Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 824 1-dimensional world and 2-dimensional world

in the venue. 【Read the latest chapter】

On the wall behind the rostrum are the logos of the two organizers, the Chinese Writers Association and the Languo Writers Association.

Yu Qiu, president of the Chinese Writers Association, Laluf, the president of the Languo Writers Association, and representatives of other writers' associations from other countries also sat on the rostrum.

In front of the podium, the seats of representatives of writers from various countries are divided by region.

Li Fan found the area where the representatives of Chinese writers were located, and found that each seat had the names of the writers written on the label deck, and each writer only needed to be seated.

Li Fan found his place, with Yang Jie on his left and a children's prose writer named Lin Jingshu on his right.

It didn't take long for all the writers to enter the venue and take their seats.

Ten news media also entered the venue, each looking for their ideal shooting location within the specified area.

After everything is ready, the exchange summit officially begins.

Under the auspices of the host, the host, Yu Qiu, president of the Chinese Writers Association, spoke first.

Yu Qiu first extended a warm welcome to the arrival of representatives of writers from various countries, representatives of the publishing industry, and the rest of the staff.

Yu Qiu speaks Chinese, and every time he speaks, a translator will translate it into Lan.

After translating into Lan, each country's own translators will translate Lan into their own language.

Subsequently, Yu Qiu made a more detailed clarification on the purpose of this summit and other aspects.

After Yu Qiu, Raluf, president of the Languo Writers Association, spoke.

Raluf said that he was very honored to be able to co-host this event with China. He hoped that the writers and representatives of various countries would express their opinions and communicate boldly in the next exchange meeting. Better works bring the Gospel to the youth and children of this world.

After La Ruf, representatives of writers' associations from other countries also spoke, expressing that they were very honored to be invited by the organizer and willing to dedicate their strength to children's literature in this world.

Anyway, it is a happy and harmonious situation.

After the representatives of the Writers Association,

It is also the representative of writers from various countries to speak.

Anderin, Gesson, Jim, Kamikawa Jinxiu and others made speeches one after another, and the content of their expressions was also the same as hello, hello, hello, everyone.

It was Yang Jie who spoke on behalf of Chinese writers.

Originally, the Chinese Writers Association and Yang Jie himself hoped that Li Fan could speak as a representative writer.

It's just that Li Fan doesn't like this way of speaking very much. Besides, Yang Jie's speech as a representative is actually more suitable than Li Fan's. The qualifications are there, Li Fan is still too young after all.

After the speeches of all parties, the exchange summit can be regarded as the real start.

This time the exchange summit was held for four days and was divided into multiple sections.

Including, short fairy tales, long fairy tales, children's poetry, children's prose, children's fantasy literature and so on.

This morning's main section is children's fantasy literature.

The reason why the first section is children's fantasy literature has something to do with Lan Guo as one of the organizers of this summit.

Therefore, the representative writers of Lan Guo all showed a trace of pride on their faces.

They have great ambitions for this summit, that is, to enter their country's children's fantasy literature into the Chinese market.

Then, through the market in China, it radiates into the markets of other Asian countries, so that they can eat the Asian market that they have coveted for a long time.

Then, the first section of this summit is children's fantasy literature, which is undoubtedly very beneficial to Lan Guo's plan, and it is also a good start.

Jim, the leading writer of Languo, said first: "When it comes to children's fantasy literature, I think our Languo is undoubtedly one of the countries with the most say. Here, I'll start by throwing some bricks and talking about our Languo's fantasy of children. understanding of literature."

Since Jim has said so, naturally no one will object. It's just that the brows of Gesen, Anderin and the others wrinkled slightly, but they quickly relaxed again.

On the other hand, the representative writers of the island country headed by the above Sichuan Jinxiu were beaming with joy. This was exactly what they were looking forward to. They did not expect to come so soon.

With a thoughtful look on Yang Jie's face, she whispered, "Brother Li, children's fantasy literature is a new genre of children's literature that has only been formed in recent years. It seems to be developing very well in Europe, especially in Lanzhou. In my country, it is even more famous for children's fantasy literature. But in our country, it has not yet developed. The writers in our country don't seem to know much about fantasy literature. Does brother Li know anything about this fantasy literature?"

Li Fan smiled and said in a low voice: "Fantasy literature and fairy tales actually have a lot in common. In a broad sense, fairy tales actually belong to fantasy literature. However, since fantasy literature can form a new genre of children's literature , that of course also has its special features. Its special features are also the charms of its attracting readers.”

"What's special?" Yang Jie asked quickly, "What's special?"

Li Fan nodded and continued: "The so-called specialness is also one of the biggest differences between fantasy literature and fairy tales. That is, the world of fairy tales is one-dimensional, while the world of fantasy literature is two-dimensional, even It's multidimensional."

"One-dimensional? Two-dimensional?" Yang Jie pondered these two words in her heart, and smiled bitterly: "Brother Li, this doesn't seem easy to understand."

Li Fan smiled and said again: "It is indeed a little difficult to understand, but I will give an example to illustrate, it will be easy to understand.

First of all, the world of fairy tales is one-dimensional. For example, in a story called "The Frog and the Girl" by Brother Yang, the little girl didn't find it strange at all when she saw that the frog could talk, just like a frog and a human being able to talk, which is very normal. This is the so-called one-dimensional world.

As for fantasy literature, if a little girl encounters a talking frog, she will be very shocked and incredible.

Because, in the world that the little girl knows, frogs or other animals cannot speak.

Now, the frog can talk, but there is still a world that the little girl doesn't know on the surface. This is the two-dimensional world of fantasy literature.

Of course, this is just an example of mine, fantasy literature is generally not so simple.

In addition, for fantasy literature, it is generally narrated in a realistic way, describing events as if they really happened. "

Hearing Li Fan's example, Yang Jie quickly understood and immediately praised: "I didn't expect Brother Li to have such a thorough understanding of fantasy literature. It's no wonder that Brother Li has achieved such achievements at such a young age."


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