Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 815 There are words on the ground

Chen Yu felt a pair of hands, and suddenly held his sleeve tightly. 【Full text reading】

His heart was beating wildly all of a sudden, he didn't need to turn his head to look, he knew who was holding his sleeve?

It was a feeling that he was so familiar with that he couldn't be familiar. Her scent, her breath, everything was so familiar.

Chen Yu didn't turn his head to look at her, but he knew that there must be tears in her eyes.

He wanted to help her wipe away the tears, but he didn't dare to do anything, he was afraid that she would let go of the hand holding his sleeve.

If this was the last time they were this close, he wished it had been longer.

Cheng Xiaodie looked at Yuan Qian, at Chen Yu, at Li Fan, tears had already fallen, she covered her mouth with her hand, not wanting to let herself cry.

She is indeed jealous of evil, and her temper is not small, but in the final analysis, she is also a woman like water.

Now, there are more people around than before.

The people on the outside couldn't hear the singing clearly. As soon as they got here, they saw a large group of people surrounded the street, blocking the street.

At first, they thought that something major had happened, but after a closer look, it seemed that it was not a major event.

Because the scene is very quiet, and the atmosphere has an indescribable feeling.

What's even more strange is that they saw couples or couples in the crowd doing the same thing. The woman grabbed the man's sleeve and the man put his hands in his trouser pockets.

"This friend, do you know what's going on?" Someone asked the person next to him in a low voice. Such an atmosphere made them unconsciously keep their voices low.

"Shh! Listen carefully." The person next to him replied.

"Listen carefully?" The person who asked the question was strange, but he really listened.

When I heard it, I could faintly hear a song coming.

"The parting is always in May, and the memories are the sorrows of missing.

The green weeping willow in early summer kisses my forehead.


Walk with me on the streets of Beijing,

oh oh oh

Don't stop until all the lights go out.

You will hold my sleeves and I will put my hands in my trouser pockets.

Go to the end of Yulin Road and sit at the door of the tavern.


Although it wasn't too real, they were barely able to hear it clearly, and they understood the reason for all this.

Someone sings here, a song that belongs to this city, this road, and the people on this road.

Their emotions were easily infected by this song.


Li Fan sang very deeply, but the surrounding situation did not escape his perception.

All this, he is not surprised, because this song does have such charm.

What's more, he just sat on this Yulin road and sang by himself, and his appeal to everyone was absolutely unprecedented.

After singing the song, Li Fan pressed the brim of his hat with his hand, put down the guitar, then got up and bowed slightly to the crowd in front of him.

After that, walk in one direction, walk in front of the crowd, squeeze into the crowd.

Everyone just watched Li Fan leave. Many people wanted to ask Li Fan to sing again, but I don't know why? Always feel unspeakable.

Until Li Fan squeezed into the crowd, a girl gritted her teeth and chased after him and said, "Sir, I just recorded a video of you singing, can I post it online?"

Li Fan heard the voice, looked back, smiled lightly, and said, "Yes."

After that, he turned around again and walked out of the crowd.

Cheng Xiaodie quietly followed.

After walking for a while, Li Fan took off the peaked cap and held it in his hand. Then looking back, he knew that Cheng Xiaodie was behind.

There were still some tears on Cheng Xiaodie's face.

Li Fan smiled slightly, handed Cheng Xiaodie a tissue, and said, "Are you not staying with your best friend?"

Cheng Xiaodie took the tissue and said, "Thank you, they should be able to reconcile as before. Tonight is their two-person world, and I don't need to accompany Qian Qian anymore."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Where do you live?"

Cheng Xiaodie said: "In a hotel near Beijing University, Qian Qian has not stayed at the school these days, but stayed with me in the hotel. However, Qian Qian will definitely not come to stay tonight."

Li Fan smiled and said, "What? Scared of living alone?"

Cheng Xiaodie glared and said, "I'm not afraid. If someone dares to harass me, I'll kick him and kill him."

Saying that, he also made a kick. But soon, his face turned red, and he said unnaturally: "No, I mean... I'm actually still a little scared. No, I'm not afraid..."

Cheng Xiaodie felt that she could no longer express exactly what she wanted to express.

Li Fan smiled, this hot girl also has a little woman's side, and immediately said: "Let's go, I'll take you back to the hotel."

Cheng Xiaodie blushed slightly and whispered "um".


Then look back to the place where you sang before.

Chen Yu watched the man in the peaked cap squeeze into the crowd and disappear into the crowd. He felt the familiar smell around him, the emotions of excitement and gratitude, getting stronger and stronger.

He didn't know who the man in the peaked cap was? Why sing this song for him?

But he knew that the man in the peaked cap was by no means an ordinary person. He might have just passed by by accident, but from now on, there will be legends about him on this road.

Chen Yu wanted to catch up with the man in the peaked cap to express his gratitude, but he did not do so in the end.

One is because no matter what kind of words of gratitude, they will appear pale and powerless, and he should always remember the meaning of gratitude in his heart.

Second, when the man in the peaked cap left, he waved his hand in a small arc, apparently telling him not to follow.

This made Chen Yu dare not go against it. It was already a great opportunity for such an expert from outside the world to sing a song for him. How could he dare to go against the meaning of the expert.

After Li Fan left, the people surrounding the scene did not spread out, but continued to gather here.

And one after another, there were some voices of speech and discussion.

The people in the outer circle didn't know that Li Fan had left at first. They didn't know that the mysterious man who sang had left until they heard the discussion inside.

Who is the mysterious man? Why do you sing such a song here? Why did you just sing this song and leave?

There are so many questions that everyone wants to know the answer to.

At this time, someone in the crowd recognized Chen Yu and said, "Brother, the person who sang here before seems to be you, and these equipment should also be yours. Since that person sings with your equipment, you should know Who is he?"

Chen Yu shook his head and said, "I don't know who he is? He said that he passed by here by accident and wanted to borrow my device to sing a song. Then there is the scene you see."

Hearing Chen Yu say this, everyone felt very disappointed, and another sighed: "It's a pity, we don't even know the name of a song with such a strong appeal."

The rest of the crowd also had the same emotion, and the one who felt the most regret was undoubtedly Chen Yu.

This song has a great relationship with him, but he doesn't even know the name of the song.

"What do you think that is?" Yuan Qian suddenly pointed at the ground and said.

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at the ground where Yuan Qian was pointing. People around heard Yuan Qian's voice, and they all looked at the ground.

Seeing this, everyone was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Because, there is a line of words suspected to be written in chalk on the ground, "A song "Yulin Road" is given to everyone, I hope everyone can cherish him (her) around you."


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