The last physical book cooperation of "Three Character Classic" gave Li Fan a good impression of Chongwen Publishing House. 【No pop-up novel network】

This time, Ye Honghui came to the door again, and showed enough sincerity. Li Fanzi would not be hypocritical, and the cooperation between the two parties was reached so happily.

Li Fan was also in a good mood, saying that if Ye Honghui didn't rush back today, he would invite him to dinner at night.

Ye Honghui readily agreed, saying that the last time he came to Sansheng Village in a hurry, he didn't take a good look at the beauty of Sansheng Village. This time, he must take a good look around the village.

The time to enjoy the beautiful scenery always passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is night.

Li Fan invited Ye Honghui to eat at Xianyuanlou, and the food and wine made Ye Honghui drunk and squinted.

To put it bluntly, this is definitely the best dish he has ever eaten and the most delicious wine he has ever drank in his life.

The next morning, Ye Honghui left.


In the next few days, Li Fan stopped and wrote. By May 18, the Chinese version of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" had been fully coded, and the Lan version had also been coded.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts for this competition is the 22nd of this month, but the time to meet the readers will have to wait until the 28th.

This is mainly because the publication of physical books requires a series of processes, which can only be published and sold after the approval of the review and the approval of the issue number.

The time for this process is very short, mainly because of the Writers Associations of various countries. Otherwise, it doesn't necessarily take much longer.

However, although "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is temporarily unavailable to readers, today, there are fantasy literature works that can be met with readers and friends in China.

That is, Lan Guo, Dan Guo, and Bai Guo, several fantasy literature works jointly published by the three countries and the Early Rain Publishing House in China.

There are a total of four books, two of which are from Lan Guo, namely Jim's "Fantasy Space", and another fantasy writer, Chuter's "My Back Garden".

The other two are "Hogson and His Companions" by Leidone, a Danish fantasy writer. And, the fantasy literature writer of Baiguo, Antar's "Wandering Boy".

These four works are all published by Early Rain Publishing House and are sold in bookstores all over the country.

Since this time about,

"Li Fan used fantasy literature to participate in the competition" has been making a lot of noise on the Internet.

Today, these four fantasy literature works are on sale, and they are very interesting.

Therefore, the bookstore owners are not worried about not being able to sell, maybe the sales will be good.

And it's true, and it's far better than the bosses hoped.

Originally, children's fantasy literature should only be interested in young children, or only minors.

But today, the people who go to major bookstores to buy books are far more than minors. A large number of adults also enter the bookstores to choose to buy one or more books.

Sure, some of them are buying for their kids, but most are buying for themselves.

They are adults, but they decided to take a look today, the kind of work that minors like to watch.

There are two main reasons for this. First, they want to take a look at the children's fantasy literature that makes Jim, Gerson and others so complacent. What kind of stuff is it?

Second, they want to have a bottom line in their hearts so that they can judge whether Li Fan can create an excellent fantasy literature?

Therefore, the four fantasy literary works released today have become popular all over the country.

The owners of the bookstores were all smiles, and Amity Publishing House was even more excited. All four works were selling well, enough to make them a lot of money.

Han Feng and Huang Zhaoyang of Early Rain Publishing House are undoubtedly the most excited.

Because, the cooperation with Jim and others, but they negotiated, with the hot sales of the four works, praised by the superiors and generous bonuses, that is a sure thing.

Moreover, the cooperation they have negotiated is not limited to these four works.

On the day of the summit, after they approached Li Fanguo to buy the publishing rights and failed, they went to Jim and others, and successfully won the exclusive publishing rights of Jim and others' entries and published in China.

At that time, it will definitely make a lot of money again.

Therefore, Han Feng and Huang Zhaoyang were very excited. At noon, they ate and drank in a restaurant.

Han Feng said: "Old Huang, I heard that the agreement between Chongwen Publishing House and Li Fan's entries is still 8%?"

Huang Zhaoyang nodded and said, "It shouldn't be wrong." Then he sneered again, and continued: "Then Chongwen Publishing House is just stupid, I don't know if I wait a few more days to find Li Fan, then there will be absolutely no need to pay, 8 The high price of the percentage share.”

Han Feng said: "We deliberately leaked Li Fan's conditions at the beginning, just because we didn't want other publishing houses to go to Li Fan again, but who knew that Chongwen Publishing House couldn't wait to run over. This is our miscalculation."

Huang Zhaoyang sneered again and said, "It doesn't matter, Chongwen Publishing House doesn't lose money even if he is lucky if he earns 8 percent of the share. It is true that Li Fan's entry, no matter how badly written, will have a certain amount of sales. This is undeniable. This is why we are willing to cooperate with him. But the price must not be too high, otherwise, let alone making money, there is no guarantee that it will not lose money.”

Han Feng said: "Maybe it was the "Three Character Classic" that they collaborated with last time, which made Chongwen Publishing House make a mistake in the judgment, thinking that no matter what works Li Fan produces, he can make so much money."

Huang Zhaoyang said: "It's typical to only look at fame, not the work itself. If Li Fan can come up with another work like "Three Character Classic", or a long fairy tale, let alone 8%, it's 10 or 11. We are also willing to give it, but unfortunately this time it is a fantasy literature work. Look at it, after Jim and his works are released today, after everyone has read them, they will have a comparison in their hearts, and will only be more disappointed with Li Fan's fantasy literature works. It's lower than we had previously estimated."

Han Feng's eyes lit up, and he said, "Then do you think Chongwen Publishing House will regret it?"

Huang Zhaoyang said: "Then who knows? Forget it, what are they doing? Come and drink!"

Han Feng said: "Okay, drink!"


The news that four works such as "Fantasy Space" are selling well in China today also quickly spread to the ears of the four authors, Jim, Chutl, Ledoni and Antar.

The four authors are all very excited. Their works are selling well in China, which is undoubtedly the most important step for them to enter the Asian market with fantasy literature.

In addition, they also participated in this competition with fantasy literature works.

Now, their previous works are selling well in China, which undoubtedly gave Li Fan a slap in the face. Maybe Li Fan will be greatly affected by this, and the works created are worse than they imagined.

This is undoubtedly another exciting thing.


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