Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 823 Children's Fantasy Literature

Gesen could understand the simple Chinese. After listening to Li Fan, Gesen did not continue to say anything, but smiled and nodded and returned to his seat. 【Read the latest chapter】

On the surface, the two greeted each other happily and friendly.

After Gesen left, Li Fan also sat down again, and Yang Jie whispered, "Brother Li, I think that Gesen deliberately used Bai language, you should pay more attention to that guy."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, no matter what language he uses."

Yang Jie nodded, and added, "Anyway, there's no harm in paying more attention."

Li Fan nodded and said, "I will pay more attention."


As one of the host countries of this summit, Lan Guo has ten children's writers who came to the scene today.

In addition to fairy tales, Lan Guo's children's studies are also known for children's poetry and fantasy.

Jim is one of the representative writers of Languo children's fantasy, and he is also the leader of Languo writers this time.

Of course, fairy tales and fantasy have a lot in common.

After all, fairy tales are often "fantasy".

However, there are differences between the two, mainly in the form of performance.

Jim and others naturally saw the fact that Gesen went to say hello to Li Fan just now.

A writer named Clark next to Jim said: "Jim, whether it's Gesen, Li Fan, and Anderin and others over there, they will all be our strong opponents."

Jim smiled lightly and said, "Clarke, don't worry, as far as fairy tales are concerned, they are indeed as good as us, or even slightly better. However, children's studies are not only about fairy tales, our children's fantasy studies are definitely among the best in the world. In the front, Gesen, Li Fan, Anderin and others will not be the opponents of our children's fantasy.

It's just that our children's fantasy studies have not yet opened up in China and Asia. Asia is a populous continent. In addition to China, a super populous country, other neighboring countries also have a lot of population. This is a very attractive market.

And this exchange summit is an excellent opportunity for us to open up the Chinese and Asian markets. This is also the most important reason why we strive to co-host this exchange summit with China. "

Listen to Jim say this,

Clark and the other representatives of Lan Guo writers all had hot eyes, Clark said: "It is true, Jim, this time we want to let the young children of China be conquered by our fantasy, and completely open up this very tempting market."


In addition to the representatives of writers from the three countries of Dan, Bai, and Lan, there was also a representative of writers from one country that was quite hostile to Li Fan, and that was the representatives of writers from the island country.

In addition to the two countries, China and the island country, which are not so friendly in the first place, but also because of the "comic battle" between the island country Junichi Takano and Li Fan last time.

Junichi Takano returned home in disarray due to his complete defeat. Although the writer circle of the island country didn't say anything on the surface, there was still quite a bit of resentment in their hearts.

On the one hand, the resentment in their hearts was against Junichi Takano, but mainly against Li Fan.

Now that they are in the same room again, it is not difficult to understand that the representative writers of the island country are hostile to Li Fan.

However, the writer representatives of the island country also know that they are really not Li Fan's opponents when it comes to fairy tales.

Therefore, they pinned the hope that embarrassed Li Fan on Dan, Bai, Lan and other countries.

Shangchuan Jinxiu was the leader of the island country's writer representatives this time. At this time, he was whispering to the island country's writer representatives: "This time we will focus on learning at the exchange summit. As for Li Fan, everyone can rest assured that he will not will have a great time.

According to the information I got, Lan Guo intends to use the opportunity of this exchange summit to enter their children's fantasy into the Chinese market.

Although children's fantasy has something to do with fairy tales, it is still different after all. Li Fan is definitely not good at children's fantasy.

In this way, as long as Lan Guo's children's fantasy studies, it can set off a frenzy in the Chinese country's market. Li Fan, the first person to study children in China, will definitely feel embarrassed, and maybe some people will take this as a chapter, saying that he is the first person to study children in China, but he is not even good at children's fantasy. To learn the position of the first person, I am afraid that some of them are not worthy of the name.

This is certainly a bit arrogant, but as long as some people think this way, there will be no less criticism, and how can Li Fan live comfortably. "

Hearing what Shangchuan Jinxiu said, the writers and representatives of the island country lit up, they all felt very reasonable, and they felt very happy.


In the writer's lounge, representatives of writers from various countries whispered and talked in a low voice.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a process worker walked into the writers' lounge and said, "Dear writers, the time has come, please follow me into the venue."

He speaks Lan, this simple daily communication Lan, which is basically understood by writers and representatives of various countries. Even if there is something you don't understand, someone is always there to translate it.

Writers from various countries got up one after another and walked out of the lounge one after another.

Before entering the venue, you need to walk a red carpet. At the end of the red carpet is the interview area, where some media reporters are waiting.

In this summit, the organizer invited a media in each country participating in the summit to conduct interviews and reports on the related matters of the summit.

The rest of the media were refused entry to the venue.

Therefore, this time there are ten media teams from ten participating countries.

Only representatives of writers are eligible to walk the red carpet, and the writers either walk in the courtyard, or walk through the red carpet one by one with a little nervousness.

This is the first time for Li Fan to walk on the red carpet. Apart from feeling a little soft, there is no other special feeling.

After walking the red carpet, it is an interview area. The media can invite the people they think are the most valuable to interview here.

Anderin, Gesen, Jim and others were all invited to be interviewed, and Li Fan was naturally also invited.

The representative media of Huaguo is a media under CCTV, Huaxia Youth Newspaper, and the newspaper published is called "Youth News".

The reporter is a 30-year-old, very temperamental beauty named Ran Ying.

Ran Ying first congratulated Li Fan for another new song that became popular on the Internet, and then asked a few simple questions. The two seemed to have become familiar with Li Fan's feelings about the capital in an instant.

After that, Ran Ying began to ask some questions related to the summit.

Since the summit has not yet started, the questions asked by Ran Ying are all official questions.

This fellow Li Fan also gave a high-sounding answer.

After the interview, Li Fan entered the venue, and the summit was about to officially start.



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