Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 817 What is the reason?

The passers-by who were attracted asked for a long time, but did not fully understand the specific reason, and finally had to leave helplessly. 【Full text reading】

Some people leave, and new passers-by are naturally attracted, and then they leave, and so on and so forth. The sudden popularity of this tavern at the end of Yulin Road spreads farther and farther, and more and more people know about it. .

Later, many passers-by and shop owners near Yulin Road heard about this strange thing.

Some people don't take it seriously, and their popularity suddenly explodes. It should be something the pub is doing. What's so strange.

But there are also some people who specially rushed to the door of the tavern to see what happened, just like going for a walk.

Before I got close, I saw that the popularity of the tavern really exploded. But what makes people strange is that the pub doesn't seem to be doing anything, so why did the popularity suddenly explode?

This question grows in the minds of many people.


Xu Liqiang, the owner of the tavern, was surprised when he received a call from the tavern manager.

It's a good thing that the tavern's business is good, but this kind of sudden explosion is not necessarily a good thing.

So many people suddenly appeared at the entrance of the tavern, it is very likely that it was planned.

So, what is the purpose of the planners? Is his target a pub or something?

These issues must be clarified.

Therefore, after receiving the call, Xu Liqiang was not only not surprised, but rather worried.

He rushed to the tavern as soon as possible, and after seeing the crowd gathered at the entrance of the tavern, he became even more worried.

Walking into the tavern, Xu Liqiang asked the tavern manager who were the guests who came in when the popularity was overwhelming.

Then he took two glasses of today's special wine, walked to a man in his thirties, and said with a smile, "Friend, can I sit here?"

The man looked at Xu Liqiang, smiled lightly, and nodded.

After the two talked for a while, the man smiled and said, "There is a reason. Someone just sang a song on Yulin Road, and everyone came here because of this song."

"Just because of a song?" Xu Liqiang was surprised,

What kind of song can have such a big impact?

The man looked at Xu Liqiang in disbelief, and said, "Boss, don't believe it, you should be able to see the video later if you go online later, and then you will understand naturally. Boss, your business in this tavern will be in the future. , I'm afraid it will be much better than before, so congratulations."

Xu Liqiang was still a little unconvinced, but he said, "Thank you, thank you for your friend's good words. In this way, in the future, all your friends' purchases here will be discounted by 20%, whether you are alone or with your friends."

The man looked at Xu Liqiang, did not refuse, smiled and said, "Then, thank you boss."

Xu Liqiang also smiled and said: "It should be, friends don't need to care."

Afterwards, Xu Liqiang said goodbye to the man.

Although he still had doubts in his heart, he was relieved after all, as long as someone didn't deliberately target the tavern.

"How's it going, boss?" asked the tavern manager.

Xu Liqiang said: "It is because someone sang a song on Yulin Road outside. These people came to the tavern after listening to the song."

The tavern manager wondered: "Can one song bring people to our tavern?"

Xu Liqiang said: "I also don't believe it, but the person just said that there should be a related video on the Internet later, we can see it at a glance."

The tavern manager said, "Video? Is it true or false?"

Xu Liqiang said: "Let's see later, there must be a reason for so many people suddenly appearing in our tavern. I just don't know if it's really just because of a song?"

Although the two do not believe it, they can't find any other reason now, so they can only watch the video later.


A city-wide forum in Beijing.

"I just passed by Yulin Road by accident, and saw that a tavern at Yulin intersection is booming, and there are a lot of people standing outside. Does anyone know about this tavern? The business has always been so good?"

"The pub at Yulin intersection? I know, I live near Yulin Road. I've been there a few times. The style is very distinctive and antique. However, the business can only be considered good, how could it be so good?"

"It's really good. I saw it when I just passed by, and I took a few photos."

"Really? Then you post the photo and everyone can take a look."

"No problem, I'll post it right away, let's see."

"Damn it! It's unscientific. I've lived here for so long. When has the business of this tavern been so good? Could it be some kind of activity?"

"It didn't look like he was engaged in activities. When I passed by, I simply inquired about it, but I didn't ask the reason."

"This Nima is really weird, unscientific, unscientific."


The popularity of the same city forum is very high, and there will be many people active in the forum at any time.

Many people know about Yulin Road and the tavern at the end of Yulin Road, and many people have passed by Yulin Road, and many people have been to that tavern.

Therefore, when someone broke out on the forum that the Yulin Road Tavern was doing well tonight, it quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"Looking at the photo, it's really the pub. In this situation tonight, shouldn't a certain star appear in the pub?"

"No, if it's a certain star, I can easily find out when I pass by."

"What's the reason for that? Today's specialty wine is very attractive? It's not very likely."

"The business suddenly boomed. There must be a reason. What is the reason? I'm a little itchy now, and I just want to know the reason."


Obviously, everyone doesn't care about the booming business of the tavern. What everyone cares about is the reason why the business of the tavern suddenly boomed.

It's just that everyone is just guessing, and no one can say the reason for sure.

This made everyone's heart itch even more, and their desire to know the real reason became even stronger. Before I figured out the reason, I always felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

At this time, a sudden post made everyone's eyes light up.

"It turns out that the sudden explosion of the tavern business at Yulin intersection tonight has attracted the attention of so many people.

Everyone seems very eager to know why. So, let me tell you the real reason.

The following is a video, after everyone watched it, everything will be clear. It's just a pity that this video is not complete, and it was not recorded for a long time at the beginning.

However, it is enough to let everyone understand the real reason. "


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