Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 844 Deeply attracted by the introduction

When everyone saw that the door of the bookstore had been opened, their eyes lit up at the same time. Although they were apprehensive, they were even more looking forward to it. 【Full text reading】

Therefore, as soon as the door opened, everyone stopped talking and walked into the bookstore together.

As soon as he entered the store, someone asked impatiently, "Boss, you should have the fantasy literature that Mr. Li Fan used for the competition, right?"

The boss was a man in his 30s. When he opened the door, he saw a group of people not far away, so he guessed that those people should be coming for Li Fan's new book.

Now it seems that his guess is correct, and he immediately smiled: "Of course there is, it is on the booth on your right."

Li Fan's new book was delivered to the library last night. After it was delivered, the boss brought a batch to the bookstore overnight, and used a booth to display it. The reason is that as soon as the door opens today, you can start selling directly.

Judging from the current situation, the preparations made by the boss last night are obviously very necessary.

Although most people are not confident in Li Fan's new book, the boss is not too worried about sales.

Although everyone is not confident, there should be many people who come to buy books.

Of course, the sales volume is not expected to be too optimistic, so the boss entered a relatively conservative number, 3,000 copies.

According to the boss's estimate, there should be no problem with the 3,000 copies sold out.

There were about 20 readers who entered the store, and they all looked to the right with hope after listening to the boss saying that the booth was on the right.

The release of Li Fan's new works this time is different from the previous one, aside from the direct sale of physical books this time, the biggest difference.

This time, everyone doesn't even know the name of Li Fan's new work, only that it belongs to children's fantasy literature.

Therefore, all the elements of Li Fan's new book are surprises in the eyes of readers.

For readers with poor eyesight, the first impression is that the book seems to be relatively thick, and it seems that the number of words should be quite large.

The second feeling is that the style of the cover is more dreamy, with orange red as its main color.

But readers with good eyes read the title directly, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone."

After that, whether it is a reader with good eyes or a reader with bad eyes,

All hurried to the booth.

Soon, the booth was surrounded by readers. This booth is full of this book called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Everyone looked at the cover carefully. The overall style of the painting was dreamy, with orange-red tones as the main color. At the center of the picture was a boy who looked a little weird at first glance.

The boy was about twelve or thirteen years old, with a thin face and a pair of black round-rimmed glasses. The hair is black and somewhat messy, while the eyes are emerald green and look a little weird.

And the most bizarre thing is that the boy was riding on a broom and was in a state of flying off the ground.

Above the boy is the title of the book, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

Everyone looked at the cover and discussed in a low voice.

"'Harry Potter', it sounds like a person's name, it should be the protagonist, but it should also be the boy on the cover. However, this kid is flying in the air on a broom, what is it? Happening?"

"There are reports that Mr. Li Fan's work this time is based on the Western world. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. The name 'Harry Potter' and the face of the child on the cover are obviously Western elements."

"Well, that's true. When Junichi Takano from the island country challenged Mr. Li Fan for comics, Mr. Li Fan used the island country as the background to create Slam Dunk. Now, Jim from Nalan country is in trouble again, I guess , Mr. Li Fan is very likely to use their Lan Kingdom as the background this time."

"Haha! It's very possible, but I don't know if this work will be like Slam Dunk, and it will beat the basketball boy of Takano Junichi to the ground."

"It's hard to say now. It's actually quite risky for Mr. Li Fan to choose Lan Guo as the background to create his works. If he wins that Jim, it will naturally be glorious, but if he loses, it is estimated that he will be caught by Lan Guo readers. The ridicule can't stop."

"I was really worried before, but now, after seeing the cover of this book, I feel inexplicably that this time Mr. Li Fan is going to give us another surprise."

"I wipe! I feel the same way, and I suddenly don't seem to be worried or uneasy now."

"Listen to you, I seem to feel the same way, I'll wipe it! Could it be that this cover has magic power?"

"I don't know if there is magic, but it is true."

"Magic? What magic?"

"I'll wipe it! Why are you still staring at the cover? Open the book and take a look at the introduction!"


A word to surprise the dreamer, those who have been staring at the cover, then remembered that they did not have time to read the text here, but they can read the introduction of the book first.

So, they hurriedly turned to the introduction of the book.

Well, it is indeed an introduction, very "simple".

"After losing his parents, one-year-old Harry Potter came to his aunt's house and lived an extremely miserable life.

It wasn't until his eleventh birthday that Harry's life changed when he received a mysterious letter and was invited to a place called 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry'.

Harry found magic everywhere, he found friends, learned magic, played Quidditch on a broomstick, and got an invisibility cloak. It is a pleasure to live here.

But a mysterious Philosopher's Stone appears, which will be related to the present and future of the world, and Voldemort is eyeing the Philosopher's Stone.

Harry shoulders the responsibility of protecting the Philosopher's Stone, defeating Voldemort, and saving the world."

The introduction is not long, and I finished it quickly, but the hearts of all readers are beating wildly.

"I wipe!

Magic school? Can you learn magic?

Can you ride a broom? Is that the one the kid on the cover is riding?

Mysterious Philosopher's Stone?

Invisibility cloak?

Voldemort? Villain? Sounds like it's pretty cool.

That kid is going to protect the Philosopher's Stone? Still fighting Voldemort? "

After reading the introduction, the readers are not calm. The things mentioned in the introduction are very attractive to them.

"I seem to have been drawn to this book."

"I originally thought that this kind of thing for teenagers was not attractive to me. I came to buy books today purely for Mr. Li Fan. But now, I feel that I have a strong **."

"Is this Mr. Li Fan's fantasy literature? What's the content like? It's hard to say now, but this introduction is indeed very attractive."


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