Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 841 Changes in Mentality

During this time, everyone who has been following this children's literature creation competition is very concerned about the four fantasy literature works released today. 【No pop-up novel network】

Even those who didn't go to the bookstore to buy and read books are always paying attention to the situation on the Internet. They know that there will definitely be a lot of discussions about Li Fan and fantasy literature on the Internet today.

Of course it is.

In the afternoon, related discussions on the Internet began to appear slowly, and as time passed, the popularity became higher and higher.

The people who danced the most and were the most excited were the members of the "Lafan Dismounting" alliance.

Led by Lin Zhong, the founder of the alliance, most of the people in the alliance went to the bookstore today and bought one or two books of fantasy literature.

After watching it at home, one by one became more excited. In their view, although fantasy literature has something in common with fairy tales, the actual difference is not small.

The main difference is the one-dimensionality of fairy tales and the two-dimensionality of fantasy literature.

That is, in fantasy literature, fantasy world and real world exist at the same time, and they slide parallel to each other.

These things, the members of the "Lafan Dismounted" alliance, had a vague understanding of them before, but after seeing a real fantasy literature today, they have been able to understand it very clearly.

It is precisely because of this that they believe that the possibility of Li Fan creating excellent fantasy literature has become smaller than before.

Because, for a fairy tale writer who has never created fantasy literature, it is extremely easy to confuse the two in the first creation, making the created works, fairy tales are not fairy tales, and fantasy literature is not fantasy literature, which is laughable and generous.

Even Li Fan is the same, unless after many attempts to create, it is possible to create a real and excellent fantasy literature.

But time obviously does not allow Li Fan to do this.

Therefore, the members of the "Lafan Dismount" alliance are more excited than before.

In their own internal group, they excitedly released their emotions one by one, imagining their relaxed mood when Li Fan's works were laughable and generous, and they were looking forward to it.

However, they are on the Internet, that must be another story.

"Haha! I went to buy a copy of "Fantasy Space" today to see,

Discovering the so-called fantasy literature is nothing but a piece of cake for Mr. Li Fan. "

"That's right. I also bought a copy today to read. That's it. Compared with Mr. Li Fan's work, it's far worse. Mr. Li Fan's first place in this competition is guaranteed."

"Absolute number one, I always believed that Mr. Li Fan would be number one, and now I believe it even more."

"Haha! Let's start preparing to celebrate now, Mr. Li Fan is sure to win."

"Friends, let's wait for the good news that Mr. Li Fan brings us."


Due to the excitement of the members of the "Lafan Dismount" alliance, such a voice once became a mainstream voice on the Internet.

This made Li Fan's fans secretly anxious, but there was no good solution.

They can't always express opinions like "Li Fan is very dangerous", "Li Fan is very likely to lose", "Li Fan's fantasy literature is estimated to have many problems".

In this battle, Li Fan's fans have always been in a passive position, which makes them feel very aggrieved.

Fortunately, there are still many netizens who are not infected by the passion without those people.

"Damn it! Those guys are full of passion, are they so confident in Mr. Li Fan's fantasy literature?"

"Then who knows? However, after watching "Fantasy Space" today, I feel less and less confident."

"Me too, I feel that the way of expression of fantasy literature is very different from fairy tales. It is the first time that Mr. Li Fan has created fantasy literature. If there is something that cannot be handled properly, it is actually normal."

"By the way, today is the 18th. Mr. Li Fan's fantasy literature should be almost finished, right? I just don't know how the quality is?"

"The deadline for submission is the 22nd, and it should be almost finished by this time. In that case, let's wait until the 28th to see it. No matter how much we discuss now, it will be useless, and we will not be able to bring help to Mr. Li Fan. "

"That's true, but I still hope that Mr. Li Fan can surprise us again. After all, Mr. Li Fan often surprises us."

"We all have expectations! However, everyone's expectations should not be too high, so as not to be disappointed in time."


Due to the release of four fantasy literature works such as "Fantasy Space" today, many Chinese netizens have a more vivid understanding of what is real fantasy literature?

Everyone's mentality has also changed. The members of the "Lafan Dismount" alliance are more excited, Li Fan's fans are more worried, and ordinary netizens are even more unconfident.

And this change in mentality, obviously, will continue for some time.


Sansheng Village, fate comes first.

Zheng Jie put down a "Fantasy Space" in her hand and said to Li Fan: "This kind of fantasy literature can indeed enrich the diversity of children's literature, especially for older teenagers, it will be somewhat attractive. It really should have developed the genre.”

Li Fan nodded and said: "In a sense, fantasy literature can be said to be a breakthrough in fairy tales, which naturally has very important significance. This children's literature creation competition is an opportunity for us to develop fantasy literature."

Zheng Jie nodded and said, "Let our country's children's literature authors, especially newcomers, take advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with fantasy literature. Perhaps, our country's fantasy literature writers will spring up like mushrooms after a rain."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It should be predictable. Geniuses, the world has never lacked. Besides, it is not only geniuses who can create good works."

Zheng Jie said: "However, in order for all this to go smoothly, it is best to have a premise."

Li Fandao: "The fantasy literature of my entry this time must be excellent enough and have a large enough impact, so that our children's literature writers and countless readers can see that our own fantasy literature works are no worse than others. ."

Zheng Jie smiled and said, "You kid seems very confident."

Li Fan also smiled and said, "When have you ever seen me not confident?"

Zheng Jie said again: "However, don't take it lightly."

Li Fan nodded and said, "This is natural. Be careful with the Wannian Ship."

Zheng Jie: "..."

Li Fan: "..."


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