liang Sheng nodded and smiled.

Li Fan listened to what Zheng Jie said just now from a distance, and smiled as he approached, "Elder Zheng has been living such a leisurely day, no wonder he had to leave."

Zheng Jie laughed and scolded: "What are you saying, old man, I'm old, how can I stand this back and forth, but you young people should go out for more walks."

Li Fan added: "Mr. Zheng, you are obviously getting younger and younger, and even the white hair is getting less and less."

Li Fan didn't mean to say it nicely, but it was true.

Zheng Jie, Zhang Xia, including Liang Sheng and his wife who came later, are really getting younger and younger.

This is naturally due to the unique living environment and the ingredients here.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng and the others also felt the same way.

Therefore, when the two heard what Li Fan said, they both laughed and laughed very happily.

After laughing, Zheng Jie said, "Should you go, kid?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "I haven't been to the capital yet, so I just went to play."

Zheng Jie nodded and said, "There are indeed many places in the capital that are worth taking a look at. But..."

Zheng Jie said this with a straight face, and then continued: "This time at the Children's Literature Summit, some foreign children's literature writers are estimated to be bad. You have to be careful."

"Oh?" Li Fan said, "What's the situation?"

Zheng Jie smiled again and said, "Your short fairy tales, such as "The Tortoise and the Hare", "The Wolf is Coming", "Little Red Riding Hood", etc., have now been widely circulated abroad, especially in Europe. The most widespread. Its spread has even surpassed the works of some local fairy tale writers in European countries, which makes them very unconvinced. This time they should also come to the summit, and there may be a situation against you. "

Li Fan nodded,

Works such as "Race of the Tortoise and the Hare" were circulated abroad, and he naturally knew that he had received the copyright fees for those carriers.

At the same time, he is not surprised. In the previous life, those works originally came from Europe. In this world, it is natural to be popular in European countries.

As for this children's literature exchange summit, will it be targeted by some European children's writers? Li Fan doesn't think about it now, because it's useless to think about it. When the time comes, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it.

Immediately, Li Fan said: "I know, I will be careful. By the way, Mr. Zheng, will this time the children's literature summit be related to the upcoming Children's Day?"

Zheng Jie pondered: "It was specially chosen at this time, it should have something to do with it. But what does it have to do with it? It's hard to say."

Li Fan nodded, it doesn't matter if he doesn't know now, he will know at that time anyway.

After that, Li Fan chatted with the second elder for a while, and then left.

Today is May 1st, Li Fan is thinking about going to Beijing on May 3rd the day after tomorrow, tomorrow is the weekend, to spend a day with Su Qing.


The next morning, Li Fan walked slowly to the market in Longshan Township. Su Qing was not in class today, so he went to pick up Su Qing.

At 8:30 in the morning, Li Fan arrived at the Longshan Township Market, bought a breakfast for Su Qing at the market, and then came to Su Qing's dormitory.

in the dormitory.

Su Qing, who was wearing pajamas, sat in front of the dressing table and put on a little makeup, which was completely unnecessary in Li Fan's view, and the beauty was the same whether she wore it or not.

After putting on makeup, Su Qing found another pair of white hot pants and a black fashionable t-shirt, and asked Li Fan, "How about wearing this?"

Li Fan's eyes lit up and he nodded hurriedly.

Su Qing said: "Then wear this."

After he finished speaking, he hesitated for a while, his face blushed a little, and said, "You... turn around and don't look at me."

Li Fan was lying on the bed, hehe smiled and said, "It's okay, it's not that I haven't seen it."

Su Qing's face turned even redder, and she said angrily, "Don't tell me, just turn around."

"Okay." Li Fan turned helplessly on the bed.

A minute later, Su Qing said, "Okay."

Li Fan turned around and his eyes lit up again. The black fashionable tight-fitting t-shirts and white hot pants showed Su Qing's perfect figure, and her straight and slender legs made her even more imaginative.

"Does it look good?" Su Qing asked.

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's not beautiful, but I don't know what adjective to use to describe it."

Su Qing rolled her eyes at him and said, "Let's go then."

Li Fan nodded and left the school with Su Qing.


An hour later, Li Fan and Su Qing appeared by the stream in the village.

The more summer comes, the more tourists there are by the streams and ditches.

The trees on both sides of the stream ditch are shady, and the sunlight is blocked by the layers of leaves, and only some light spots can be scattered, not only it is not hot, but also very beautiful.

Especially the light spot sprinkled on the water surface floats up and down with the water waves, coupled with the reflection on the water surface, it is like a crystal clear and intoxicating.

The water in the stream ditch flows slowly, cool and clear, and the cool wind blowing from time to time brings fresh water vapor, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"It's beautiful and comfortable!" Su Qing said with great enjoyment.

Not only Su Qing, but all the tourists near the stream at this time expressed such emotion.

There are many beauties among the tourists, although they are far less than Su Qing, but they are also young and beautiful, which is very attractive.

"Did you have anything to do on June 1st?" Su Qing asked after a while.

Li Fandao: "June 1st? Isn't it Children's Day? I'm fine, what's wrong?"

Su Qing said: "Then you pay me to participate in our school's activities that day."

"What event? Those little guys' celebrations?" Li Fan said.

"It's not this school. The celebrations for our class are held on May 30th, and the holiday is June 1st. I'm talking about my university school."

"University school?" Li Fan wondered: "June 1st is a festival for other people's children. What are you going to do in college?"

Su Qing rolled her eyes at him and said, "We're not celebrating Children's Day on June 1st, we listened to what the organizer said, we want to take advantage of the opportunity of Children's Day on June 1st to let everyone reminisce about their childhood and realize that time will never come back. , and learn to cherish the time in front of you. This is organized by the school, and students who have graduated in recent years are widely invited to go back to the school to participate. My counselor in college called me to invite me in person, so I can’t postpone it.”

"So it is." Li Fan nodded, which was a good idea.

Childhood time will indeed be deeply imprinted in everyone's heart, and it is also worth recalling by everyone.

Then he said, "Okay, then I'll accompany you."


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