With beautiful women on the side, time always passed quickly. After dinner in the evening, Li Fan sent Su Qing back to school. 【No pop-up novel network】

The next day, May 3, facing the early morning sun, Li Fan got into the car to the provincial capital, and then flew from the provincial capital to the capital.

There was no words all the way. At 3 pm, Li Fan walked out of the Beijing International Airport.

In the past and present, this is the first time Li Fan has come to the capital, but there is a certain sense of freshness.

Bai Yi originally planned to come to pick up the plane, but Li Fan declined.

First, he is a junior, and second, he likes to walk around the streets of the capital alone.

This time, the "China-Foreign Children's Literature Exchange Summit" was held in a five-star international restaurant called "Weimin Hotel".

Originally, the organizer had arranged accommodation for the guests, but the time was only from May 4th to May 8th. In addition, Li Fan felt that living alone made him more comfortable.

Therefore, he declined the accommodation provided by the organizer and decided to find a hotel near the Weimin Hotel.

Therefore, Li Fan took a taxi directly from the airport to the Weimin Hotel.

After getting off the car, Li Fan looked around, chose a random direction, and walked slowly along the street.

Compared with the streets of the provincial capital and the magic capital, the streets of the capital do not seem to be different, and they seem to be different.

The same is the high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, the cars on the street, the street lights on the street, and the bustling crowd.

The difference is that it belongs to the unique charm and style of each city.

The capital also has its own unique charm and style.

About ten minutes later, a four-star hotel called "Tianfu Hotel" appeared in front of Li Fan's eyes.

Li Fan looked at it, "That's it."

Immediately, he walked into the hotel and opened a room.

10 minutes later, Li Fan came out of the hotel and checked the time. At 5:00 pm, he took a taxi to the office building of the National Poetry Association.

The three great poets Bai Yi, Han Zhong, and Liu Yuan will take care of Li Fan.


an hour later,

Downstairs of the office building of the Poetry Association.

Bai Yi, Han Zhong, and Liu Yuan laughed at the same time and said, "Brother Li, I have been fortunate all the way."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "Brother Bai, Brother Han, and Brother Liu, didn't you disturb the three?"

Bai Yi laughed and scolded: "You kid is a little out of touch."

Li Fan laughed and said, "I didn't mean to be polite."

Liu Yuan also laughed and said, "Brother Li, let's go to dinner now and chat while eating."

Li Fan nodded and said, "By the arrangement of the three brothers." After rushing for a day, he was really hungry.

The place to eat is nearby, and Bai Yi and the others have already arranged it.

In the hotel room.

The waiter put all kinds of dishes on the table one after another. Bai Yi smiled and said, "Although these dishes are far from the delicacies of Sansheng Village, they also have the characteristics of our capital. Brother Li can taste, taste, and change their tastes."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "These dishes look pretty good, they are very appetizing."

Han Zhong came in with a bottle of baijiu that was not cheap, and said with a smile, "Brother Li, can you drink it?"

Li Fan said: "Naturally, I would like to accompany the three brothers to have two drinks."

Han Zhong laughed and said, "Okay, refreshing!"

During the banquet, the four of them were staggering, the wine was good wine, the food was good food, and the four were in good spirits.

Bai Yi also told Li Fan about the details of this "China-Foreign Children's Literature Exchange Summit".

This exchange summit is jointly organized by the Chinese Writers Association and the Lanzhou Writers Association, inviting the United States, island countries, Italy and other countries to participate.

Among them, except for the host China, the United States, and the three island countries, the rest of the countries are all from Europe.

At that time, representatives of children's literature writers from various countries will gather together to conduct in-depth and friendly exchanges on the creation and promotion of children's literature. So that everyone can create better works and bring the gospel to children all over the world.

In addition, taking the opportunity of this exchange summit, several countries will jointly hold a "Hope Cup International Children's Literature Creation Competition", to send a copy to the upcoming June 1 International Children's Day and to children all over the world. precious gift.

Bai Yi was entrusted by Yu Qiu, president of the Huaguo Writers Association, and sent an invitation to Li Fan.

After hearing this, Li Fan secretly said, "It really has something to do with Children's Day on June 1."

As for the so-called in-depth and friendly exchanges, it is obviously only an official rhetoric. Li Fan does not think that such an international summit between literati can be friendly.

In addition, the country of Lan is the United Kingdom in the previous life, the United States is the United States in the previous life, and the country of Italy is Italy.

In this world, although the world map has not changed, almost all the names of the countries have changed.

After explaining the details, Bai Yi said again: "Brother Li, with your intelligence, you probably don't need to remind me of anything. However, there is something I want to say. At this exchange meeting, there should be some In response to your situation, but based on your current status in the children's literature world, we have to invite you. Therefore, I would like to ask you to bear more, and this is also the apology that President Yu asked me to express to you. "

Li Fan laughed and said: "Brother Bai has been thinking too much. This kind of thing is also very beneficial to me, and I am naturally willing to participate. I also ask Brother Bai to convey my meaning to President Yu. Speaking of which, Although President Yu and I have never met, I am very grateful to President Yu. Before, President Yu had a lot of good things to say about my works.”

After Bai Yi heard it, he also laughed and said, "Okay, I think President Yu will be very happy after hearing what you said."


At eight o'clock in the evening, the four of them walked out of the restaurant after the meal was over.

Although the four of them drank a lot of alcohol, they were not at all intoxicated.

Although Li Fan doesn't usually drink alcohol, his alcohol consumption is alright. Besides, he has a shopping mall system. As long as he wants to, he won't get drunk no matter how much he drinks.

And Bai Yi, Han Zhong, and Liu Yuan are also very good at drinking. How can poets not love wine?

Downstairs in the restaurant, Li Fan said that after turning around alone, he took a taxi back to the hotel and asked Bai Yi and the three to go home first.

Bai Yi and the three all knew Li Fan's abilities, so naturally they would not worry about Li Fan, so they all said goodbye and left.

After the three of them left, Li Fan walked slowly along the current street, ready to walk for a while to see the night view of the capital, and then took a taxi back to the hotel.

On the street at this time, there are obviously more pedestrians than during the day, and the footsteps of pedestrians are also slower than during the day.

At a crossroads, Li Fan chose a street with a lot of traffic and continued to walk forward.

This street is not the main street, the tall buildings on both sides are not that high, the street is not that wide, and there are not as many vehicles on the street.

But the pedestrians on the street are a lot more than the previous street.

At the intersection of the street, there is a tavern, Li Fan glanced at it, and the business seemed to be doing well.


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