Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 816 The entrance of the tavern

Everyone was very surprised when they saw the words on the ground. It turned out that the song was called "Yulin Road", which is really good. 【Full text reading】

Many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures of a line of words on the ground.

Taking pictures of this sentence at this moment definitely has an extraordinary commemorative significance.

This sentence about the song title and the ground gradually spread among the crowd, and everyone was not willing to leave. The feeling and atmosphere here are so good that everyone wants to stay for a while.

Everyone felt that the soothing, warm and resonant singing voice was still lingering in their ears.

No one spoke loudly, and everyone was reluctant to spoil the atmosphere, and some were just whispers.

After a while, the crowd slowly dispersed.

Interestingly, the direction the scattered crowd left turned out to be in the same direction. At the end of this direction, there was a tavern.

Also, between couples or husband and wife, the hands still keep the same movements just now, the woman holds the man's sleeves, the man puts his hands in the pockets of his trousers, and walks slowly like this.

This makes people who have only passed this road just now, seeing so many couples doing the same thing, can't help feeling very strange, and secretly muttering in their hearts: "What's the situation tonight? Why are there so many on this road? couples, all move the same way?"


Tavern at the end of Yulin Road.

In their spare time, two tavern employees are chatting.

One of the taller employees looked at the street outside and said to another slightly fat employee, "Do you feel the street outside is a little weird now?"

The slightly fat employee listened to the taller employee's question, and also looked at the street outside, and said, "I don't think there is anything strange? What do you think is strange?"

The taller employee said, "Don't you think there are only people going to the left now? Very few people are coming from the right."

The micro-fat employee gave a "huh" and said, "After you said it, it seems that this is really the case. Logically, it should be around people coming and going. So what's going on?"

The tall employee said, "I don't know either. Maybe not many people came from the right side during this time. Although the probability of this is very small, it can only be explained in this way."

The fat employee nodded,

Then the two talked about other things, and didn't care about the strange phenomenon on the street outside.

However, it didn't take long for the two employees to suddenly feel that there were a lot of people in front of their tavern.

Their tavern is an anti-ancient building, very distinctive on several nearby streets, and the usual business is not bad.

But there have never been as many people as there are now.

What is even more strange is that these people are standing outside the tavern and do not come in.

The two employees were puzzled and walked out of the hotel door, ready to see what happened.

However, when they walked out of the hotel door, they were even more shocked.

I saw that they were in the tavern, and there were a lot of people standing where they couldn't see it. Moreover, people seem to have more and more meanings.

The most strange thing is that most of these people are couples, and then the movements of their hands are still the same.

what's going on? The two employees were stunned.

The slightly fat employee thought about it, walked to the couple closest to him, made an apologetic gesture, and said, "I'm sorry to bother you two. I want to ask, what is this?"

The man in the couple smiled slightly, and did not answer the question of the slightly fat employee, but said, "Little brother, are there any seats in there?"

Seeing that the other party didn't answer his own question, the slightly fat employee felt even more strange, but he answered quickly, "Yes, there are seats available, the two of you please."

The man nodded and walked into the pub with his girlfriend.

After this couple, more couples walked into the tavern one after another.

Of course, in addition to couples, there are also some single men and women.

The business suddenly boomed without warning, causing the slightly fat and tall employees to look at each other, completely ignorant of the current situation.

And those who don't understand the situation are far from just the fat and tall employees. Other employees in the tavern, as well as the guests who were originally in the tavern, all stared at the people who kept coming in from the door. .

The pub was not big and filled up all the seats quickly.

Only then did the tavern manager react. He walked to the door of the tavern and said apologetically, "Everyone, I'm really sorry, there are no more seats in it. How about we leave now?"

The tavern manager never imagined that one day he would let so many guests leave because the tavern had no seats.

What exactly is going on? Why are there so many guests all of a sudden?

There are several steps outside the door of the tavern. In front of the steps is a small open space, and then outside is the street.

Now, not only are the steps and the open space full of people, but there are even a lot of people standing on the streets outside.

Since it happens to be a crossroads, there are a lot of people around the entrance of the tavern, which is very eye-catching.

This caused more and more pedestrians passing by on the streets on all sides to look at the door of the tavern curiously.

"What happened to that tavern? It's too exaggerated that business is good."

"How is it possible, I often pass by here, the business of that tavern can only be considered okay, and now it is like this, it is estimated that something has happened."

"No, it doesn't look like something happened."

"Cut, you'll find out if you ask in the past."


With such thoughts in mind, more and more passersby gathered around.

Everyone at the entrance of the tavern nodded when the tavern manager said that there were no more seats, and someone said, "It's okay, if there are no seats, we'll take a look at the door and leave later."

"Take a look? What's there to see?" The tavern manager wanted to ask this question, but when the words came to his mouth, it became, "Oh, okay, all guests, please."

Then, the confused tavern manager returned to the tavern, picked up the phone and called the boss. This incident was so sudden and strange that he had to report it to the boss.

There are no seats in the tavern, and these people who came here on purpose do not feel sorry. They take a look at the entrance of the tavern, walk around, and sit for a while. It is the same for them.

After a while, some of these people who came here on purpose left one after another. They left today, but they can come again next time.

Others remain here.

Those passers-by who were attracted here quietly inquired about the reason why there are so many people here.

"I don't know. I also saw a lot of people around here, so I came to take a look."

"I don't know either. I'm also inquiring. You notice, there are many couples who act like that. I guess they should know the reason. Let's ask?"

"The reason? We just want to walk down this road and sit at the door of this pub."


"This is the reason? What do you mean?" The passers-by who had inquired clearly were still confused.


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